

Radar Observation and Population Analysis of Migratory Insects in North and Northeast of China

【作者】 张云慧

【导师】 程登发;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 研究目的与意义:迁飞性害虫的频繁暴发是影响我国农牧业稳产、丰产的的主要因素之一,防治迁飞性害虫的暴发而使用的大量杀虫剂可导致环境污染、粮食生产安全等生态和社会问题。因此,开展迁飞性昆虫的早期预警工作尤为重要。本研究利用垂直监测昆虫雷达系统长期自动监测,并辅以系留气球空中网捕,高空探照灯、地面诱虫灯等设备同时采集虫情信息,综合地面风温场、低空气流和大区环流、异地虫情信息、作物分布和迁飞高峰期的轨迹分析,对我国东北与华北地区粘虫、草地螟、旋幽夜蛾等主要迁飞性害虫的迁飞规律和迁飞路线进行研究,为上述迁飞性昆虫的早期预警和防治提供技术支持。研究方法:1)本研究利用由中国农业科学院植物保护研究所与成都锦江电子系统有限公司合作研发的垂直监测昆虫雷达系统,对东北与华北地区主要迁飞性昆虫进行研究。该系统能够实现雷达运行、信号采集、存储和处理的全自动控制。2005年69月安置在吉林省镇赉县(45°51′N,123°12′E),对我国东北地区粘虫的季节性迁飞进行雷达观测,并对吉林省白城地区6月上旬田间旋幽夜蛾暴发的虫源问题进行了探讨。20062007年,垂直监测昆虫雷达系统安置在内蒙古集宁市(41°02′N,113°06′E),主要开展草地螟季节性迁飞的雷达观测与虫源分析。2)数据采集。通过垂直监测昆虫雷达系统的长期自动观测,实时监测、自动记录雷达上空昆虫的季节性变化动态,得到迁飞性昆虫的迁飞日期、迁飞高度、迁飞规模等参数;同时通过高空探照灯和地面诱虫灯的诱集、系留气球携带捕虫网的空中取样、田间调查和各地虫情信息的汇总收集等方式获取虫情信息,确定迁飞昆虫的种类。迁飞高峰期通过统计昆虫诱虫百分比,性比,解剖检查雌虫卵巢发育进度等,判断迁出或迁入种群。3)空中风场分析。昆虫迁飞高峰期,每晚20: 00用测风经纬仪跟踪气象气球,测得低空风速风向值,结合雷达观测昆虫在各个高度层的分布,判断低空气流对昆虫空中飞行垂直分布的影响,得到昆虫迁飞与气流的关系。在ArcGIS 8.3平台上进行二次开发,利用美国国家环境预报中心全球高空风场数据,合成昆虫迁飞高度层的空中风场和大区环流,初步预测迁飞性昆虫的迁飞来源、迁飞路线和可能的降落区。4)轨迹分析。根据雷达观测迁飞昆虫的飞行高度、迁飞与气流的关系和空中风场的分布,利用Hysplit4软件系统,把GDAS网格数据导入软件系统,以雷达观测点为中心,以111 km为半径散布若干个点,对迁入、迁出事件进行轨迹分析。顺推时间以20:00为起始时间,逆推时间以06: 00为起始时间,起点高度设置为400 m,最大高度2000 m,超过此高度软件自动停止对该点的分析。轨迹分析结果与空中风场的预测结果进行比较,进一步确定迁飞昆虫的迁飞路线和虫源。所取得的结果:深化了对粘虫迁飞规律认识,获取了粘虫在我国东北地区季节性的空中飞行参数。综合分析表明:2005年粘虫在我国东北地区整个生长季节主要有3次明显的迁飞过程,迁飞高峰期粘虫空中飞行行为受气象条件尤其是空中风温场影响较大,表现在夜间不同时间、不同季节空中飞行高度具有明显差异。春季迁飞主要借助气流运载进行大规模长距离迁飞,夜间飞行时间较长,大多个体能完成整夜飞行,高度主要在300600 m;夏季飞行活动比较复杂,成虫期的取食、求偶、交配、产卵、短距离扩散和迁飞过程往往同时进行,雷达回波具有明显的成层现象。飞行高度最高可达1000 m,主要集中在500 m和700 m两个高度层;秋季飞行高度相对较低主要在300 m以下和400500 m。首次证实了旋幽夜蛾、步甲类昆虫在我国的迁飞现象。高空探照灯能诱集到旋幽夜蛾明显的突增突减;19802000年20 cm的平均地温分析结果也表明,5月中旬东北地区20 cm的土壤温度不能满足旋幽夜蛾越冬代幼虫化蛹、羽化,当地虫源不能构成6月上旬田间幼虫的暴发;高峰期雌虫卵巢解剖显示,卵巢发育进度整齐、级别较低,具有典型的迁飞昆虫生理特征;雷达回波显示成虫飞行最高可达距地面1000 m,主要选择在距地面300500 m,在500 m可以整夜飞行,证实了旋幽夜蛾具有明显的迁飞性。步甲季节性活动主要在6月下旬至8月下旬,高峰期主要集中在8月份,雷达观测结果表明:在北方地区,步甲迁飞并不是偶发性事件,条件适宜步甲可以进行夜间长距离大范围的季节性迁飞;步甲迁飞高度主要选择在气温较高、风速较大的大气逆温层内借助气流运载进行长距离运行,高峰期内雷达回波点高度主要在600 m以下,最高可达900 m,300450 m是其主要飞行高度。步甲种类繁多,并不是所有种类都能迁飞,只有婪步甲属毛婪步甲、谷婪步甲和暗步甲属个别种类进行迁飞。进一步研究了草地螟在我国东北与华北地区季节性迁飞规律和虫源性质。20052007年的雷达观测结果显示:草地螟春季迁飞主要在300600 m,400500 m是其主要的飞行高度,春季迁飞高峰期大部分个体能完成整夜飞行;夏季主要是夜间求偶、交配和短距离扩散种群,飞行高度主要在400 m以下,飞行时间相对较短主要集中在20: 0022: 00,极少个体能完成整夜飞行;秋季迁飞飞行高度主要集中在300500 m,高峰期基本为迁飞种群,多数个体能完成整夜飞行。轨迹分析结果表明:我国草地螟虫源与国外虫源存在频繁的交流,迁飞期草地螟受空中风场变化影响较大,大面积起飞的草地螟蛾群受气流和锋面天气影响聚集降落,造成集中危害;内蒙古乌盟、山西雁北、河北坝上仍然是我国草地螟大发生的一个主要越冬虫源区,上述地区越冬代草地螟虫源基数对我国次年草地螟的发生程度具有直接的影响。研究的创新之处:1)在国内首次应用垂直监测昆虫雷达系统,对我国东北与华北地区昆虫的季节性迁飞进行了长期监测,为弄清我国迁飞昆虫种类、空中生物流量的季节性变化、主要迁飞性昆虫的季节性迁飞规律,探索了一套切实可行的新方法和技术体系;2)综合利用了雷达遥感技术、GIS技术、风温场分析技术等多种技术,进行昆虫迁飞过程实时监测、昆虫迁飞的风温场分析和轨迹分析,更客观的分析了虫源和昆虫迁飞过程,结果与各地田间发生情况一致,为迁飞性昆虫的早期预警探索了新的研究方法;3)初步揭示了我国重大迁飞性害虫粘虫、草地螟的迁飞路线、迁飞规律;4)首次证实了步甲、旋幽夜蛾的迁飞现象。本论文利用垂直监测昆虫雷达系统长期自动监测的优点,对我国东北与华北地区主要迁飞性昆虫迁飞规律、迁飞路线进行了深入研究,并对上述地区空中昆虫群落的季节性变化、年际间生物流量进行了系统的观测研究,实时获取迁飞性昆虫的发生动态信息,为建成我国迁飞性昆虫实时监测早期预警体系提供了必要的技术支持,也为在我国进一步开展垂直监测昆虫雷达研究积累了大量研究经验。

【Abstract】 PurposeThe frequent outbreaks of migratory pests is one of the important factors influencing stablble yield of the agricultural production. Excessive pesticide in controlling the migratory pest outbreaks led to ecological and social problem, such as pollution to environment, threaten to food production safety and so on. Therefore, early forecasting is particularly of importance in controlling migratory pests. This paper reported here using the Vertical-Looking Radar(VLR) system to carry out a long-term monitoring to migratory pests, supplemented with captive balloon traping nest, verticalpointing traping searchlight, ground PS-15 Jiaduo traping light and other equipment to collect information of insects from ground to air, made integrated analysis on migratory pests such as the oriental armyworm moth, Mythimna swparata, meadow moth, Loxostege sticticalis, Clover cutworm, Scotogramma trifolii etc. with the data of wind and temperature fields in the ground, the data of low-altitude air airflow and regional circumfluence, insects information elsewhere, crop distribution and result of trajectory analysis during the peak migration period. Research on their migratory paths and rule can provide new technology to migratory pests forecasting and management.Methods1) The vertical-looking radar used in this research was developed in cooperation by Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Chengdu Jinjiang Electronic and technology Ltd. The system operated automatically by microcomputer in signal acquisition, storage and analyses, real-time detect insects and record the time, height and number as they pass directly overhead. The VLR system placed at Zhenlai(45°51’N, 123°12’E) Jilin province from June to September in 2005 to monitor armyworm seasonal migration in northeast of China and discuss the insect origin of outbreaks in Baicheng region field. The VLR was placed at Jining(41°02’N, 113°06’E) Inner Mongolia in 20062007, mainly carry out radar observation and population analysis for seasonal migration of meadow moth.2) The VLR can operated automatically real-time monitoring and record the seasonal dynamics of insects as they pass directly overhead, which can get time, height, number of migratory insects. Simultaneity, a verticalpointing searchlight, A network of light-traps, an net carried by aerial kytoon (balloon), field investigation and information gathering of migratory insects occur in elsewhere were integrated used to determine migratory species. Physiological characteristics such ovary development were checked to determine migrant or immigrant population.3) Weather balloons tracked by theodolite were released on 20: 00 every night to get wind speed and direction at low altitude during peak period of insect migration for estimating influence of low-altitude air current to insect migratory behavior. According to the relationship between insect migration and low-altitude air curren, we use ArcGIS 8.3 program to draw vectorgraph of wind and regional Circulation at 925 hPa, the data came from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction, to forecast insect migration sources, migration routes and possible landing zones.4) Migratory Insects vertical distribution, relationship between migration and low-altitude air current and vectorgraph of wind of insect migration related were taken into account to ratiocinate immigrant and migrant event in the air. After input GDAS grid data to software Hysplit4 systems, we spread a number of points within a radius of 111 km around radar observation site to to making trajectory analysis for insect migration. During this reasoning, 20:00 is beginning time for forward trajectory, and so is 06: 00 for backword trajectory, 400 m is start point and maximum height is 2000 m(Beyond the height software automatically stops analysing), we compared this migration routes with the result form above to make a further conclusion.ResultsThis research confirm that migratory behavior parameters and seasonal migration rule of armyworm in northeast of China. The results showed that there were 3 times significant migration process in 2005. Temperature, wind speed and direction in the atmospheric boundary layer, in which most insects flying, do a greater influence on armyworm migrating. Height they flying at were different either in different seasons or in different time in one evening. In spring, they taken advantage of the wind to transmit a long-distance journey, most of the individuals can complete the whole night flights, formed high-density layer centering at approximately 300600 m height from ground. In summer, flight activities were more complicated, the flight of foraging or courtship or mating response, short-distance dispersal and migration often happened mixed. which result in layer outlooking of radar echoes on PPI. The maximum flight height was up to 1000 m, mainly centered from 500 m to 700 m. In fall, they flied relatively lower, most heitht was less than 300 m or concentrations at 400 500 m.Second , it is the first time in China that we proved that ground beetles and clover cutworm can migrate.The data in 2005 showed that the average ground temperature under 20cm in the middle May was lower than the developmental threshold temperature for eclosion of the hibernated chrysalis;Airflow analysis of the late May in 2005 showed that south and southwest winds were preponderant in those days, which provide advantageous airflow for insect migration; The ovarian development of the migrating moths is of same typical characters with migratory insects. Simultaneous radar observations indicated that the nocturnally migrating clover cutworm generally flew at altitudes of up to 1000 m (agl), with high density concentrations at about 300500 m (agl). there are flying moths in 500m(agl) for a whole night. Carabids density is relative higher from late July to late August, the numbers in trap-light catches increase suddenly and follow sharp drops obviously especially during August. Migration of ground beetles is not a haphazard event, they can take long-distance large-scale seasonal migration under the proper conditions. Flying height of the insect is mainly below 600 m (agl), and most of them fly at the height of 450 m(agl). Thus, the conclusion of several carabids species can migrate nocturnally can provide useful suggestions for further study on the migration of Coleoptera insects.Migration rules and population analysis of meadow moth were deeply studied in north and northeast of China. The data of 20052007 showed that in spring, meadow moth engaged migration in 300600 m(agl) and concentrated at about 400500 m (agl). there are flying meadow moths for the whole night. Summer flights is mixed with courtship, mating and short-distance dispersal mainly height is below 400 m, flying time concentrated in 20: 00 to 22: 00, there are very few flight individuals in other period. Fall flights concentrated at about 300500 m(agl), most of them can fly all the whole night. Trajectory analysis showed that there were frequent exchanges population of meadow moth between China and abroad, airflow do a great influence to migration of this species , this species took off from large area and landed together due to rainfall which can made great damage to farm and corps. Wu Meng of Inner Mongolia, Yanbei, in Shanxi province, Bashang, in Hebei province are still main region for wintering of meadow moth ,Density of survival individuals after winter has a direct impact on the following year occurrence.Innovation1) It is the first time in China that we used the VLR system to carry out a long-time automatically monitor on seasonal migratory insects in north and northeast of China. which are of great significance in studying other migratory insects in China, especially for quantifying variations of biology mass from year to year. we also provide a set of practical new methods and technology system for insect migration monitoring and forcasting.2) In this research, we applied the VLR technology, GIS software etc statistical analysis to develop real-time, automatically monitoring and trajectory analysis of migratory insects. The results from this research was coincident with insects occurred in field. For migratory insects early warning to explore a new research methods.3) Migration route, migration laws of armyworm and meadow moth were made much more clear in this research.4) We proved that ground beetles and clover cutworm migrated in China for the first time. In this paper, a long-term automatically intensive research on insect migration was carried out with the VLR system in north and northeast in China, moreover quantifying variations of biolgy mass over time. dynamic of migratory insects was record in real time, we will provide a new research methods for insect migration and accumulated a considerable amount of research experience in using the VLR technology to research.
