

On Publishing Culture in Qing Period in Hubei and Hunan Provnices

【作者】 江凌

【导师】 吴琦;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 出版史是研究文化史诸侧面(如思想文化史、哲学史、文学史、史学史、科技史、学术史等)的物化、复制、保存、传播的过程,也是当今出版业发展的历史依据。目前,关于区域出版史的研究方兴未艾,且主要集中于北京、上海、福建、浙江、江苏、安徽等地区。至于两湖地区的出版文化史的研究,目前尚属空白,后人论涉多零星分散于个别章节材料之中,本论文从文化地理学的角度入手,论述清代两湖地区的出版业发展状况,探讨其出版文化特征和演变规律,及其文化功能及社会意义。在研究过程中,采用个案分析和专题考察的方式,点面结合,通过对清代的原始文献的梳理与分析,力图使两湖地区的出版文化史丰富化、立体化,为当今两湖地区出版业的发展提供历史借鉴。本论文首先论述了清代两湖地区出版业的历史地理基础与文化区位,社会文化环境、文化土壤与出版内容要素。出版业是内容产业,需要一定的文化土壤和出版文化内容资源作支撑,离开了区域文化内容资源,出版业便成了无源之水,无本之末。至清代前中期,由于清廷的倡导,理学和经世实学渐兴,在两湖区域文化中占据突出地位。19世纪中叶以来,随着中华帝国的国门被西方列强的炮舰、鸦片和商品打开,各种文化思潮渐趋兴起,原有的中华传统文化也发生了巨烈震荡。位于长江中游的两湖地区,正处在较开化的东南沿海诸省和较封闭的西北、西南诸省的中间地带。如果说整个近现代中国都卷入了“古今一大变革之会”,那么,两湖地区更处于风云际会的漩涡中心。传教士文化、洋务文化、维新文化、革命文化、市民文化等各种文化风雷激荡,在两湖地区绘制了一幅波澜壮阔的文化蓝图,从而为两湖地区出版业的发展提供了源源不断的文化土壤、内容资源和文化支撑。清代两湖地区出版业发展的物质基础——造纸材料及造纸业的发展,及其技术手段——印刷业的发展状态则是清代两湖地区出版业发展的前提条件,本论文对其进行了较为详细的论述其次,从中国古代出版业发展的三大系统——官刻、私刻、坊刻三个方面初步观照清代两湖地区出版业发展的基本面貌,包括官府刻书、私家刻书、书坊刻书的机构或堂号、坊号,规模,刻书数量、品种,刻书兴盛原因,刻书内容特点,刻书的文化功能和社会作用,以及官宦学者刻书家群体、私人刻书家群体、坊刻群体分析等内容。再次,本论文分专题探讨了清代两湖地区书院刻书业的概况、内容特点和文化功效;清代两湖地区的舆地学发展与舆图出版,尤其是对湖北舆图总局、武昌舆地学会、亚新地学社等舆图出版机构和出版风云人物编绘、印制地图状况、经营特点、文化贡献进行了较为全面深入的个案分析;天平天国农民政权所刻书藉、文告、历书等,因其珍贵稀少、史料价值大而被列为善本书,本文探讨了太平天国在两湖地区的出版活动,包括出书品种、数量,图书内容和形制特点,及其对两湖地区的社会影响和文化作用。最后论述了近代西方传教士在两湖地区的出版机构、出版活动,及其兴盛原因、经营特点和社会作用等。

【Abstract】 The publishing history is to make a research on the materialization, copying, saving and popularizing of various aspects of culture history such as the history of ideology, the history of philosophy, the history of literature, the history of historiography, the history of science, the history of learning and so on. At present, the research on the regional history of publishing is gathering a good momentum now, but most of the research and books focus on certain regions such as Beijing, Shanghai, Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Anhui. As for the publishing history in Hubei and Hunan Provinces, few make a research on it, except for some descriptions appearing in related books and articles. The dissertation tries to discuss the development situations of the publishing industry in the Hubei and Hunan Provinces through the angle of cultural geography, and probe into the cultural characteristics, revolution, cultural function and social contributions of the publishing industry in the Hubei and Hunan Provinces. In the process of research, I adopt a combination of case analysis and subject discussion. After an analysis of the firsthand literature of Qing Period, I try to present a complete and vivid picture of the publishing history in the Hubei and Hunan Provinces, and offer a historical reference for the current development of publishing in the Hubei and Hunan Provinces.First, the dissertation discusses the historical, geographical and cultural position of the publishing industry in Hubei and Hunan provinces, and its social and cultural environment, and the factors of publishing content. The publishing industry is the one focusing on content, which needs culture as a support. Without culture as its source of content, the publishing industry would like water without source, or a tree without root. Till the early and middle times of Qing Period, the neo-confucianism and statecraft became prosperous because of the support of Qing government, and gradually they became dominant schools in the regional culture of Hubei and Hunan Provinces. To the 19th century, different schools appeared and become prosperous one after another as western countries broke into China with gunboats, opium and other commodities. Thus, Chinese traditional culture experienced huge shake at that time, and Hubei and Hunan Provinces are in the center of the shake as the two are located in the middle reaches of the Yangzi River, in the middle area between civilized southeast coastal provinces and undeveloped northwest and southwest provinces. Various kinds of culture such as missionary culture, westernization culture, reformation culture, revolution culture and citizen culture collided with each other and constituted a prosperous picture of culture development in the Hubei and Hunan Provinces. All these culture offered constant content source and support for the publishing industry of Hubei and Hunan Provinces. The development of papermaking material and industry is the material basis of and the development of printing industry, which is also the prerequisite for the development of publishing industry in the Qing period, in the Hubei and Hunan Provinces. Thus, the dissertation will discuss these two industries specifically.Second, the dissertation is going to offer a general development condition of the publishing culture in the Hubei and Hunan Provinces through discussing the three systems of the Chinese ancient publishing industry, which are official printing, private printing and workshop printing. The general condition includes the way and size of official printing, private printing and workshop printing, the number and variety of printing, the reason of the prosperity of printing, the characteristics of the printing content, the social and cultural function of printing, the printing group of officers and scholars, the group of private printers and the printing group of workshop.Third, the dissertation discusses the general situation, the characteristics of content and cultural function respectively; the development of cartology and map publishing in the Hubei and Hunan provinces, especially the map publishing organizations such as Hubei Mapping Bureau, Wuchang Mapping academy and Yaxin Mapping Association is going to be analyzed one by one. Besides, the dissertation is also going to analyze specifically and comprehensively how the men of that time to compile, print maps and manage publishing business, and their contributions to the culture development.The books, statements and almanacs printed by the peasant government of the taiping heavenly kingdom are listed as rare books as their scarcity and historic value. The dissertation is going to discuss the publishing activities of the taiping heavenly kingdom in the Hubei and Hunan provinces, including the variety, number, content and shape of books printed by the peasant government and the social influence and culture function of these books.Finally, the dissertation discusses the publishing organizations and activity of missionary in the Hubei and Hunan provinces, and the reason for its prosperity as well as its management characteristics and social function.

  • 【分类号】G239.29
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】776