

Deserving and Equity

【作者】 王勇鹏

【导师】 石鸥;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 众所周知,学校教育是有系统的以学生的身心发展为直接目的的社会活动,而课程是学校教育的核心,因此,学校能为学生发展提供怎样的课程支持也就决定了学生可能获得怎样的发展,那么,我们应该为学生提供怎样的课程支持才能保证其获得公平的发展?怎样才能为其有效提供公平发展所需的课程支持?对这一系列问题的疑问,恰好成为了本研究关注的焦点。本研究认为,公平的发展历史可以告诉我们:公平的理解是与一定的公平观相联系的,而课程具有面向尚处于发展中的未成年学生的特殊性,一方面,学生的发展是世界公认的天赋人权的一部分,另一方面每一个学生的天赋、兴趣、潜能等个性特征又是千差万别的,因此,既要使不同的学生获得人权中要求的平等的发展,又要保证不同个性的学生实现个性的不同发展,这样以“应得公平观”来引领我们对课程公平的理解与追求就成为了最恰当的选择。本研究也正是从此出发,通过对课程公平内涵的阐释,厘清了课程公平与课程效率之间的关系;论述了课程公平就是要为学生发展提供其所应得的课程支持,并初步构建了如何保证课程公平实现的课程制度设计。全文共分四章:第一章导论。目前教育为什么未能促使学生都能获得公平的发展?需要为学生提供怎样的课程支持才能实现其潜能的充分发挥与个性发展?对这些实践问题的思考是促使本选题产生的现实根源。在“应得公平观”的引领下,试图从“课程公平与教育公平”之间内在的关系,从“学生应得发展”的角度,尝试对学生的公平发展进行一种新的阐释,为目前炙热的教育公平问题提供一个新的思考维度等等,则成了本研究得以产生和继续的理论根基。第二章课程公平的内涵:为学生发展提供其所应得的课程支持。针对当前我国课程公平观的模糊化问题,本章从课程对象——学生发展的特殊性入手,认真论证了课程选择“应得公平观”的适切性,并将其作为本研究立论的基础,“课程公平”也因此被理解为“为学生发展提供其所应得的课程支持”。从学生发展的角度来看,课程公平与课程效率是统一的。第三章课程的实质公平:学生应得什么样的课程支持。在对当前我国为学生提供的课程支持中的问题分析基础上,本章主要回答了“学生应得什么内容的课程支持”与“学生应得什么结构的课程支持”两大问题。学生应得促其获得应得发展的基础性课程支持,“应得的发展”是其检验与判断的标准,“基础性”是其根本特征,公民素养基础性与个性发展性课程支持是其主要内容。我们应当遵循“平等、差别与补偿”三原则提供课程支持的公平结构,为学生平等的提供公民素养基础性课程支持、差别的提供个性发展性的课程支持以及为相对弱势的学生提供“补偿的课程支持”,从而实现学生各自的应得发展。第四章课程的程序公平:学生应得的课程支持如何实现。本章通过课程制度与课程公平之间密切联系的分析,结合课程公平的本身要求与借鉴经济领域自由制度与国外课程制度的成功经验,针对我国目前课程制度之不足,从课程支持的多元性提供与学生对课程支持的自由性选择两个大的方面着手,初步构建了“多元选择性课程制度”,为课程公平的有效实现提供了现实的制度保障。

【Abstract】 It’s well known that school education is a kind of social activity aims at students’ mental and physical development systematically and directly. And curriculum is the key of school education. It is, therefore, what kind of curriculum support can provide by school for students determines their development. And then, what kind of curriculum should we supply for students to ensure their equal development? How to offer the curriculum support what they need? It is a series of doubts for these questions that are just the focuses of this research.From the view of this paper, it can be learned from the historical development of equity: the understanding of equity is related with some equity concepts, and curriculum has its special character, that is, to face minor students while developing. On one hand, the development of students is well recognized as one part of given human rights in the whole world; On the other hand, different student has different talents, interests and potential, and so on. As a result, using the equity concept of deserving is the best option for guiding our comprehending and searching for curriculum equity, which can not only ensure different students get the equal development from deserved human rights but also guarantee those who have various characters realize the matching development. According to explain the connotation of curriculum equity, making clearly the relationship between the curriculum equity and curriculum efficiency; discussing the curriculum equity whose aim is to supply with the deserved curriculum support for students’ development, constructing the design of curriculum system for how to ensure the equity as well are the researching directions of this paper.The whole paper is divided into four chapters as followed.Chapter One is the introduction. Why education cannot promote students’ to gain equal development currently? What kind of curriculum resources should we supply for realizing students’ potential and developing characters fully? To think over these practical questions is the realistic basis for the title’s choosing in this paper. Under the guiding of The Deserved Concept of Equity, from the inner relationship between the curriculum equity and education equity, and the angle of Students’ deserved development, trying to provide a kind of new explanation for students’ equal development, and giving a new dimension for education equity nowadays, and so forth, which are composed of the theoretical basis of this paper.In Chapter Two, the connotation of curriculum equity which is giving students the deserved curriculum support for their development. To be aimed at vague problems of concept of curriculum equity in China now, it starts with the particularity of students’ development, this chapter demonstrates the appropriateness of curriculum choosing and uses it as the basis of this research. Consequently, the Curriculum Equity is comprehended as "deserved curriculum support for students’ development". From the view of students’ development, there is some identification between curriculum equity and curriculum efficiency.It will discuss the essential equity of curriculum in Chapter Three, which explains what kinds of curriculum supports students should deserve. Based on analyzing the equity of the deserved curriculum support for Chinese students, this chapter mainly replies to two questions: one is "what kind of content of curriculum support students should deserve", and the other is "what kind of structure of curriculum support students should deserve". Students’ deserving makes it to gain basic curriculum support of deserved development. It has three parts: "deserved development" is a criterion for its assessing and judging; "basis" is its essential character; "the basis of citizen quality and the curriculum support of individual development" are its main contents. We should follow the tri-principle, "Equality, Difference and Compensation", offering students the curriculum support fairly, providing students with the basic curriculum support of citizen quality equally, supplying for curriculum support of individual characters’ development differently, and making students in inferior positions to get curriculum support of compensation as well. Therefore, let students achieve their deserved development.Chapter 4 is the last chapter of whole paper which presents the opinion "The Process Equity of Curriculum", that is, how to realize students’ deserved curriculum support. Through analyzing the close relationship between curriculum system and curriculum equity, combing the requirements for curriculum equity, using the successful experience in free system of economic field and overseas curriculum system for reference, and contraposing the faults of the curriculum system nowadays in China. Beginning from two aspects, the multiple supply of curriculum support and students’ choices on curriculum support freely, this paper constructs the multiple choices of curriculum system for ensuring the realization of curriculum equity realistically as a result.

【关键词】 学生应得课程支持课程公平
【Key words】 StudentDeservedCurriculum SupportCurriculum Equity