

Towering Aloft Above the Horizon

【作者】 张剑

【导师】 张玉能;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 文艺学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 作为造型艺术的立柱,以伟岸与耸立使人对其仰视,在漫长的历史文化进程中,立柱是人类精神的重要载体,世界不同地域和不同时代都曾创造了丰富的立柱艺术,如古埃及的方尖碑柱,中国的华表,印加文明的羽蛇柱,古罗马的图拉真纪功柱,挪威的生命之柱,它们不单纯是建筑的一个构体,正因为如此,本文把立柱作为一种文化的文本,从人类学、美学、文化地理学、历史语义学等多角度来审视这一宏大的人文建构,解读其丰富的文化与历史内涵。首先,从形态学上对立柱进行了分析,立柱在外形上最主要的特征是具有一定长细比和竖直而立,直截面积并不一定是圆形和方形,史前原石柱是不具规则的几何形的,柱的长细比和直立这两点真正原型来自于人类自身的形体,当人类立起第一根原石柱,即改变条石的自然状态,使自然人化,在自然中打上的自我的烙印,意味着人类在自然中的觉醒。人对立柱的审美是对立柱的情感投射和精神贯注。人对于立柱的认同这一现象的原因来自于古老的同情观,人在立柱上感觉到自我的存在与价值感。亦如拉康的镜像理论所分析的,立柱是人的一个自我副本,是人用来确认自我自立自在的一个镜像。在万物有灵观的支配下,早期人类赋予立石以生命和灵魂,这是史前巨石柱崇拜的思想渊源。立柱其有神圣性,这一信仰一直在人类的文化中沿袭着。在神话中,神圣的柱不仅支撑伟大的天宇,还是人类通天的媒介,通天,是人类神秘的欲望,各种文化都赋予“天”以最魄丽的想象,那是神居住的地方,我们头项上的那片天空使我们神往不已,人们企图凭借高大的立柱到达美丽的天宇。在有些民族的习俗中,立柱与祭柱是氏族最为隆重的仪式,云南古滇时期的青铜器上的雕塑——杀人祭柱场景证明了柱的神圣性。正因为柱的神圣性,早期文化中不少民族将所崇拜的图腾雕刻在立柱上,本文运用了人类学中关于图腾的理论对图腾柱进行了研究。立柱同时是对生命力和人的自我生产的褒扬。在弗洛伊德的精神分析学中和荣格的心理分析学中,柱是男根的隐喻,本文检视了古代的男根崇拜文化,古埃及图像中的天地模式,地神盖伯平卧在地,其高耸的生殖器仿佛一根伟岸的立柱直指天穹,中国的古文字“祖”与“且”同源,是男性生殖器的象形,呈直立的柱状。从而揭示出古代的生殖崇拜与立柱崇拜所缠绕着的关系。立柱作为显著的地标,具有文化地理学的意义,在神话中,高耸的立柱是宇宙运转的中枢,古代人们关于宇宙和世界的观念,即是将自己所处之地视作世界的中心,而这世界中心的标示往往是一根高大的立柱,耸立在古罗马的方尖碑和建于印度的“四隅之王”的中柱,就是作为世界之轴和权力中心。作为重要的文化象征物,立柱向上测度上的伸展,比拟着人的傲立的姿态,立柱的耸立与倾折蕴涵着象征性,其耸立象征着生存与建业、权力与秩序;当其被倾折时,则意味着生命的离去与业绩的中废、权力的瓦解与秩序的颠覆。通过对现实和图像中的立柱的解读,本文挖掘了立柱的象征意蕴。因立柱的高耸与伟岸,往往作为宏大历史事件的纪念碑,所以,柱耸立在历史的深处,承载着历史的烟云。本文梳理了从古代到当代不同历史时期立柱式样与时代的联系,阐释了立柱风格演进与历史进程的对应,立柱式样与历史叙事之间的关系。综上所述:立柱作为人类古老的表达形式,是人类关于自我的一个表述,为我们提供自我的认同。作为一个重要的符号,立柱被人类文化赋予了丰富而高贵的所指,不论是单数或是复数,立柱总是表述着宏大的事件。高耸的立柱是人类通天的一个乌托邦,它提升着人类的灵魂,使俗务精神化,使平凡崇高化。扎根于大地,而向天空伸展,立柱给人一种生命充盈的感觉。呈现出一种生长的姿态。艺术是有意味的形式,而形式之所以有意味,乃是这形式的后面隐着生命的底蕴,立柱是一个具有生命意义的形式意象,其深蕴的内涵是生命的傲立。

【Abstract】 Columns, as one of the plastic arts, were looked at by people with reverence because of their greatness and upright. In the long history, columns were always carriers of human beings’ cultural life. In different times, people made a variety of magnificent columns in different areas around the world. (i.e.: the FangJian Tablet Column in Egypt, the HuaBiao Column in China, the YueShe Column in Inca, and the TuLaZhenJiGong Column in Norway.) They were not simply architectural structures. In this article, the author wants to show readers the cultural and historical connotation of columns from many aspects such as anthropology, aesthetics, cultural geology, and historical semantics and so on.First of all, let’s have an analysis on columns from morphology. The most important characteristics of columns in shape are its longness, thinness, and upright. Not all columns have either a circular cross section or a square cross section. In ancient times, their geometric figures were usually irregular. The longness and thinness of columns originated from the shape of human beings’ body. When they set the first stone column, they changed its natural appearance and made it personification, which symbolized human beings’ awakening of their self—consciousness in nature. They had spiritual and emotional sustenance on the appreciation of columns. The reason why human being had recognition of columns came from ancient sympathetic outlook. They could realize their value and self—existence on columns. Just like LaKang analyzed in his mirror theory, columns were copies of human beings’ selves, and mirror images for them to confirm their self—existence.Having been subject to the belief that everything in the world has its soul, people regarded columns as things that had life and soul. They adored columns so much because they thought that columns were sacred and this belief was followed from generation to generation. In fairy tales, columns were not only sustenance of the heaven but also the media which people could go up to the heaven. Going up to the heaven was always human beings’ dreams because the God lived there. Our ancestors gave the heaven the most glorious description in many literary works. They were so charmed by the sky above us that they were always eager to go up to the heaven through those gigantic columns. In the tradition of some nationalities, setting the column and sacrificing the column were the most solemn ceremony. The sculpture (the scene of killing people to sacrifice the column) on bronze ware from GuDian times, YunNan province proved the sacredness of columns. In early civilization, many nationalities carved their adored totems on columns because of their reverence for columns. The author has a research on totemic columns according to the totem theory in anthropology. Columns meant human beings’ vitality and their self—producing. In Freud’s mental analysis and Rouge’s psychoanalysis, the column was a metaphor for man’s genitals. In the explanation on the earth and the heaven in ancient Egypt, the Earth God Gab lay on the ground and his large genitals pointed up to the sky like a grand column. The ancient Chinese characters "祖"and "且"had the same source. They were both pictograph of man’s genitals, like columns. All these prove that there is a close connection between the reproduction adoration and the column adoration.Columns, the outstanding signs of the land, had their cultural—geological meaning. In fairy tales, the upright column was the axis of the universe. In ancient people’s mind, they believed that the place where lived was the center of the world. And the sign of the center usually was a mighty column. The FangJian tablet column in Egypt and the middle column from "The King of Four Corners" in India symbolized the axis of the world and the center of the power. Columns were important cultural symbols. People matched the stretch up of the column with the posture of man’s standing up with pride. The towering aloft of the column and the breaking off of it both had their symbols. The towering aloft of the column symbolized survival and contribution; power and order. The breaking off the column symbolized the passing away of life and the neglecting of contribution; the disintegrating of power and the overturning of the order. The author taped the symbolic meaning of columns through the research on the columns from both real life and literary works. Because the column was towering aloft and gigantic in stature, it was always the memorial of great historical events. In this article, the author discovered the connection between the style of the column and the times in different historical period from ancient times to modern times; explained the relationship between the style of the columns and the processing of history, the style of the columns and the historical narration.From all the above, we can say that columns were important way for people to memorize important historical events, recognize their selves and make their dreams of going up to the heaven come true. They played a very important role in human beings’ spiritual world, culture and art field.

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