

An Experimental Study on Library’s Internal Managerial Communication Issues

【作者】 唐承秀

【导师】 吴慰慈; 李炳穆;

【作者基本信息】 北京大学 , 图书馆学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 沟通是管理活动中最重要的组成部分之一。在当今图书馆的工作环境中,最大的挑战之一就是如何激发员工的工作热情,使他们成为具有责任心和自信心的群体。有效的管理沟通便是能够使组织更加健康、有活力的渠道之一。在以往企业界所进行的研究中,已经证明沟通满意感与工作满意感、组织承诺等因素密切相关。为了发现我国图书馆管理沟通中存在的问题和态势,本文结合了定性研究和定量研究方法,以问卷调查、访谈、观察和文献分析作为研究的工具,对我国当代图书馆的内部管理沟通问题进行了多维度的考察。全文共分九章,主要内容涉及:调查开展情况介绍与总体统计与分析、员工的沟通满意感、管理沟通的影响因素和现存障碍、高层管理者与图书馆的管理沟通、沟通媒介和沟通渠道等。在以上各项内容的分析中,分别对性别、年龄、教育背景、职称、职务、入馆年限等不同变量进行了统计分析,发现了其中的一些规律和特点。在对员工沟通满意感及其相关因素进行分析时,主要考察了五个维度:对组织整体沟通氛围的看法、沟通开放性、相关工作信息的获取、直接上司的沟通意识、态度与主动性、同事之间的沟通关系等。现代管理中常用的激励方式包括物质激励和情感激励,组织沟通满意感的获得是有效情感激励的最主要表现。管理沟通的影响因素和障碍分析一章,对当代图书馆内部沟通的影响因素、沟通障碍的主要表现形式,分别从组织层面和个体层面进行了考察与分析。鉴于图书馆内部沟通在很大程度上受组织层面变量(如组织结构、业务流程等)的影响,还探讨了不同的图书馆业务流程和组织结构模式对管理沟通的影响。一个组织的高层管理者对内部沟通的质量影响甚大,因此,论文还对图书馆高层管理者的领导行为、沟通风格、沟通与理解能力、沟通媒介的偏好、与下属的知觉一致性、馆长的个性特点等进行了探索与分析。心理学家认为,管理能力可以通过后天训练获得。因此,在探讨图书馆领导者综合能力提升的途径时,从内、外部两个方面进行了阐述。通过考察英美等国的实践,认为国外图书馆行业协会的相关教育功能很有借鉴价值。此外,对图书情报学院(系)在专业教育中融入管理能力培养等问题也进行了探讨。为了系统分析当代图书馆管理信息交流的方式和渠道,本文辨析了沟通媒介和沟通渠道的异同。通过比较与评价,指出了现代与传统沟通媒介、正式与非正式沟通渠道各自的优势和劣势,引入了沟通媒介丰富度理论,并分析了图书馆的沟通媒介选择模式与原则。最后,在对图书馆内部管理沟通多维度分析的基础上,构建了图书馆内部管理沟通体系的概念模型,主要构成要素有:管理信息系统;协作系统;评估系统。管理信息子系统的作用是对组织内各类信息流进行科学、有效的管理,保障不同流向的信息得以顺利流通;协作子系统以制度保障和沟通工具等形式促进组织内部的信息交流行为;沟通评估子系统是“诊断”与“治疗”的环节,通过个案分析引入了沟通审计的内容,其目的是发现组织内部沟通中存在的问题,以拟定改进策略与措施。三个子系统在一定的组织结构、组织文化以及组织文化中的子文化――沟通氛围背景下互相依赖、互相协作,共同促进图书馆的内部管理沟通的有效性。

【Abstract】 Communication is one of the most important components in management activities. One of the biggest challenges faced by library workplace today is how to inspire the employee’s enthusiasm and to inform them to be more responsible and confident in the library community. An effective communication in library is to make the organization substantial and prosperous. Furthermore, many researches have been done on enterprise sectors in terms of managerial communication issues. From the previous researches, it has been proved that the communication satisfaction, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment are highly correlated. This paper explores both quantitative and qualitative studies which were conducted by questionnaires survey, interviews, observations, and literature searches.The paper consists of nine chapters. The main contents are as followings: introduction, summary of the survey; the analysis of the communication satisfaction from different groups of librarian; the pivotal factors and obstacles of library internal communication; analyzing the relationships of top-level managers and library internal communication; communication media and channels within library environment and so on. For this analysis, different kinds of control variables such as gender, age, education level, professional title, job title, working years and so on are considered. Some trends and features are discovered from the survey results.The following five aspects are considered in analyzing the librarian’s communication satisfaction and related factors: the overall organizational communication atmosphere; the manner of openness for information exchange process within library; the degree of ease and difficulty to obtain job-related information; the communication consciousness, attitude and initiatives of the direct managers; the relationships of colleagues and so on. Nowadays, the major incentives include monetary rewards and awards in kind and praises as well. Achieving the better communication satisfaction is one of the awards in kind and praises.In the chapter of analyzing the communication obstacles and relevant factors, some issues are discussed both from the viewpoint of organization and individuals based on the survey results. Since the internal communication is most likely to be affected by other organizational variables, the paper then compares different organizational structures with business process to observe how they affect the internal communication process.Senior management is the other main factor to give influence to internal communication. Based on the survey of library top managers, different kinds of conditions need to be considered such as the manager’s leadership behavior, styles of communication, skills of communication, ability of communication, the preference in using communication vehicles, the consciousness coherence with subordinates, personalities and so on. According to psychologists, the leadership skills and abilities can be improved by learning and training. This paper provides some suggestions on how to improve the manager’s leadership skills by analyzing the training practices of library professionals in different countries. This paper also discusses how to introduce management techniques into library school curricula.In order to analyze the media and channels for information exchange in today’s libraries, the paper distinguishes the differences between communication media and communication channels. It also compares the traditional media and new media, the formal communication channels and informal channels. Both the advantages and disadvantages are presented. In the mean time, the theory of communication media richness is introduced. Based on that theory, the media choices and considerations in library circumstances are discussed.Based on the multidimensional approaches to library internal communication issues, the paper last but not least, intends to establish a conceptual model for the library internal managerial communication system. The model consists of three main sub-systems: management information system, cooperation system, and evaluation system. The management information system is designed to effectively manage the various information flows which is coming along management process. It can also ensure the information to flow smoothly from different directions. The function of cooperation system is designed to promote the internal communication behaviors by various communication vehicles as well as certain regulations. The function of evaluation system is designed to diagnose and find solutions to internal communication issues. Its objective is to discover the problems and obstacles existing in the information exchanging process, and figure out the strategies and measures to solve those problems. A case study of communication audits conducted by an American university library is introduced for reference. To sum up, the three sub-systems, supported by certain organizational structure, culture and sub-culture, are working together to promote the library internal communication process more efficient and smooth.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 北京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期
  • 【分类号】G251
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】2787