

Study on Reform of Modern Chinese Language Education in the Perspective of Scientism

【作者】 耿红卫

【导师】 周洪宇;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 科学主义是西方一种重要的哲学思潮,鸦片战争以后传入中国,与向近代演进的中国学术思想相结合,在19世纪末期形成了具有中国语境特点的科学主义思潮。科学主义不仅影响着近现代中国社会的政治、经济、文化等领域,而且对教育领域也产生了极大的影响,形成了科学主义教育思潮,大大推动了现代教育的科学化进程。作为教育领域的一个重要组成部分——语文教育,在科学主义的思想、观念和方法的介入下,逐步从传统“大语文教育”中解放出来,于1904年随着“癸卯学制”的颁布而独立设科。自此,语文学科教育开始确立现代语文教育观念,在教育目标、内容、方法、考试、研究方式等方面逐步迈向了科学化。本论文通过研究1904-1949年近现代语文教育科学化的发展历程,不仅为学术界客观地评价科学主义在语文教育改革中的功过与利弊提供历史依据,而且为当今构建和谐语文教育提供一些可资借鉴的经验、教训和启示。本论文从科学主义的独特视角出发,以历史唯物主义和辩证唯物主义为理论基础,采用历史文献法、比较法、个案分析法等方法,力求对近现代语文教育的科学化问题作全面、系统的考察。主要分为四个部分:第一部分:导论。主要论述了本选题的背景与意义,研究的相关资料、现状与趋势,研究的对象、范围与相关概念的厘定,研究的理论与方法以及研究的主要问题与创新追求等,力求对全文的写作有个宏观的把握。第二部分:理论观念部分。即第一章“科学主义对中国近现代语文教育的影响界说”。简要阐述了西方科学主义的形成过程、特征以及在近现代中国社会的传播和发展背景;系统分析了科学主义对近现代教育制度、内容、研究方式等方面的影响;重点研究了科学主义介入语文和语文教育领域之后,传统语文教育面貌的革新及现代语文教育观念的确立情况。第三部分:教育实践部分。包括第二至六章。第二章“语文教育目标科学化的历史考察”。教育目标制订的前提是语文学科的独立开设,语文名称的变更也不同程度地影响着课程目标的设置,这是首先要阐明的问题;接着从语文课程标准目标的设置由笼统、片面到明确、具体的发展脉络,重点研究了语文教育目标诉求科学化的历程;最后就人们对语文教育目标的批评及建议作了深入的探讨。第三章“语文教学内容科学化的历史审视”。从语文课程设置角度阐述了语文教学内容日益走向语文知识的系统化和实用化的发展轨迹;重点研究了语文教材编排体系由过去单一的文体分类和时代为序的编排方式逐步发展为比较科学的序列化、单元化的编排方式的嬗变规律;指出了语文教科书的批评和讨论与其编排相伴而生,大大影响了科学化的改革进程;最后对语文教学内容科学化的特点作出基于历史事实的总结和客观的评价。第四章“语文教学方法科学化的历史反观”。在对传统语文教学方法进行简要的历史追溯之后,详尽论述了西方教育理论与方法及其对中国教育界的影响,并以实例阐明语文教育界对西方教育理论与方法的实验和运用情况;重点研究了说话教学法、识字教学法、阅读教学法、写作教学法等现代语文教学方法的探索与创造情况;扼要地总结了现代语文教学方法演进的特征和规律,对其存在的问题作了认真地概括和归因分析。第五章“语文考试科学化的历史检讨”。主要从传统语文考试自身矛盾运动、教育测量运动的推动以及现代考试制度的形成与发展三个方面分析了现代语文考试形成的动因,归纳出现代语文考试的特点;重点阐述了选择、填空、问答、整理、改错、模仿、翻译等多种新式方法在语文考试中的运用情况,并以东南大学附中入学招生考试这一典型案例加以印证;具体考察了人们对语文考试功能发挥不足及考试实际问题的检讨情况。第六章“语文教育研究方式科学化的历史钩沉”。简要梳理了实验教育思潮的形成和发展历史,认真剖析了其对中国教育尤其是语文教育的影响;从识字问题、写字问题、阅读问题、作文问题等四个方面,重点探讨了语文教育研究方式科学化的具体表现;客观评价了语文教育研究方式科学化改革中存在的问题。第四部分:结语。通过对科学主义在语文教育观念和实践方面影响的考察,笔者认为近现代语文教育在学科性质和目标上、在学科体系的建设上、在语文教育的科学研究上都向科学化迈进了一大步,但是由于出现“唯科学”和“伪科学”倾向也产生了不少沉痛教训。基于以上客观历史事实,本论文最后得出结论:语文教育要想真正实现科学化,必须恰当定位语文学科的性质、妥善处理传承与借鉴的关系、切实搞好语文教育的科学研究。唯有此,我国语文教育才能得到健康而和谐的发展,才会拥有一个光明灿烂的明天!

【Abstract】 Scientism is an important western philosophical thought introduced into China after the Opium War. Combining with Chinese academic thought under the impact of modern evolution, it gave shape to scientism thoughts with characteristics of Chinese context in the end of 19th century. Its impact not only involves in the fields of politics, economics and culture, but also greatly in the field of education in modern China, attributing to the formation of scientism education thoughts, which greatly accelerated the scientific progress of modern education. As an important part of education, Chinese language education has, by means of scientism thoughts, concepts and methods, gradually liberated from traditional Chinese language education in broad sense and become an independent discipline in 1904 after the "GuiMao Educational System". Since then, Chinese language education started to establish modern Chinese language education concept, gradually moving towards scientification in terms of educational objectives, contents, methods, examinations and research methods. In this essay, the author tries to research on the scientification development of modern Chinese language education from 1904 to 1949 to provide a historical basis for the objective academic evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of scientism in the reform of Chinese language education as well as some consultable experiences, lessons and inspirations for the construction of harmonious Chinese language education today.From an unique perspective of scientism and based on historical materialism and dialectical materialism, this essay makes every effort to give a comprehensive and systematic analysis on the scientification of modern Chinese language education by means of historical document, comparison, case study etc., which falls into four parts:Part One Introduction. It mainly elaborates on the background, significance, related datum, present situations and trends, research object, scope and related definitions, theory and method, as well as the main issues and innovation of the topic to cast a foreshadow for the full essay.Part Two Theory concept. It contains chapter one "The impact of scientism on modern Chinese language education", which briefly elaborates on the formation and characteristics of western scientism as well as on its spread and development background in modern China, systematically analyzes the impact of scientism on modern education system, content, research methods etc., with emphasis on the study of the renovation of traditional Chinese language education and the establishment of the concept of modern Chinese language education.Part Three Education practice. It contains from chapter two to chapter six. Chapter Two "Investigation on the scientification history of the objective of Chinese Language education". The prime issue elaborated on is that Chinese language as an independent discipline is the premise of setting up education objective. The alteration of the name of Chinese language also influences the setup of course objective to some extent. Then, the study focuses on the scientification history of the objective of Chinese language education based on that standard objective of Chinese language course evolves from a general, unitary type to a definite, concrete type. Finally, criticisms and constructive suggestions on the objective of Chinese language education are explored.Chapter Three "Historical survey on scientification of Chinese language teaching content". It elaborates on the development track that the content of Chinese language teaching becomes increasingly systematic and pragmatic in terms of Chinese language knowledge; with study emphasis on the evolution that the compiling method of Chinese teaching material compiling system evolves from old, unitary genre classification, time series type to scientific sequence-based and unit-based type. It points out that the compiling of Chinese language textbook is accompanied by criticisms and discussions which have significantly influence the progress of scientification reform; and finally, historical fact-based summary and objective evaluation are given on the characteristics of the scientification of the content of Chinese language teaching.Chapter Four "Historical retrospect of the scientification of Chinese language teaching method". By briefly historical tracing of the traditional Chinese language education methods, the author emphasizes on the impact of western education theory and method on Chinese education, and elaborates on the experiment and application of western education theory and method in Chinese language education field by giving examples. In this chapter, emphasis is attached to the exploration and innovation of modern Chinese language teaching methods such as speaking instruction, character-teaching, reading teaching and writing teaching; characteristics and rule of the evolution of teaching method of modern Chinese language are concluded, and existing problems in Chinese language teaching are summed up and analyzed.Chapter Five "Historical investigation on the scientification of Chinese language examination". In this part, causes of the formation of modern Chinese language examination are analyzed from such three aspects as the paradox movement of traditional Chinese language examination, the advancement of education measurement movement, and the formation and development of modern examination system; characteristics of modern Chinese language examination are concluded; application of various new methods in Chinese language examination such as black filling, gap filling, question, trim, correction, imitation and translation etc. are elaborated on, which is verified by the classic case of Entrance Examination of Middle School Affiliated to Southeast University; and the deficiency and reality problems of Chinese language examination are investigated.Chapter Six "Scientification History of research method of Chinese Language education". The author briefly streamlines the formation and development of experimental education thoughts, carefully analyses its impact on education especially Chinese language education in China; explores the concrete manifestation of scientification of research method of Chinese language education from such four aspects as character learning, character writing, reading and writing; objectively evaluates the existing problems in the process of scientification reform of research method of Chinese language education.Part Four Conclusion. Through investigation on impacts of scientism on the concept and application of Chinese language education, the author believes that modern Chinese language education has made a great progress towards scientification in its nature, objective, system construction and scientific research; however, profound lessons from the tendency of scientism and pseudoscience have also occurred. Based on the above objective history facts, the essay finally draws the conclusion: the thorough scientification of Chinese Language education depends on appropriate positioning of the nature of Chinese language discipline, proper handling of the relationship between inheriting and borrowing, and conducting a good scientific research on Chinese language education. Only by so doing, can Chinese language education develop in a health and harmonious way and enjoy a bright future.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1343