

On the Chinese Party Systems’ Production and Evolution

【作者】 钟德涛

【导师】 李良明;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中共党史, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 本文以探讨近代中国政党的产生为起点,着重研究了20世纪中国先后产生的三种政党制度——民国初年的竞争型的“多党制”、国民党统治时期的垄断型的“一党制”和中国共产党领导的合作型的“多党合作制”的演变及其规律。在此基础上,分析、提出了当今中国政党制度——“多党合作制”的特色及其在21世纪的完善路向和发展趋势。第一章从世界范围内政党的起源入手,探讨了近代中国早期政党产生的社会历史条件及其与西方政党的关联,指出近代中国不可能形成政党运行的固定模式,近代中国产生的一批早期政党特别是1921年开始逐步形成的中国政党格局,是中国竞争型的“多党制”政党制度、垄断型的“一党制”政党制度和合作型的“多党合作制”政党制度产生、演变的决定性的内在依据。第二章探讨了民国初年多党制尝试的历史必然性、过程、失败原因及历史进步性。特别指出,从历史发展的大视野看,它的尝试及其失败对垄断型的国民党“一党制”的崩溃乃至中国共产党领导的合作型政党制度(“多党合作制”)的最终建立也起了一定的作用。第三章探讨了国民党“一党制”政党制度建立的背景及其建立、发展、在大陆崩溃及在台湾终结的过程,分析了国民党“一党制”的本质特征和特点。特别指出,国民党“一党制”是效仿西方政党制度的另类——德、意法西斯政党体制的产物,与前苏联政党制度无涉。第四、五章集中探讨了合作型政党制度——中共领导的多党合作制的形成、确立和发展过程,认为:中共与民主党派合作关系的建立,是多党合作制形成的前提;中共与民主党派在合作过程中,首先创造的是“多党合作”的形式,随着这种形式的巩固和发展,便上升为一种政党制度;政党制度的形成不能简单等同于政党制度的被确立。特别强调,毛泽东对多党合作制形成和确立的历史贡献不容抹杀。在此基础上,对多党合作制的形成发展阶段进行了新探索。第六章围绕多党合作制的特色问题,从三个角度进行了探讨,即从多党合作制在世界政党制度中的归类问题和从中外政党制度比较研究的角度,揭示了多党合作制的特色和优势,并通过探讨当代中国政党在人大、政协、政府和其他社会活动中的关系问题,深化了对多党合作制特色的认识。第七章探讨了多党合作制在21世纪初面临的挑战和其完善、创新的路向。指出:完善多党合作制是国内外形势发展和其自身使命的必然要求;中国共产党现代化是多党合作制完善的关键:加强参政党建设,是民主党派担负历史使命的必由之路;要着力从理顺多党合作制内部的关系和创新机制方面完善多党合作制。本章还对“一国两制”条件下多党合作制与港澳特别行政区及未来的台湾地区政党组织的衔接问题进行了前瞻性探讨。

【Abstract】 This article discusses the production of the modern Chinese political party as a beginning, and has emphatically studied three kinds of political party systems and their evolution and rule which successively produce in 20th century China: competitive "multi-party political system" of the republic of China; monopolistic "one-party political system" in Kuomintang rule time; and cooperative " multi-party cooperation system" under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. In this foundation, this article analyzes the Characteristic and the development tendency of "the multi-party cooperation system" in 21st century.From the political parties’ production in the world scope, chapter 1 discusses the social and the historical condition of the early modern Chinese political parties’ production and their relation with the western political parties, points out it is impossible to format the fixed mode of the political parties’ running in the early China. The early Chinese political parties’ structure, especially from 1921 beginning, is the most important intrinsic basis of above three kinds of party systems’ production and evolution.The chapter 2 discusses the historical inevitability, the process, the reason of failure and the historical advancement of the "multi-party political system" of the republic of China. Looked from the historical development field, it is also the reason of the failure of "one-party political system" and the foundation of cooperative "the multi-parties cooperation system" under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party.The chapter 3 discusses the establishment background, the foundation, the development, the failure in mainland and the death in Taiwan of "one-party political system", analyzes its essential characteristic, and especially points out it is the result which learns the western political party systems like German and Italy fascists, it is irrelevant with the political system of Soviet Union.The chapter 4&5, discusses the foundation, the establishment and the development of "multi-party cooperation system" under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, and considers that "multi-party cooperation system" bases on the foundation of cooperation relationship between CCP and the Democratic parties. In their cooperation process, they create the form of "multi-parties cooperation" firstly, and become the system, following its confirmation and development. Pointed out specially, Mao Zedong makes important contribution for its foundation and confirmation. In this foundation, he also researches its formation and development.The chapter 6 discusses the characteristics of "multi-party cooperation system" from three aspects, such as, from the classification of it in world political party systems, from the differences between the Chinese and foreign political party systems, to discover its characteristics and advantage, and from the relationship among modern Chinese political party system, National People’s Congress, Political Consultative Conference and Government, to deepen understanding its characteristics.The chapter 7 discusses challenge, the direction of consummation and innovation of "multi-party cooperation system" in 21st century. Pointed out, it is obligatory to perfect it for domestic and foreign situations and itself responsibility. The modernization of CCP is the key factor for its consummate. To strengthen itself construction is essential method for its responsibility. It is important to consummate multi-parties cooperation system from clarifying internal relations and innovation system .This chapter also foresighted discusses combining multi-parties cooperation system with Hong Kong, Macao special administrative region and the political party organizes of Taiwan under the condition of "one country, two systems".

  • 【分类号】D665
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