

The Research of the 20th Century Groups of Hunan Musicians

【作者】 徐美辉

【导师】 周秋光;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 中国是世界上音乐文化发展最早的国家之一。20世纪是中国由传统社会向现代社会转型过渡的重要时期。20世纪的音乐家作为知识分子和社会菁英在文化转型中具有十分典型的代表性。而20世纪以欧阳予倩、顾梅羹、黎锦晖、王人艺、王人美;田汉、贺绿汀、吕骥、黎锦光、黄友葵;石夫、白诚仁、何纪光;毛泽东、瞿琮、杨小波;李谷一、张丕基、邓映易、刘振球、谭盾、张也、宋祖英、吴碧霞等为代表的湖南五个音乐家群体,则是推动中国音乐文化现代化进程中不可缺少的重要力量。这五个音乐家群体无论是在音乐表演(演唱演奏)、音乐创作(作词作曲)、理论批评、学术研究、音乐教育还是音乐传播和交流,都以其出色的技艺和丰富的成就走在了全国的前列。20世纪末中国两岸三地的音乐家在北京组织进行的“20世纪华人音乐经典”评选,湖南音乐家群体中入选的作品高达15部,占全部作品的10.9%。这样骄人的成绩向世人表明:湖南音乐家群体的音乐实践不只是在当时的社会留下了优美的旋律,更重要的是他们那启发式的、引导式的音乐理念在20世纪不同的时期植下了文化思想的种子。因此,这个音乐家群体的音乐实践与音乐作品,其社会价值要远远大于其艺术价值,其社会教育意义也远远超出了其社会审美意义。可以说,20世纪的湖南音乐家群体,就是20世纪100年来中国音乐文化从传统走向现代的缩影。20世纪湖南音乐家群体所取得的成就不仅为中国音乐史写下了浓墨重彩的一笔,而且为中国音乐取得在世界音乐中的突出地位作出了不可磨灭的贡献。湖南这么多音乐家之所以能够成为20世纪中国音乐界的杰出代表人物,不仅在于他们自觉地植根于传统,而且还在于他们在传统的基础上,用新的思维、新的观念将民族传统的音乐材料去重新发展,使之成为富于时代感音乐中的有机组成部分。他们以站在传统与现代契合点上的实践,为中国音乐的现代化开辟了健康发展的道路;对中国各门类音乐的创作和中国现代专业音乐教育的发展均产生了积极而深远的影响。本文从音乐历史学、音乐文化学、音乐形态学和音乐社会学的视角探讨和阐述了20世纪湖南音乐家群体产生的生态环境和他们在各个历史时期的音乐活动及其特点。用社会学研究方法把音乐家群体和社会变迁紧密结合起来,从新音乐萌芽时期、新音乐运动时期、新中国社会主义建设初期、文化大革命时期和改革开放后中国特色社会主义建设新时期等五个时期,从群体性、地域性、家族性、师承性、相互帮带性等多个层面揭示20世纪湖南音乐家群体的个性特征及其局限。又用艺术比较学的方法探讨20世纪湖南音乐家群体在中国音乐发展和世界音乐发展中所发挥的特殊作用,揭示20世纪湖南音乐家群体不可替代的重要历史地位。

【Abstract】 China is one of the earliest countries in the world in developing musical culture.In China,the 20thcentury was the important transition period from traditional society to modem one.The musicians in the 20th century as intellectuals and social elites are typical representatives during that period.In 20thcentury,the five musicians group of Hunan,on behalf of Ouyangyuqian、Gumeigeng、Lijinhui、Wangrenyi、Wangrenmei; Tianhan、Helvting、Lvji、Lijinguang、Hungyoukui;Shifu,Baichengren、Hejiguang;Maozedong、Qucong、Yangxiaobo;Liguyi、Zhangpiji、Dengyingyi、Liuzhenqiu、Tandun、Zhangye、Songzuying、Wubixia,etc. are the important and indispensable force in promoting the modernization process of Chinese musical culture.They always stand in the forefront of the country with theirs excellent skills and abundant achievements in musical performance(concert performance),musical composition(lyrics and music written),theoretical criticism,scholarship,musical education or musical dissemination and exchange.15 works of Hunan musicians group(accounting for 10.9%of the total one)were chosen in the selection of "20thcentury Chinese classical music" which was organized by the musicians in China mainland,Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan at the end of 20thcentury.This remarkable achievement showed the world that not only did Hunan musicians group leave a beautiful melody at that time,but also their heuristic,guiding philosophy of music planted the seeds of culture thoughts in the different periods of 20thcentury.As a result,the social value of the practices and works of this musicians group were mightier than its art value,and its social education significance was far beyond the community aesthetic significance as well.。It could be said that Hunan musicians group in 20thcentury was a miniature that represented the transition from tradition to modem of Chinese musical culture for the 100years in 20thcentury.Hunan musicians group of 20th century not only did the great achievement at home,but also made indelible contributions to gaining prominent position for Chinese music abroad.So many Hunan musicians could become the outstanding representatives in Chinese music world in 20thcentury.The reason is not only because they consciously rooted in tradition,but also because they re-developed the music materials of ethnic tradition based on new thoughts and concepts,and made them to be an integral part of the folk music.Practicing with the combination of traditional and modern music, Hunan musicians opened up a path of healthy development for the modernization of Chinese music.The practice had produced positive and profound efforts on the creation of all categories of Chinese music and the development of modern Chinese professional music.The thesis discusses and expatiates the ecological environment where the 20th century Hunan musicians group emerged and their music activities and characteristics in the various historical periods from the perspectives of music history,music cultural studies,music morphology and sociological. And this thesis closely integrates musicians group with social changes in the way of Sociological Research Methods,and reveals the characteristics and the limitations of Hunan musicians group from five periods and several levels.The 5 periods contain the new music embryonic period, the new music movement era,the beginning of new China’s socialist construction,the Cultural Revolution period and the new period of building socialism with Chinese characteristics after reform and opening up.And the levels are groups,regional,familial,modeled after,and interdependence.The art comparative study is also used to probe the special role of Hunan musicians group in Chinese and world musical development,and it reveals an irreplaceable historical status of Hunan musicians group in 20thcentury.

  • 【分类号】J609.2
  • 【被引频次】33
  • 【下载频次】2332