

Research on the Evolutive Mechanism and Measurement of Dynamic Efficiency of Enterprise Innovation

【作者】 汤石雨

【导师】 赵树宽;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着知识经济时代的来临,越来越多的企业发现,仅有良好的生产效率、较高的质量、较大的供应连柔性已不足以保持市场竞争优势,创新正日益成为企业生存与发展的不竭动力源泉,成为一个国家经济可持续性发展的重要驱动因素,本文围绕“中国企业创新动态效率的演化机理及测度研究”的选题,在分析企业创新动态效率的演化机理的基础上,利用所测度的中国企业创新效率的动态指标值,对影响企业创新动态效率演化的影响因素进行量化研究。本文遵循演化经济学的逻辑思路,应用动态的观点,从企业创新系统内、外两个角度,在内生增长理论、产业组织理论和制度变迁理论等经典理论分析框架下,深入研究企业创新系统内R&D投资及企业创新系统外部的影响因素(如企业规模、知识互动、制度环境变迁)对企业创新效率的作用机理,并构建理论模型;运用基于Malmquist指数的动态评价方法对中国企业创新效率进行测度与评价;运用协整检验等计量经济学方法对各影响因素与中国企业创新动态效率的关系进行量化分析。最后,论文结合实证分析结果,针对我国企业创新存在的主要问题,提出了提高我国企业创新效率的对策建议。以上研究内容,为国家调整科技政策体系、企业优化创新资源的配置提供科学的决策依据,对于加强我国国家创新系统建设,不断改进企业创新效率具有一定的开拓意义和现实意义。

【Abstract】 With the coming of Knowledge-based Economy era, more and more enterprises found that only good production efficiency, high enough quality and flexibility have been insufficient to maintain competitive advantage in the market, innovation is increasingly becoming the inexhaustible source and motivation for survival and development of enterprises. World economic development history has proved that both the industrialized and developing countries, on the basis of political stability and system reform, innovation is an important factor for economic sustainable development of a country. Therefore, the research of innovation attach great importance to academics and government of all countries.Researching innovation issues, innovation efficiency is the main focus undoubtedly. For enterprises, with the passage of time and the change of environmen, innovation efficiency must be evolving dynamic process, and this process is subject to financing, enterprise scale, the accumulation of knowledge, system changes and other factors. Through researching relevant literatures at home and abroad,The author found that many scholars at home and abroad had yielded fruitful results in theory and practice research of enterprise innovation efficiency.But they have been more focused on static analysis of enterprise innovation efficiency using applied panel data.Therefore, on the basis of concepts and theories, following the logic of evolutionary Economics, the paper revealed the laws and characteristics of the dynamic efficiency evolution of enterprise innovation on the dynamic view. On theoretical framework of the classical theory such as endogenous growth theory, industrial organization theory and system changes,the paper further studies the mechanism that how those factors such as R&D investment, enterprise scale, knowledge interaction and change of institutional environment affect the dynamic efficiency of enterprise innovation,and builds measure models.Then it measures and estimates dynamic efficiency of innovation in Chinese Enterprises overall,based on the using of Malmquist index. Then, using cointegration test econometric methods and the estimation results before,the paper presents the quantitative analysis of relations between the dynamic efficiency of innovation in Chinese Enterprises and every factors. Finally, according to the state of development of China’s enterprises, the paper brings forward the countermeasures of optimizing efficiency of enterprise innovation. So, this paper can be divided into the following five areas:1.Theorieson the basis of relevant literature,the paper analyzes detailedly the evolution of innovation theory and impact factors and external environment of enterprise innovation from the start of Schumpeter Theory. Then,combined the direction of this paper,it states detailly the fundation and development of three major theories ,such as innovation theory, endogenous growth theory and industrial organization theory .And summarizes and concludes evaluation method of efficiency.2、The meaning and impact factors of dynamic efficiency of enterprise innovationon the basis of above study,this part studies dynamic efficiency of enterprise innovation and impact factors.First, defines the meaning of innovation and efficiency from the view of theoretical innovation, and describes the sources and characteristics of innovation. On the basis of before,it defines innovation efficiency ,and analyzes the dynamic characteristics and evolution mechanism of Enterprise Innovation efficiency, in conjunction with self-adaptive principle of evolutionary economics.Then, from the view of impact factors of enterprise innovation efficiency ,the paper analyzes detailedly the evolution of relations between enterprise innovation efficiency and those four factors ,such as R&D investment, enterprise scale, knowledge interaction and the changes of institutional environment.3、Measuring model and evolution mechanismOn the basis of frontal theory expatiation, it analyzes the mechanism of every impact factors for dynamic efficiency of enterprise innovation , and build measuring model, the specific terms:First, defines the meaning of R & D, analyzes the driving function of R & D investmentfor enterprise’s development and the R & D investment actuality of Chinese enterprises, expatiates the mechanism on the theoretical point of view, and builds measuring model of R&D investment and innovation dynamic efficiency .Second, on the base of the meaning of enterprise scale, it annlyzes the determining factors of scale.And then expatiates the rule of scale change using life-cycle theory. In turn, analyzes the mechanism how scale changes affected innovation efficiency. Finally, on the basis of literatures before, it builds measure model for enterprise scale and dynamic efficiency of enterprise innovation.Third, based on the analysis of the resource advantages and different values of all parties of cooperation,the paper discusses cooperation framework and international experiences.And then, it discusses the interaction relation of every body around knowledge flows theoretically,and the mechanism how knowledge interaction affected innovation efficiency.And builds measure model of knowledge interaction and dynamic efficiency of enterprise innovation.Fourth, based on description of system demand and system supply, classifies system changes.In conjunction with the reform of Chinese science and technology system, Chinaese innovation system environment changes is divided into four stages; Furthermore,the paper analyzes the affective mechanism of system environment for enterprise innovation efficiency ,such as trigger effect, incentive effect and Block effect. Finally, on the basis of indicators selection,the paper uses non-parametric Malmquist index, and constructs measuring model to estimate DIP index and its decomposition indexes (such as technical efficiency and technological change, efficiency and the scale of a purely technical efficiency).4、quantitative analysisAccording to the theory discussion and quantitative models in the third part of the paper, this part does quantitative analysis.First of all, taking advantage of the data of Chinese large and medium-sized enterprises from 1992 to 2006, using non-parametric Malmquist index, the paper measures the DIP index of Chinese enterprise, and its decomposition indexs,such as technical efficiency index (TEC), technological change (TC), purely technical efficiency ( PC) and the scale of efficiency (CC).Then, using the DIP index calculated and decomposition indexs to reflect dynamic efficiency of Chinese enterprises innovation, the paper quantitates those models building in the third part respectively. And finds that there are four Long-term equilibrium relationships between the four factors (R&D investment, enterprise scale, knowledge interaction and system environment changes)and dynamic efficiency of enterprise innovation.5、StrategiesBased on the theoretical research in previous part, combining the actual level of dynamic efficiency of Chinese enterprises, relationship between R&D investment and enterprise innovation efficiency , between the enterprise scale and efficiency of enterprise innovation, between knowledge interaction and efficiency of enterprise innovation, as well as the system Changes and efficiency of enterprise innovation,the paper identifies restrictive causes currently and the problems during enterprise innovation,.Thereby points out strategies and proposals for improving enterprise innovation efficiency.In summary, this study concludes that: dynamic efficiency of enterprise innovation is ever-changing on the role of self-adaptive principle .The corporate innovation dynamic efficiency was affected by R & D investment, enterprise scale, knowledge interaction and institutional environment changes. corporate innovation dynamic efficiency and independent R&D investment are negatively correlated, but introduction R&D investment Positive correlated .There is a inverted U-shaped relation between enterprise scale and enterprise innovation dynamic efficiency.Knowledge interaction on the frame of cooperative mode and enterprise innovation dynamic efficiency are negatively correlated.Change of economic system improves enterprise innovation efficiency , the proportion of state-owned property rights on the other hand,and the Government’s indirect investment conducive to the improvement of enterprise innovation efficiency and the evolution of innovation frontier.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】F224;F273.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1062
  • 攻读期成果