

Establishing a Policy System on the New Media of Radio and Television in PRC

【作者】 黄炜

【导师】 胡正荣;

【作者基本信息】 中国传媒大学 , 传播学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文运用新制度主义理论和公共选择理论,按照政策科学的理论框架,分析了数字化、网络化条件下出现的广播电视新媒体特点和发展过程、趋势,考察了中国数字电视、网络电视、手机电视政策的制度变迁,指出要加快广播电视新媒体发展,加强广播电视新媒体的管理,提出构建广播电视新媒体政策体系的设想。本文结合与传统广播电视的比较,从技术、内容、媒体特点等角度对广播电视新媒体以及广播电视新媒体政策的概念进行了界定,明确了广播电视新媒体的分类和发展重点,并对使用的理论进行了梳理。在分析中,重点以数字电视及手机电视、IP电视政策的实践为例证,运用政策分析的方法,对广播电视新媒体政策制定过程、执行过程和评估、修订进行考察,通过对广播电视新媒体及其现有政策进行梳理和分析,结合当前广播电视新媒体发展的情况,研究新闻政策特别是广播电视政策向广播电视新媒体政策变迁的原因、过程、特点以及发展趋势,广播电视新媒体在社会变迁和转型期的政策取向、政策选择模式、政策体系的形成与变化。针对实践领域的发展与存在的问题,明确提出广播电视新媒体产业政策的目标,即增长、效率、公平。既要考虑产业属性,又要兼顾社会责任;既要着眼全局,又要考虑局部的不平衡性。更好地发挥广播电视新媒体的特点和优势,在舆论导向正确的前提下,发展壮大产业。广播电视新媒体的发展决定了未来媒体格局以及其中广播电视类媒体的地位,而发展离不开政策的支持。广播电视新媒体政策应当以传统媒介管理模式为基础,结合广播电视新媒体的特点,充分发挥广播电视新媒体的优势,进一步提高政策层次和增强科学性,创新政策手段,体现新媒体的融合特征,具有规范标准、体制完善、资源共享、鼓励竞争的统一的政策体系。政策研究对广播电视新媒体发展具有重要的意义。广播电视新媒体政策是一个动态的、完整的系统,是一个发生和发展的过程。随着科技不断发展,网络融合积极推进,媒介形态越来越多样化、多媒体化,对此,还要进一步适应新形势的需求,构建符合中国国情、适应新媒体发展、科学规范、整体和谐的广播电视新媒体政策调控体系。

【Abstract】 With the digitization of the world and the widespread use of internet, a new form of media of radio and television has emerged. Guided by the New Institutional Economics Theory and the Public Choice Theory, this study analyzes the new media of radio and television using the methodology of policy scientific systems. Specifically, this study examines the characteristics and development of the new media, and the institutional reforms regarding policies on digital television, IPTV, and Mobile TV; This study suggests that it is important to promote the new media’s development and improve the administration of the new media; Finally, a model is proposed for establishing a system of new-media of radio and television policy.With the traditional radio and television as a reference point, this study defines the concepts of the new media of radio and TV and the new-media policy in terms of technology, content, and medium, classifies the new media into different categories, specifies the pivotal aspects of the development of the new media. Using the methodology of policy analysis, this study examines the establishment, implementation, evaluation, and revision of the new-media of radio and television policy, with the practice of policies on digital television, Mobile TV, and IPTV as illustrations. By analyzing the new media and the current policy on the new media, this study examines the cause, the process, and the prospect of the transition from traditional media policy to the new-media of radio and television policy. In addition, this study examines the policy system’s direction, selection models, policy development and changes during societal changes. This study proposes that the goals of new-media policy are: improvement, efficiency, and fairness. These aims are targeted at eliminating the problems that exist in practices. The new-media policy should take into account social responsibilities as well as the property of media industry. Moreover, the new-media policy should consider the imbalance between different parts as well as the overall situation. The goal of the new-media policy is to bring into play the strengths of the new media and to promote the growth of media industry on the premises of the correct orientation for public opinion.On the one hand, the development of the new media determines the future of media industry and the status of radio and film media in the future media industry; on the other hand, the support of media policy is essential to the development of the new media. The traditional model of media administration serves as a basis for the new-media policy system. On this basis, the new-media policy system should adapt to the characteristics of the new media of radio and television, bring the advantages of the new media into full play, and materialize the convergence feature of the new media. The new-media of radio and television policy should be an integrated policy system that is scientific, standardized, well-developed policy system that shares resources and encourages fair competition.Policy study is essential to the development of the new media. The new-media of radio and television policy is a dynamic and integrated system where development and changes are occurring at all times. With the development of science and technology and the convergence of internet, the forms of media are increasingly diverse and multi-media. Therefore, the new-media of radio and television policy needs to keep in pace with the ongoing development of the new media. The ultimate goal is to establish a scientific and integrated policy system that is suitable for the Chinese socio-cultural context and that adapts to the development of the new media of radio and television.

  • 【分类号】G229.2
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】3066