

Pragmatic Research on Work Engagement of Primary and Secondary School Teachers

【作者】 杨新国

【导师】 张进辅;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 在中国,工作敬业是一种重要的职业道德,是对各行业工作人员最基本的要求。工作敬业是国家昌盛、民族进步、个体发展的基石。作为“人类灵魂的工程师”和“太阳底下最光辉的职业”的教师,毫无疑问地应该具备高度的敬业精神。但是,有研究认为,在市场经济大潮冲击下,由于受拜金主义、享乐主义、极端个人主义等思想的侵袭,部分教师特别是青年教师厌倦了高尚神圣的职责,淡化了教书育人的意识,甚至出现了教师敬业危机。因此,加强教师工作敬业的研究意义重大。概览已有的研究文献,我们发现关于教师工作敬业的研究基本上都归类于思辨性质,很少有人对教师的工作敬业进行实证性探索。鉴于研究意义的重要性和当前研究存在的缺陷,本研究以中小学教师为对象,从心理学的视角,采用实证与思辨相结合的方法对教师工作敬业的内涵、结构、机制和功能进行了系统研究。整个研究包括七个部分。第一部分主要是对中外关于工作敬业的研究情况加以综述。第二部分提出研究的问题和架构及假设。第三部分采用特征对比法和语义分析法,通过两个研究分别对工作敬业与工作投入、工作敬业与责任心进行概念辨析,以确定工作敬业的典型特征。第四部分是研究的重点,我们通过8个研究系统地探讨了工作敬业的测量问题。首先,根据访谈、公众观调查以及已有文献,进行理论构想,给出教师工作敬业的操作性定义。其次,依循操作性定义,按照问卷编制的科学程序,在研究2和3中,分别编制了教师工作敬业的自评问卷和学生评问卷。在研究4中,开发了敬业态度的内隐测量程序,并对工作敬业的内隐态度和工作敬业外显得分进行了相关研究。在研究5-8中,我们对教师工作敬业自评问卷的效标关联效度、会聚效度和区分效度进行了深入探讨。第五部分考察了中小学教师敬业的总体特征及其在不同的背景变量(性别、工作年限、婚姻、教育程度、学校性质、学校类别)上的差异特征。第六部分我们采取逐层递进的方式,进行了4项研究。研究1考察了工作要求-资源与工作敬业的关系。研究2考察了个人教学效能感、成就动机与工作敬业的关系。研究3考察了工作应激、工作敬业与离职倾向、工作绩效、心理健康的关系。在研究4中,我们构想了一个工作资源模型,把环境因素(工作资源)、个体资源(成就动机、自我效能感)、工作敬业和工作绩效整合到一个模型里进行探究。第七部分进行总的讨论。研究得到如下主要结论:(1)工作敬业与工作投入、责任心既相互区分又相互联系,每个概念都具有其自身的典型特征。(2)工作敬业是一种个体相对稳定的心理和行为特征,其在工作中具体表现为爱岗乐业、认真负责、勤奋进取、认知投入、无私奉献和勇于创新。教师工作敬业是教师相对稳定的心理和行为特征,其在工作中具体表现为爱岗乐业、教学负责、关心学生、学习进取、工作专注、工作奉献和工作创新。(3)教师工作敬业的自评问卷和学生评问卷具有较好的信度和效度。(4)教师工作敬业的内隐态度是积极的,即相容区组的反应时显著快于不相容区组的反应时。工作敬业的内隐态度和外显态度存在相互独立的关系。(5)教师工作敬业的自评问卷具有较好的效标关联效度、会聚效度和区分效度。(6)中小学教师工作敬业整体水平不高;性别、婚姻状况、受教育程度、工作年限、学校类别、学校性质在工作敬业或工作敬业的维度上存在着显著差异。(7)工作资源可以预测工作敬业,而工作要求却不能显著预测工作敬业,工作资源与工作敬业之间存在显著负相关。(8)个人教学效能感既可以直接影响工作敬业,也可以通过成就动机这一中介而间接影响工作敬业;成就动机直接影响敬业。(9)工作敬业不是工作应激与心理健康之间的调节变量;工作敬业是工作应激与离职倾向、工作应激与心理健康间的部分中介变量,是工作应激与工作绩效的完全中介变量。(10)敬业的工作资源模型将环境变量、个体资源变量、环境与个体间的交互、工作敬业及其影响的后果变量进行了整合,是一个可以接受的模型。综合来说,本研究主要有以下贡献:(1)理论贡献。本研究在充分重视中国文化的基础上,在国内首次以中小学教师为被试,通过对中小学教师工作敬业的深入探讨,建立理论构想、编制科学的测评工具并对工作敬业特点及相关因素进行探讨,拓展了工作敬业的工作资源模型。研究的成果可能对工作敬业的本土化研究,对丰富工程心理学、组织行为学和发展与教育心理学的知识有所贡献。(2)实践贡献。本研究的成果可以应用于社会实践中。工作敬业的教师自评问卷、学生评问卷、工作敬业态度的内隐测验可以用来评估教师的工作敬业情况,帮助了解教师工作敬业的现状,为未来中小学教师的工作敬业管理奠定坚实的工具基础。工作敬业的特点研究、相关研究,帮助我们了解了影响工作敬业的因素,该研究对有效提升教师工作敬业具有重要的指导意义。(3)方法贡献。在理论构建和实证探讨的基础上,采用自评和他评相结合、内隐和外显相结合的方法来验证教师工作敬业测量的效度,既存在方法上的创新,又保证了测量工具的质量,而且在国内最先编制了科学的中小学教师工作敬业的测评工具。

【Abstract】 Being an important professional ethics in China, work engagement is the most basic requirement of career people, and it is the guarantee of national prosperity, ethnic progress and individual development. Regarded as the engineer of human souls, teachers undoubtedly should have a spirit of greatest work engagement. However, some researches think that under the impact of market economy, because of the penetration of ideology such as money worship, hedonism and extreme individualism, some teachers, particularly young teachers, are tired of the holy responsibility, and ignore teaching and educating people, and there even occurs a crisis of teachers’ work engagement. Therefore, the research to promote teachers’ work engagement has great significance. Literature reviews find the related researches mostly centered on speculation, few conducted pragmatic research on teachers’ work engagement. In view of the importance of the research and defects in existed researches, this research takes primary and secondary school teachers and subjects, and conducts a systematic study on the content, structure, mechanisms and functions of teachers’ work engagement based on a combination of pragmatic and speculative approaches from the perspective of psychology.This research is composed of seven parts. Part One reviews studies on work engagement home and abroad. Part Two is the research questions, structure and hypothesis. Part Three identifies the concepts of work engagement, work investment and responsibility through two studies, and ascertains the typical characteristics of work engagement, adopting feature distinguishing method and semantic analysis. Part Four, the center of the research, systematically explores the measure of work engagement through eight studies. Firstly, based on interview, public views survey and existed literature, the dimensions and operational definition are made. Secondly, in the second and third studies, teachers’ self-evaluation questionnaire and students’ evaluation questionnaire of work engagement are developed based on the operational definition and stages of scale development. The forth study develops an implicit association test of work engagement attitude, and conducts a correlation analysis of the implicit attitudes and explicit work engagement. In the fifth to eighth studies, convergent validity, the criteria-related validityand discriminate validity of teachers’ work engagement self-evaluation scale are explored further. Part Five analyzes the general characteristics of primary and secondary school teachers’ work engagement and those in different background variables. Part Six has four studies. The first investigates the correlation between work demand-resources and engagement, the second personal teaching self-efficacy, achievement motivation and work engagement, and the third job stress, turnover intention, job performance, and mental health. In the forth study, the job resource model is constructed, which integrates environmental factor (job resource), personal resources (achievement motivation, and personal teaching efficacy), work engagement and word achievement. Part Seven is general discussion.Conclusions are made as follow: (1) Teachers’ work engagement, investment, and responsibility are closely related and different from each other. Each of them has its typical characteristics. (2)Work engagement is individuals’ relatively stable psychological and behavioral traits, which are manifested as love and joy in one’s work, earnest and responsibility, diligence and enterprise, absorption and dedication, spirit of innovation. Teachers’ work engagement is a relatively stable psychological and behavioral trait of teachers, which is manifested as love and joy in teaching, responsibility in teaching, caring students, diligence and enterprise, spirit of dedication and innovation. (3) Teachers’ self-evaluation questionnaire and students’ evaluation questionnaire of work engagement developed in this research have good reliability and validity. (4) The implicit attitudes of teachers’ work engagement is positive, which is manifested as faster reaction times for compatible block than incompatible block. The implicit and explicit attitudes of work engagement are relatively independent. (5) Teachers’ self-evaluation questionnaire of work engagement has good criterion related validity, and validity of the distinction and convergence. (6} The work engagement of primary and secondary school teachers is generally lower, and there are differences of work engagement in variables as sex, marital status, education, work length, school types, and school nature. (7) Job resources predict work engagement, but work demands cannot predict work engagement, and job resources and work demands are significantly negatively correlated. (8) Personal teaching efficacy directly affects work engagement, and indirectly affects work engagement through achievement motivation, and achievement motivation directly affects engagement. (9) Work engagement is not the mediator between work stress and mental health;. Work engagement is the partial moderator between work stress and turnover intention; and it is also the partial moderator between work stress and mental health; and it is the whole moderator variable between work stress and work performance. (10) The job resources model of engagement integrates environmental variables, personal resources, interaction of environment and individuals, work engagement and its outcomes, which turns to be acceptable based on the pragmatic research.In sum, this research offers the following contributions: (1) Theoretical contribution. This research attaches great importance to the Chinese culture, and it is the first time in China that primary and secondary school teachers have been studied, and through a deeper discussion on their work engagement, theory and measurement instalments have been developed to explore the characteristics and related factor of engagement, which furthers the job resources model of work engagement. The results may contribute to the indigenous study of work engagement, and the enrichment of engineer psychology, organization behaviorism and developmental and educational psychology. (2) Practical contribution. The results can be applied to social practice. The questionnaires developed can be used to evaluate and understand teachers’ work engagement, which lays strong foundation of future management of teachers’ work engagement. The research on the characteristics of work engagement and the relevant researches help understand the factors affecting work engagement, which will be significant to effectively promote teachers’ work engagement. (3) Methodological contribution. On the basis of theoretical construction and pragmatic researches, work engagement measurement is studied through the combination of self-report and other-evaluation, implicit and explicit methods, which is an innovation of method, and a guarantee of the validity of the instrument. Besides, it is the first instrument ever developed to test primary and secondary school teachers’work engagement in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】1535