

Prehistoric Human Migration in Jiahu Relics: Evidence from Strontium Isotope Analysis

【作者】 尹若春

【导师】 张居中; 杨晓勇;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 科学技术史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 利用同位素分析技术可以有效地揭示考古遗存中蕴含的“潜”信息,这是科技考古的重要组成部分,也是当前国际考古学研究的前沿和热点问题之一。自从1985年Ericson首次提出利用人类牙釉质和骨骼中的锶同位素比值来研究人类的迁移情况和外来人口的来源地之后,这个方法就受到了考古学家的重视。在过去的二十多年里,考古学家们利用锶同位素分析技术对一些考古遗址的人类迁移现象进行了研究,结果表明使用这一方法是完全可能和可行的。国外的考古工作者在这方面已经取得了一些有价值的研究成果,而在国内尚未见到相关的研究报道。本文主要以河南省舞阳县贾湖遗址发掘出土的人骨和动物骨骼为材料,利用锶同位素分析技术对贾湖遗址的人类迁移情况进行了研究。本次研究是对这一方法在中国考古学实践运用中的尝试和探索,同时也是对贾湖遗址的进一步研究。贾湖遗址是我国一处重要的新石器时代遗址,距今约7500~9000年。1983年至2001年期间,考古工作者先后对贾湖遗址进行了七次发掘。在发掘过程中出土了大量保存完好的动物和人类骨骼,这些为我们利用锶同位素分析技术研究贾湖遗址古人类的迁移情况提供了有利条件,也为研究新石器时代中原地区史前人类的迁徙和流动情况提供了可能性。在本次研究中,我们从遗址出土的第一至第三期的动物和人类骨骼遗存中选取了59个样品进行分析,整个实验过程是在中国科学技术大学壳幔物质与环境重点实验室完成的。研究结果表明:猪牙釉质中的锶含量明显的比人牙釉质中的锶含量要高,进一步证明了锶浓度在食物链中随着营养级的升高而降低的规律;在人体内,牙本质中的锶浓度明显高于牙釉质中的锶浓度,骨密质中的锶浓度稍高于牙本质中的锶浓度;在对个体迁移行为的研究中,根据9个猪牙釉质样品87Sr/86Sr平均值±2倍的标准偏差确定的贾湖遗址当地锶同位素比值,与50个人类样品的锶同位素比值进行了比较,发现在所分析的32个人类个体中有12个是外来迁入的,占所分析个体的37.5%,表明贾湖遗址中的个体有着较高的迁移率,并且按照时间的顺序,迁移率从第一期到第三期有明显增加的趋势,同时也表明在7000 B.C.~5500 B.C.年间,中原地区的贾湖聚落与周围同时期的其他聚落间有着密切的经济和文化联系,尤其是在贾湖文化的后期。这是迄今为止国内首次利用锶同位素分析技术对古人类的迁移行为进行研究,研究结果表明这种方法可以很好的判断贾湖遗址古人类的迁移行为。当然,研究中还有许多需要进一步完善与改进之外,特别是由于本次工作在国内考古研究中尚属首次,样品来源地比较单一,我们只能对贾湖遗址古人类的迁移情况有所了解,认识到“贾湖遗址中的个体有着较高迁移率”。由于没有相关的资料进行比较,暂时还无法得知这些外来人口的来源地以及贾湖聚落与哪些聚落存在着人口的交往和联系。这些问题均有待于今后进一步的工作,在对该地区锶同位素分布状况以及相关遗址人类的迁移情况有所了解的基础之上得以解决。

【Abstract】 Isotope analysis technology could reveal the latent information of archaeological remains effectively, which is an important tool for archaeometry. It is also the frontier of current international archaeology. Ericson (1985) first proposed strontium isotope ratio in human tooth enamel and bone to identify migration and the geologic origins of immigrants. Since then, the method has been thought highly by many archaeologists. Over the last two decades, archaeologists have used this method to investigate migration of some archaeological sites and the results have demonstrated both the possibility and the practicality. Archaeologists abroad have achieved some good results in this field, but in China there is still no report.In this article, we used strontium isotope analysis technology to investigate migration of Jiahu human by analyzing the bones of human and animal. This research is the exploration of this method in practice of Chinese archeology and the further study of Jiahu relics.Jiahu relics is a famous Neolithic site occupied from 9000 BP to 75000BP. From 1983 to 2001, seven excavation campaigns were performed. The richness of bones and teeth of both human beings and animals excavated in Jiahu relics presents us a good opportunity to probe the prehistoric Chinese human mobility during the Neolithic period in central China. In this study, a total of 59 animal and human samples from three cultural layers have been analyzed. The experiment is finished at the Laboratory of Crust-Mantle Materials and Environments, University of Science and Technology of China, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The results show that strontium concentration in pig enamel is significantly higher than in human enamel. This result is in accord with the relation between strontium concentration and the trophic position of organism. Higher strontium concentration indicates lower trophic levels. There are the highest strontium concentration in compact bones, the middle level in dentine samples, and the lowest in tooth enamel samples in human skeletons. For the human migration, 12 of 32 individuals (37.5%) from Jiahu relics were identified as immigrants according to the criterion determined by the average 87Sr/86Sr ratios±2 s. d. of 9 pig enamel samples. It shows that there is a high rate of human migration in Jiahu relics. With respect of time span, it is obviously that the rates of immigrants are increasing from Period I to Period III. Our results also show the close cultural and economic ties between different human groups of Jiahu relics and around relics in central China from 7000 B.C. to 5500 B.C., especially in late period of Jiahu relics.This is the first attempt to apply strontium isotope analysis to Chinese archaeology, which shows a powerful method identifying prehistoric population mobility in Jiahu relics. Of course, there are many shortages in this article which need to be further strudy in the future. Especially, because it is the first time to use this method in Chinese archeology research and the source of samples is single, we only get the migration information about prehistoric human in Jiahu relics and recognize that "there is a high rate of human migration in Jiahu relics". Without any other related information to compare with, we don’t know where the immigrants came from and which settlements the human beings in Jiahu contacted with. These problems will be settled after we realize the distribution of strontium isotope in this area and the migration information about the related relics.

  • 【分类号】K854
  • 【被引频次】3
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