

Research on Demo Applications for Forest Spatial Data Platform Techniques

【作者】 李世明

【导师】 李增元;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 森林经理学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着地理信息系统、遥感和全球定位系统等地理空间信息技术在林业中的广泛应用,各个林业资源调查、管理、研究部门积累了大量不同数据格式的林业空间数据,并建立了一批业务运行系统、信息管理系统和空间数据库。这些系统通常都是运行相对独立、空间数据的数据结构和数据存储方式也不相同。由于缺乏统一的规划与协调,系统之间缺乏互操作能力,形成了一个个“数据孤岛”,各个部门的数据不能实现有效共享与集成。快速集成与共享不同来源、不同格式的林业空间数据对于林业可持续发展、决策分析具有重要意义。计算机技术的迅速发展,特别是Web服务技术的出现,为不同来源、格式的林业空间数据的共享与集成提供了可能。本研究通过对林业空间数据共享现状、各种异构空间数据共享与互操作方法、Web服务技术、开放地理空间Web数据服务规范等内容的深入研究,提出了基于OGC Web服务的林业空间数据平台框架,为数据提供者与数据需求者之间架起合作与沟通的桥梁。论文的主要内容如下:(1)对林业空间数据共享与集成的相关技术基础进行总结与分析。回顾、分析了地理信息系统体系结构的发展、网络地理信息系统的实现技术及其特点与不足、GIS空间数据管理方式和互联网标识语言的发展。(2)深入研究分析了异构空间数据共享与集成方法、Web服务技术及其体系结构、开放地理空间联盟(OGC)的Web服务框架和数据服务规范、林业空间数据GML应用模型等构建林业空间数据平台框架的关键技术。(3)提出了基于OGC Web服务的林业空间数据平台框架。该数据平台框架的数据网络层次结构为四级:国家级、省级、地区级和县级。各个节点负责管理自己范围内的空间数据,并将数据服务统一注册到中央数据注册服务器。用户可以方便地查找相关的数据服务,实现不同来源、异构林业空间数据的访问与集成。(4)利用开源软件构建遵循OGC开放标准的林业空间数据服务器,降低了系统的开发和应用成本。各节点的数据技术框架为三层体系,即浏览器/客户端应用程序、数据服务层和数据层。在平台应用示范研究中,结合开放源代码软件建立了两个应用示范实例:山东遥感综合试验数据服务系统和林业空间数据与Google Earth数据的集成。应用示范研究表明,基于OGC Web服务的林业空间数据平台框架有助于实现分布于各地的不同来源、不同格式林业空间数据的访问与集成。不同级别的森林资源数据管理机构可以建立自己的空间数据服务器,通过服务发布、注册等加入到基于OGC Web服务的林业空间数据平台框架中。

【Abstract】 With the wide applications of geospatial information technologies including geographic information system, remote sensing and global positioning system, a large amount of forest spatial data have been collected and stored in forest inventory and management agencies and institutes. A number of forest business systems, forest information management systems and spatial databases have been established. Normally these systems run independently, and the methods of data structure and data formats are also different. Forest spatial data islands have been formed for lack of universal planning, coordination and interoperabilities. Forest spaptial data among agencies cannot be shared and integrated effectively. It is of greate significance to access and integrate heterogeneous forest spatial data from different sources.Fast development of computer technologies, especially the emergence of Web service techmology, provides potential capabilities to access and integrate heterogeneous forest spatial data from different sources. After analyzing the current status of forest spatial data sharing, comparing methods of heterogeneous spatial data sharing and interoperabilities, and further studying Web service technology, OGC Web Map Service, Web Feature Service, Web Cooverage Service and GML model, this paper proposes a Web service based forest spatial data platform framework. It can be a bridge between data providers and data users. The main contents of the thesis are as follows:(1) Reviewed the foundamental technologies related to sharing and integration of forest spatial data. The development of GIS architecture, implementation techniques of WebGIS and their advantages and shortcomings, the evolvement of spatial data management methods and internet markup languages were summarized.(2) Research on the key technologies related to construction of forest spatial data platform framework, including methods of sharing and integration of heterogeneous forest spatial data, Web service technology and its architecture, OGC Web service framework and data services specifications, and forest spatial data GML application schema.(3) Proposed a Web service based forest spatial data platform framework. The data network architecture of platform framework is of four level nodes: national, provincial, regional and county levels. Each node is responsible for its own data management, and data services are published and registered to the central data registration srver. Users can easily to find, access, and acquire data services to implement integration of heterogeneous forest spatial data.(4) Established forest spatial data servers compliant to OGC open specifications with open source software. The technical framework of each node is of three-tier: Web browsers or client application, data service server and data server. Two demo cases were studied: data service system for Shandong general remote sensing experiment area with open source software, and integration of forest spatial data and images in Google Earth. Case studies show that Web service based forest spatial data platform framework is attributed to access and integrate distributed forest data with different formats. Forest spatial data agencies at various levels can establish their own spatial data servers which are compliant to OGC open specifications, and join to the framework by publishing and registering their data services.
