

Sino-Soviet Debate and the Choice of the Socialism Development Model

【作者】 陈立中

【导师】 何一成;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中共党史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 中苏论战主要是围绕什么是社会主义、怎样建设社会主义问题而展开的分歧和争论,前后持续十年之久,从意识形态领域之争发展到两党、两国关系的破裂,在国际共产主义运动中与中苏关系上掀起了轩然大波,也在中国社会主义发展史上留下了深深的痕迹。中国共产党对中国发展道路的选择,是以社会主义为目标的,从根本上说是如何用社会主义来发展中国的问题。这种选择在俄国十月革命影响下开始,经历了从“以俄为师”到突破苏俄革命模式的一个长期探索的过程。早期马克思主义者通过同资产阶级改良主义、基尔特社会主义和无政府主义等的思想论战,以及对泛劳动主义、新村主义等形形色色“社会主义”思潮的辨别分析,确定“走俄国人的路”,用社会主义来发展中国。中国共产党成了后,立即发动和领导了以社会主义为发展前途的新民主主义革命,其中包括国民革命、土地革命、抗日战争、解放战争等民族民主革命斗争,经历了艰苦的实践探索与理论创新,开辟了不同于十月革命模式的中国新民主主义革命发展新道路——农村包围城市的武装夺取政权道路,创造了指导中国革命的、具有鲜明中国民族特色的马克思主义,最终取得了民族的独立和人民的解放。新中国建立后,在毛泽东思想指引下,中国共产党人继续发扬独立自主的创造精神,科学地制定了过渡时期总路线,开辟了中国式的社会主义改造道路,终于把中国引上了社会主义的发展道路,并开始进行社会主义建设。由于缺乏经验等种种原因,论战期间,在如何用社会主义发展中国的选择问题上,又不得不照搬斯大林模式的社会主义体制,同样经历了从“学习苏联”到“以苏联为戒”、突破斯大林模式的长期探索。中国共产党人对中国社会主义发展道路的探索,由于中苏论战的影响等种种复杂的原因,不仅没有突破斯大林模式,反而在这一模式的框架内左冲右突,结果一头栽进了“文化大革命”的死胡同。痛定思痛,经过拨乱反正,中共十一届三中全会在选择的延续中开启了探索中国社会主义发展道路的新征程。经过解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进的摸索与创新,终于彻底打破了苏联社会主义发展模式的桎梏,找到了符合中国实际的社会主义发展道路,相继创立了与毛泽东思想一脉相承的中国特色社会主义建设指导思想,即邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观,形成了完整的中国特色社会主义理论体系,中国社会主义发展模式的选择实现了质的飞跃。这一次的选择,较之上一次的选择时间更长,情况更复杂,经历更曲折,对于中国发展的意义也更大,留下的经验教训更珍贵。

【Abstract】 The Sino-Soviet debate revolved mainly on the ideological recognition difference and the argument in what is socialism and how to build socialism, which continued ten year long time around, from the ideological struggle to the breakdown of relations between the two parties and two countries. It has stirred great unrest in the International Communist Movement and Sino-Soviet relations, also has left deep trace in the socialism history of China. The choice of China’s development path in the leadership of the CPC has taken the socialism as the goal, fundamentally speaking, it was how to use the socialism to develop China. This choice started from the influence of the October Revolution in Russia, which had experienced long-term exploration from "taking Russian as a teacher" to breaks through the Soviet Russian revolution model. Through the controversy with the bourgeoisie reformism, Guild socialism , anarchism and so on, the distinguishable analysis from pan-work principle, the new village principle and all forms "socialism" ideological trend, Early Marxist determined to "takes Russian’s road" and to develop China with the socialism. After the CPC had become, it started immediately and led the New Democratic Revolution which took the socialism as the career development, including many national democratic revolutions, such as the national revolution, the Agrarian Revolution, the War of Resistance against Japan, the war of liberation struggle and so on. The practice has experienced the difficult practice exploration and the theory innovation, opened up a model of China’s new democratic revolution - Countryside to encircle the cities to seize power armed road which different from the October Revolution pattern. Created a Marxist revolution guiding ideology with China national characteristics-Mao Zedong Thought, and achieved national independence and people’s liberation. After the founding of new China, the CPC carried forward the independent creative spirit under the guidance of Mao Zedong Thought, had formulated general line of the transition period scientifically, created a Chinese-style road of socialist transformation, finally drawn China onto the development road to socialism, and began to socialist construction. Due to the lack of experience and other reasons, we had had to move in the Soviet model of socialism system on the question of how to use the socialism to develop China. Similarly we had experienced long-term exploration from "studying the Soviet Union" to "taking Soviet Union as the abstention" for breaking through the Soviet model. During the debate, China’s exploration of socialist development did not break the Soviet Union’s socialist development model , instead, in the left-right flushes within the Soviet model’s framework, it gradually entered the impasse of the "Great Cultural Revolution" under the influence of the Sino-Soviet debate and so on. Learning from a painful experience, and after bringing order out of chaos, the Third Plenum of the 11th CPC has explored a new journey of the China’s socialist development path. After the exploration and innovation of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, keeping pace with the times, the community has completely got rid of the shackles of Soviet Union socialism development model thoroughly, found the socialism development path consistent with the actual situation, and established the socialist construction guiding principle with Chinese characteristic, which had the same strain with Mao Zedong Thought, namely, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the "Three Represents" important thought, and the scientific development concept. Finally, we have formed the complete theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and realized comprehensively the choice leap of China’s socialist development model. This choice was longer compared with the previous time, for the situation was more complex, the experience was more winding, so it had bigger significance for China’s development, and leaved the more valuable lessons.

  • 【分类号】D61
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