

Integration of Rural Social Order between Institutional Norm and Non-Institutional Norm

【作者】 沈新坤

【导师】 郑杭生; 江立华;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 社会学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 本文以中国从传统型社会向现代型社会的转型为间接背景,以改革开放特别是乡村改革为直接背景,以乡村社会文化规范的变迁为主要视角,旨在探讨当代乡村社会秩序的转型和重建问题。本文的核心观点是,当代乡村社会秩序转型过程中出现的制度化和非制度化之间的矛盾与冲突,可以通过链合——亚制度性整合进行有效地协调和化解,从而实现乡村社会的稳定。第一章论述的是制度性规范与乡村社会秩序。在本文中,制度是作为“规范”而不是作为多种规定性的体系来使用。从本质上来讲,制度性规范作为国家的基本治理手段,是国家意志的体现。从制度的制定及制度来源看,作为国家治理手段的一整套规则的制度,从上至下大体可以分为三大类:规范性行为准则、宪法秩序和制度安排。从历史的角度来看,当代乡村制度建设源于新中国的国家制度建设,即人民公社的社会主义制度建设。改革开放后,随着计划经济体制向市场经济体制的转轨,乡村制度在分化的同时也向现代制度进行转变。最后,笔者指出乡村制度性规范对乡村社会秩序而言,既具有积极作用,也具有消极作用。第二章论述的是非制度性规范与乡村社会秩序。作为制度性规范的对立面,非制度性规范是对所有不属于制度性规定的规范的统称,是针对制度性规范所作的一种否定陈述,而不是指单一某种或某类规范。从来源来看,非制度性规范源于传统礼俗,具有习俗属性的特征。非制度性规范的主要来源有习俗、道德及宗教等形式。由于小农经济的复兴和聚族而居的村落布局使得乡村非制度性规范的出现突出地体现为传统的复兴,这表明乡村非制度性规范在很大程度上具有习俗性特征,这也是与目前我国乡村社会在总体上处于农业社会的前现代状态相一致的。最后,笔者指出乡村非制度性规范对乡村社会具有秩序价值的同时,也具有负面影响。第三章是关于乡村制度性规范与非制度性规范的实践,即乡村社会秩序的制度化和非制度化的问题。这里,乡村制度化主要不是指乡村社会规范的系统化和程序化,而是指乡村制度性规范逐步产生并发挥作用的过程,即乡村社会的生产和生活越来越多地受到制度性规范的指导和约束的过程。作为国家治理乡村社会的基本手段,乡村社会秩序的制度化主要体现为国家对乡村社会中所作的各种制度安排。乡村社会秩序走向制度化的力量或制度化的机制主要有权力机制、服务机制和理性化机制。从国家治理的角度出发,乡村社会秩序的制度化强势这主要体现为国家权力对非制度性规范进行的打压和边缘化。当乡村社会秩序的制度化呈现强势状态或者说乡村社会秩序全面走向制度化时,乡村制度性规范的消极作用就会凸显,从而给乡村社会秩序带来许多社会问题。同乡村社会秩序的制度化相对应,乡村社会秩序的非制度化是指乡村非制度性规范逐步产生并发挥作用的过程,也就是乡村社会的生产和生活越来越多地受到非制度性规范的指导和约束的过程。从乡村非制度性规范的来源来看,乡村社会秩序的非制度化首先体现在宗(家)族的复兴与民间传统的复兴。与制度化的机制不同,乡村社会秩序的非制度化具有认同机制和伦理机制。从乡村社会内部来看,乡村社会秩序非制度化强势主要体现为非制度性规范对制度性规范作用进行抵制和破坏。如同乡村社会秩序制度化强势一样,乡村非制度化强势也会造成众多乡村社会秩序问题。第四章讨论的是当代乡村社会秩序的亚制度性整合问题。首先,通过对当代乡村二元秩序的反思或再认识,笔者提出链式整合概念,对当代乡村社会中的制度性规范和非制度性规范以及乡村社会秩序的制度化和非制度化进行亚制度性整合。接着,从农民属性及其行动选择力量、村落精英的带动和基层工作人员的变通等角度探讨乡村社会秩序亚制度性整合的动力问题。最后,从亚制度性规范的形成来看,乡村社会秩序的亚制度性整合有移风易俗和制度操作两种基本实践形态。结语和讨论部分强调乡村社会秩序的链合只是乡村社会秩序转型过程的历史产物,且链合状态下的乡村社会秩序仍只是处于一种亚健康状态,即社会秩序只是处于相对稳定的状态。但是,制度规范与非制度规范在链合作用下必将逐渐走向融合,最终达到啮合的市民社会稳定状态。

【Abstract】 With social transformation and reform,especially the rural reform,as the background,this dissertation focuses on the transformation and the reconstruction of current rural social order.The central point of view of this dissertation is like the following:through sub-institutional integration, the conflicts between institutional order and non-institutional order can be effectively dissolved.Thus the stability of rural society can come into being.Chapter one discourses systematic norm and rural social order.In this dissertation,"Zhidu" refers to institution instead of system.From its very nature,as the fundamental governance method of nation,institutional norm represents national embodiments.From its establishment and origin, institution can be put into three categories:normative behavior standard,constitutional order and institutional arrangement.From a historical perspective,the contemporary rural institution originated from the national institution of new China,or in another word,socialism system of the people’s commune.During the course of reform,along with the transformation from planned economy to marketing economy,rural institution is changing to a modern one as well.At the end of this chapter, it comes the conclusion:the rural institution not only has the positive function,but also has the negative function.Chapter two discourses the relation between non-institutional norm and rural social order.Being considered as opposite to the institutional norm,non-institutional norm is a general designation of all the other norms that can’t be accepted into the realm of institution.It is more like a negative description of institutional norm than some kind of norm.From its origin,non-institutional norm originated from traditional rite,habit and the rule of family for example.Therefore it has consuetudinary characteristics.Due to the reviving of small-peasant economy and living pattern of village,the rural non-institutional norm emerges as a revival of tradition.Such fact agrees with the living praxis of current Chinese rural society,at the end of this chapter,it comes the conclusion:rural non-institutional norm has positive and negative effect on rural social order.Chapter three is about the praxis of rural institutional norm and non-institutional norm.That is, institutionalization and non-institutionalization of rural social order.In this part,rural institutionalization refers to the process during which rural institutional order gradually produces and functions than to the systemization and routinization of rural social norm.As the basic governance method of nation,the institutionalization of rural social order mainly represents the institutional arrangement of nation in the rural society.The mechanism that drives rural social order to the state of institutionalization mainly contains:the mechanism of power,of service and of rationalization.From the perspective of national governance,the dominance of the institutionalization of rural social order represents like this:non-institutional norm is being put into the state of peripherization.As a result of such dominance,the negative effect of rural institutional norm will be exaggerated,and rural social order will be very likely to be in a mess.Corresponding to the institutionalization of rural social order,the non-institutionalization of rural social order refers to the process during which rural non-institutional norm gradually produces and functions.From the origin of it,the non-institutionalization of rural social order firstly represents as the revival of household and folks tradition.Different from the mechanism of institutionalization, the non-institutionalization of rural social order holds the mechanism of self-identity and mechanism of ethics.From inside the rural society,the dominance of the non-institutionalization of rural social order represents as the boycott and ruining of the non-institutionalization norm to its counterpart. Similar to the dominance of institutionalization of rural social order,the dominance of non-institutionalization of rural social order will arouse plenty of problems.Chapter four discourses the integration of contemporary rural social order.Firstly,through taking the theory of neo-modernization and neo-concept of transformation into this research,the author brings up the idea of sub-institutional integration by interlinkage.Next,from the aspects of peasant’s action,the role of standouts in village and the position of the grass-root in the countryside, the author discourses the drive of sub-institutional integration of rural social order.Finally,from the coming of sub-institutional norm,sub-institutional integration by interlinkage of rural social order has two fundamental pattern of praxis:changing custom and the operation of institution.In conclusion,the interlinkage of rural order is the product/result of the transformation of rural social order.Under the interlinking circumstances,rural social order is in the state of sub-health. However,as institutional norm and non-institutional norm are gradually inosculating under the influence of interlinkage,a stable civil society will come into being.

  • 【分类号】D422
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1544