

【作者】 任引

【导师】 薛建辉;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 生态学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 常绿阔叶林是亚热带地区的地带性植被,也是亚热带陆地生态系统的重要组成部分。几十年来,我国的植物学、生态学科研工作者开展了南亚热带和北亚热带常绿阔叶林结构和功能方面的研究,而对中亚热带常绿阔叶林的研究相对较少。本研究采用野外调查和室内实验相结合的方法,对武夷山自然保护区甜槠、米槠和丝栗栲优势群落的结构和生态功能进行了调查研究,丰富了中亚热带常绿阔叶林生态学研究的内容,对于天然林保护具有重要理论和实践意义。本文主要研究结果:1.甜槠林群落的Simpson指数(D)、Shannon-Wiener指数(H)、Pielou均匀度(J)、种间相遇机率PIE分别为6.1906、2.7513、62.11%、0.8384;丝栗栲群落分别为12.0059、2.8950、80.79%、0.9167;甜槠林群落物种多样性与海拔高度、土壤含水率和土壤pH值呈显著相关(P<0.05);坡度、土壤有机质与乔木层的物种丰富度和灌木层的盖度呈极显著相关(P<0.01)。2.米槠林群落中,米槠重要值高达77.98(2000年)、75.65(2005年)和78.75(2007年),相对多度、相对频度和相对显著度均居首位。2005年杜英科和柿树科植物的重要值比2000年时有所增加,但至2007年有所下降。但壳斗科、山茶科等主要建群科的重要值在该时期内变化不大,在群落中的地位相对稳定。3.甜槠和丝栗栲种群的年龄结构主要包括稳定型和衰退型两种类型,不同样地的年龄结构有所不同;从一级幼树→六级大树的大小级别上,甜槠群落分布格局趋势是从集群→随机→集群;丝栗栲群落从集群→随机。丝栗栲年轮宽度和最小密度呈显著相关(P<0.05)。4.丝栗栲林的现存生物量为25994.1 g/m~2(259.941 t/hm~2)。其中,地上与地下部分生物量之比为4.42。不同地点甜槠林生物量的大小与林龄呈正相关,海拔、地形、土壤等环境因子与生物量问的相关性并不显著。5.甜槠林、米槠林年凋落物量3年的平均值分别为391.08 g/m~2和424.95g/m~2,对不同年份甜槠林和米槠林凋落物组分的相关性进行分析,只有枝的相关性显著(P=0.005);甜槠和米槠林群落的月凋落物量与月平均温度、月平均相对湿度和月降雨量的相关性均不显著(P>0.05)。甜槠林和米槠林六种元素在总凋落物中的平均含量大小顺序为:C>N>Ca)K>Mg>P。甜槠林和米槠林凋落叶片中的N和K浓度的季节变化大于Ca和Mg。6.单位面积甜槠林各样地的粗死木质残体总平均贮量为7.96 t/hm~2,丝栗栲林为9.19 t/hm~2。甜槠林CWD总贮量的方差(8.59)大于丝栗栲林(4.43)。甜槠林粗死木质残体中C、N、P、K、Ca、Mg元素的平均贮量分别为3964.74 kg/hm~2、38.81 kg/hm~2、0.61 kg/hm~2、2.37 kg/hm~2、9.89 kg/hm~2、1.29 kg/hm~2;丝栗栲林为4445.30 kg/hm~2、56.05 kg/hm~2、1.56 kg/hm~2、5.14 kg/hm~2、51.01 kg/hm~2、5.44 kg/hm~2。7.甜槠林内气温年平均日较差为8.4℃,林外空旷地年平均日较差为11.7℃。不同月份之间,林内和空旷地平均相对变差分别为0.343和0.335。林内外各月份相对湿度的变化趋势基本一致。除12月与7月份以外,其余月份林外空旷地月平均相对湿度均大于林内,但林内高湿日数多于林外空旷地。8.2004年共发生降水219次,年降水量1767.4 mm。甜槠林穿透水、茎流量和林冠截留量分别为:1304.9,245.0,217.5 mm;穿透率、茎流率及截留率分别为73.8%、13.9%及12.3%。同次降雨中,林内不同位置的穿透雨量差异显著。穿透水量与大气降水量之间存在明显的线性关系(P<0.05);随着胸径的增加,茎流量减小,形成茎流的时间推迟;当降水量<202.1 mm时,林冠截留量随着降水量的增加而增加;当降水量超过202.1mm后,林冠截留量趋于一个相对稳定值52.5 mm。

【Abstract】 Broad-leaved evergreen forest, native to subtropical climate, is one of key terrestrial ecosystems .In the past decades, lots of researches had been focused on the structure and ecological function of south subtropical evergreen forest and north subtropical evergreen forest, but little research of middle subtropical evergreen forest. In this thesis, structure and ecological function of Castanopsis eyrei, Castanopsis fargesii Franch and Castanopsis carlesii community were investigated in experiment area. The main results were as follows:1. The simpson index,shannon-wiener diversity index, pielou evenness, PIE of Castanopsis eyrei community were 6.1906、2.7513、62.11%n0.8384, and Castanopsis fargesii Franch community werel2.0059、2.8950、80.79 %、0.9167, respectively. Furthermore, in Castanopsis eyrei community, there existed significant correlation between species diversity and altitude, soil moisture, soil pH(P<0.05),while the extremely significant correlation between the tree richness or shrub coverage and soil organic matter(P<0.01).2. The important value of Castanopsis carlesii were 77.98 in 2000, 75.65 in 2005, 78.75 in 2007, respectively, while the importance value of Elaeocarpaceae and Ebenaceae increased in 2005 versus in 2000, then decreased in 2007 and importance value of constructive species such as Fagaceae and Theaceae changed little in one period and status were relatively stable.3. Agestructures of Castanopsis eyrei and Castanopsis fargesii Franch population presented two types such as diminishing population and stable population, varied with different plots. From first class seedlings to six class trees, distribution of Castanopsis eyrei community was clumped to random to clumped, and Castanopsis fargesii Franch community was clumped to random. There existed significant relationship between annual ring width and minimum density(P<0.05).4. Biomass of Castanopsis fargesii Franch community was 259.941 t / hm~2, shoot / root ratio was 4.42.Biomass of Castanopsis eyrei community was correlated with age community, environmental factor included elevation, topography and soil was not correlated with age community.5. Average annual litter fall of Castanopsis eyrei and Castanopsis carlesii community in three years was 391.08 g/m~2 and 424.95 g/m~2 respectively. Correlation of month litter fall with month temperature ,month relative humid, month precipitation of Castanopsis eyrei and Castanopsis carlesii community was not significant (P>0.05). Average content of total nutrient elements in Castanopsis eyrei and Castanopsis carlesii community was ON>Ca>K>Mg>P.The seasonal differences of N and P in foliage litter fall in Castanopsis eyrei and Castanopsis carlesii community was bigger than those of Ca and Mg. 6. The mean CWD storage of Castanopsis eyrei and Castanopsis fargesii Franch community was 7.96 t/hm~2 and 9.19 t/hm~2 respectively. However, the variance of CWD storage of Castanopsis eyrei community was higher than that of Castanopsis fargesii Franch community. The C、N、P、K、Ca、Mg concentrations CWD stored of Castanopsis eyrei community were 3964.74 kg/hm~2 ,38.81 kg/hm~2 ,0.61 kg/hm~2 ,2.37 kg/hm~2 ,9.89 kg/hm~2,1.29 kg/hm~2,and these of Castanopsis fargesii Franch community were 4445.30 kg/hm~2 ,56.05 kg/hm~2 ,1.56 kg/hm~2 ,5.14 kg/hm~2 ,51.01 kg/hm~2,5.44 kg/hm~2 respectively.7. Annual mean diurnal range of air temperature in forest area and open area were 8.4℃and 11.7℃respectively. The average relative variance coefficient of forest area and open area in different months were 0.34 and 0.33, respectively, so were the relative humidities in forest area and open area .The monthly mean values of air relative humidity in open area was higher than those in forest area except December and July, but the days with high humidity in forest area was more than that in open area.8. There were 219 precipitations in 2004 and the total precipitation during this period was 1767.4mm. Throughfall、stemflow and interception were 1304.9 mm, 245.0 mm, 217.5 mm, respectively, accounted for 73.8%, 13.9%, 12.3% of precipitation, respectively. The throughfall varied at different points in the forest with the same precipitation, and there existed linear relationship between throughfall and total precipitation(P<0.05). With increasing in DBH(diameter of breast height), the stemflow decreased, and stemflow occurring was postponed. When precipitation was lower than 202.1 mm, the interception increased with precipitation increasing. When precipitation was higher than 202.1mm, the interception inclined to 52.5 mm..

  • 【分类号】S718.5
  • 【被引频次】4
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