

Integration of the Interests: Government Transformation in Urban Updating and House Demolition

【作者】 梁铁中

【导师】 徐勇;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 政治学理论, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 随着城市化进程加快和城市建设向纵深推进,城市改造拆迁逐渐凸现为当前的一项社会公共问题。本文着重从城市改造拆迁的实践过程来权衡与考量其引发的问题、面临的困境和可能的解决之道,以及提取并阐释城市改造拆迁进程中所隐含的诸多学术论题。利益整合与政府转型是论文的主线,在理论解释的展开中还牵涉到政府职能转型与角色转换、政府行为模式及其整合、公民社会与国家治理的调适、公民参与的实践与重构等扩展性题域。第一章分析了城市改造拆迁的经济社会背景,概括了当前城市拆迁中的主要问题,并对本文的研究个案概况作了一些精炼的前提性介绍。其目的是建构本文的问题意识,后文的一系列理论分析都是建基于城市改造拆迁的矛盾、冲突和困境之上的。第二章在对马克思主义利益观和市场经济体制下的利益观进行简要阐述的基础上,清理了城市改造拆迁中的多个利益主体及多重利益关系,描述和分析了城市改造拆迁中的利益冲突,进而对利益主体之间的利益整合机制的构建方式和路径作出了预想性规划。利益共享机制和利益协调机制及其若干细化形态是当前较为现实的方式和路径。第三章重点研究城市改造拆迁中的政府职能和角色转换问题,通过系统梳理与重新考量市场经济背景下城市政府职能,结合当前城市拆迁工作的现实需要对城市政府职能转型的必要性、可能性和具体路径进行了探索性研究。另外,通过分述城市拆迁中地方政府的法定角色和现实角色,指出应加快政府角色的重新定位和转换,其中最关键的是从利益关联者向利益协调者转换。第四章将第三章对政府职能和角色的研究进一步推进到政府行为上,以中外已有的政府行为理论范式为基点,探究了当下城市政府的行为模式和行为约束等层面的不合理、不协调之处,认为应从经济整合、法律整合、行政整合和社会整合四个方面重构政府行为整合机制。第五章将城市改造拆迁置于“国家—社会”分析框架下,从国家治理与公民社会两个向度探讨城市改造拆迁中政府、公民、企业之间关系的重建与调适,着重分析了公民参与的兴起、实践与困境,窥探城市拆迁背景下公民社会成长的可能性与现实路径,并将研究落脚点定位于政府的转型与重建上。第六章结合个案区域近年城市改造拆迁的成功实践,借用前文的多项理论资源展开综合性研究,从实践和理论两个层面进行一个总结性的讨论。

【Abstract】 with the development of urbanization and urban construction, urban updating and house demolition has gradually become the current social and public issue. This paper considers this problem and the solution from the practice of urban updating and house demolition, extracts and explain many academic subject implied in the process of urban renewal demolition. Integration of the interests and the transformation of government are the main theme of the paper. At the same time, the transformation of the governmental functions and role, the governmental behavior patterns and integration, the adjustment of civil society and governance, the practice and reconstruction of civil participation, are also involved.In chapter I, the economic and social background of urban updating and house demolition has been analysed and the main problems of urban updating and house demolition has been summed up in The first chapter. The purpose of introduction above is to build the awareness of the issue.In chapter II, on the basis of the explanation of the concept of the Marxist interests concept and the concept of market economy system , The second chapter analyzes the subjects of interests and multiple interests relationships, describes the confliction of interests in urban updating and house demolition, then builds the desired planning of the way and a path of the main interests integration mechanism . Benefit-sharing mechanisms and interests of coordination mechanisms and some refined patterns are more realistic manner and path.Chapter III focuses on the transition of governmental functions and roles during the urban updating and house demolition. Through combing and rethinking of the urban governmental functions in the economy context, researches the necessity, possibility and specific path of the transformation of urban governmental functions according to the practical needs of current urban updating and house demolition. In addition, defines the statutory role and the realistic role, and points out the necessity of speeding up the re-positioning and conversion of governmental roles, which is the most crucial is interests related to the coordination of interests are to convert.Chapter IV explores the behavior patterns of behavior mode of the present city government researches on the basis of third chapter of the functions and the foreign government acts theoretical paradigm. of the government and then points out, the integration mechanism could be made from four aspects such as levels of unreasonable restraint, inconsistency, economic integration should be considered, the legal integration.Chapter V putting urban updating and house demolition under the analysis framework of "state-society", discusses the relationship reconstruction and adjustment between the Government, citizens, enterprises. The paper emphasis the difficulties, practice and problems of citizens Participation and surveys the possibility and real growth path of civil social development on the background of cities demolition .and then, the paper studies the transition and reconstruction of the government.Chapter VI analyses the successful practice of the cases in recent years, and made a summary discussion from two aspects of the practical and theoretical level.

  • 【分类号】F299.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】2402