

【作者】 贺根民

【导师】 董国炎;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 中国小说观念近代化是中国社会近代化的一个重要侧面,其以浓郁的现代性色彩,形成区别于传统小说的显著的时代特征,艰难跋涉的近代化进程抒写了新小说家追求文体独立的小说理念。当今学者对中国小说观念近代化进程作历时性和共时性的综合考察,就中国小说观念近代化的义界和时限、标志与维度、动力与机制的分析,为考究晚清民初文化语境下的文学批评变迁提供了一个绝好的话语参数。小说的名实错位,打造小说兼容并包的杂纂文类特征。小说观念的名实错位不单是一种社会积习的具体折射,也是文人复杂心态的曲折反映。社会舆论和文人心理同谋共构,“小说”这一杂体文类最终归依于文学类小说层面,小说观念亦由此呈现出历时性和共时性交相辉映的文学表征。对待小说观念的演变,我们不应该是有意回避,而应当是放宽视野,正视小说观念的芜杂现实,进而构建现代小说学,沿着当下小说研究的主体方向不断前进。晚清民初小说类型,突破了小说史中单一的题材判断原则,趋于文体形质的综合考虑,它直接关合当下的小说繁荣,反映了小说文类建构的审美自觉。缘由国家的衰朽和社会的动荡,晚清民初知识分子趋向社会边缘化。科举制度的废止,打破了传统知识分子赖以支撑信仰的工具性循环。中西文明的对比,为广大知识分子提供了返观自身的时代命题。边缘化的生存境遇,造就了晚清民初小说的繁荣,也部分改变了知识分子社会诉求的既定轨迹。晚清民初小说以其鲜明的时代表征,抒写着一代知识分子痛苦灵魂的蜕变过程和图谋富强的普泛心路。中西文化的碰撞和传统文学的自身转化赋予晚清民初小说开放的文学特质,刺激并促发小说理论的批评理性精神。以林纾为代表的小说批评家突破了天朝心态左右下的狭隘偏见,真诚地赞美西方小说的艺术魅力,反面递送了小说文体革新的信息。新小说家的开放意识,推动了中国小说走向世界的进程,它既是文学批判精神得以弘扬的依托,也奠定了中国小说理论世界化的坚实基础。近代小说主流文学地位的彰显,刺激小说创作的繁荣。中国小说近代化进程归结的两个趋向是科学品格和人本意识,小说维度的纯文学观的审美超越性,形成其区别于通俗小说显著的时代特征。对小说本质的认定,是纯文学观终极关怀的突出表现。近代纯文学观的小说维度建构,展示了新小说家追求小说文体独立的文学批评进路,并绽露了中国小说观念自身的矛盾和小说家文体探究的曲折。中国小说观念的近代化进程,在祛杂存纯的文学追求中抒写一代学人曲折的观念建构的演进轨迹。文学发展的内在规律和当下社会存在综合作用,赋予文学批评范畴鲜明的时代印痕。读者的情感机制与小说文本系统相互交织,积攒起“境界说”新特的批评范式和文学风貌,“现境界”和“他境界”的划分,包孕着小说批评中虚和实、真和幻等范畴的清晰构架,体现了中国近代文论开放和兼容的文学特征。传统的雅俗之辩因为异域文化的刺激和中国小说观念的自我更新,在以雅携俗和由雅回俗的途径中来回奔突,并形成错综复杂的雅俗观念渗透局面。雅俗共赏作为一种追求目标,也逐渐进入文人的研究视野,虽然这一理想境界的探究,在晚清民初还不具备彻底解决的条件,但其含义的新特征和实现的机制已经进入了新小说家的讨论范围,它标志着中国小说观念的近代化进程已初步突破传统的雅俗观念框架。从情理的基点切入生命本体,透视社会的大千人生,传统文化精神的人生向度替国人提供内心自省的机遇。传统的家国之思和儿女之情的对立流变,突破了“中和之美”的传统观念格局,呈现出以情显理、根情扬礼的审美趋向。文化转型的阵痛因为感性的超越与理性的强化,形成晚清民初小说的情理统一趋向,生命本位价值的失落,加速了悲剧观念的本土化进程。小说虚实观念,催生传统小说观念的近代化进程,引领读者走向真实的人生。它给晚清民初文坛造就浓厚的文体革命色彩,彰显了小说的主流文体地位,缔造一种新的解读机制。对虚实某一范畴的片面推崇,又导致一系列创作和理论阐发误区。固守虚实的单一畛域,不敢做跨类思考和尝试,滞阻了小说作为独立意识的进程。小说的慕史功能,是一种无奈的追寻,它既是小说作茧自缚的文学理念,又是其冲出围城的希望。新小说立足于世俗人情的维度,突破了慕史的既定途辙,把捉寻常家庭的生活场景,获就文体独立的存在价值。强化生命体验和遵从劝惩观念,构成了小说艺术进路中的一对矛盾,新小说家过分关注具体的社会问题,而忽略了对人生体验和生命价值的探索和关注。晚清民初小说观念的整合与自救,则超越和突破了劝惩观念的规范空间。醒世新民的启蒙意识,打造小说为“教科之助”的时趋,它指引着新小说创作的道德践履,也展现了新小说家承担社会责任的浩淼天地。教科书的功能取向,显露出近代实用理性的影响。片面的推崇势必存有抽象的图解痕迹,抹杀了小说固有的文体规律和特征,一旦政治热情消退,娱世、向俗和重美感就成为新小说的审美需要。知识谱系的切换,使得晚清民初的小说评点日趋式微。评点的先验模式的突破,促使了小说专论的诞生。小说评点的衰落,揭示了小说批评文质统一的文学进程。小说序跋感应着社会和文学嬗变的威力,呈现出文体内容与形式转变的脉动。晚清民初小说家的觉世立场,逐步解构传统的序跋创作模式,也切合了社会政治对小说文本的主题设置,凸显了序跋鲜明的近代色彩。中西文化语境促使传统小说批评方式萌生新机,小说话在断裂和连续的文学批评链中克绍小说批评传统。跨文化的小说对话,缔造了文学单元的多向探求,凝结成一种理论范式和操作规范。从小说审美视野到分类标目的界定,从叙事角度的抉择到叙述语言的锤炼,小说期刊发刊词展现了近代文学丰富多重的文化特性。小说期刊发刊词以其崭新的批评方式存在,部分革新了小说批评的物质载体。小说广告负载着新小说家的创作理念和批评意识,它记载了小说创作的某些原始资料,也为探究当下的文人心态提供了一个有利的窗口。小说广告的宣传,刺激了晚清民初的小说繁荣,也在相当程度上遮蔽了小说自身艺术的文体特质,形成了晚清民初小说艺术生命贫乏的现实症结。晚清民初小说批评的群体参与,展示了近代文化语境中的文学批评趋向。中国小说观念的范畴、功能和方式三个维度,运载着文人的审美理想和社会诉求,小说文体地位的飙升,冲击着传统的小说批评方式格局。新小说理论家未能完全脱离传统文论的轨辙,传统文论的阐释方式仍是他们操持的有效工具。小说观念各维度的时代新质,在撕裂传统的禁锢时闪烁着耀人的光芒,而中国小说观念转型的阶段性、多向复杂性和不成熟性,使得中国小说观念的近代化进程,呈现文化语境转型下新旧杂陈的批评风貌。

【Abstract】 The modernization in novel concept was an important side of the modernization in Chinese society, because of its rich modern color, it formed more remarkable and clearer time characteristic than that of the traditional novel. The difficult modernization and advancement expressed novel ideas of the new writers who explored literary style independently. The scholars made a comprehensive survey on modernization of novel concept in history and nowadays, who analysised the thing on modernization of novel idea, such as definition and time limit, sign and dimension, power and mechanism, which provided an exceedingly good parameter for inspecting the change of criticism words under the modern culture environment.The dislocation of name and reality on fiction created the inclusive and miscellaneous features, which were not only the actively pursuing helpless, but also they reflected the mind of literati twisted. Scholars’psychology and public complicity combined, the novel tended to literary fiction finally, this novel concept were also showing a constructive nature that lasted for a long time. Dealing with the evolution of novel concept, we should not avoid intentionally, or relax our research vision. but paid attention to the approach and surrounding of novel, and addressed the voluminous reality of novel concept and then built a modern novel science. We should go forward along the main direction of novels. The classification of Late- Qing novel broke through novel history which judged it by single subject, proned to the comprehensive consideration of the shape and quality. The discussion on the Late- Qing novel had made popular prosperity of novel directly, appearing novel gentle kind building construct conscientious.Because of the decay and social unrest, intellectuals got towards social marginalization. Imperial which supported the intellectuals’belief was stopped and broke the circle of tool. Torment in their hearts reflected the strong feelings of social meditating and life lament. Western civilization was imported and deconstructed the restraints of "tradition", comparing with western civilization, the vast number of intellectuals came back to the proposition of the era and self-concept. Marginalization in the survival situation, which led to the prosperity of the late—Qing novel, but also changed the established track of the social aspirations by the intellectuals. Its distinctive and era character, wrote the course that painful soul was changed sharply and the hope to be prosperous in intellectuals.Collisions between Chinese traditional and Western culture, and literature of their own conversion to modern literary fiction made it open characters, which stimulated novel theoretical criticism spirit. LinShu who represented by the critics in the imentality novels changed narrow prejudices and praised Western novels art sincerely, gave information from the novel style innovation. New literary terminology transplanted which enriched fiction art theory space. The open consciousness of modern novelist promoted the process of fiction to the world, it was critical to promote the spirit which relied on, and laid a solid theoretical foundation to the world. The failure in Modern poetry culture and modest in fiction, promoted the development of modern high art. Two trends were the scientific character and person consciousness of the process in modern novel concept. The transcendence in the novel concept of pure literary aesthetic formed its notable characteristics of the times different from the popular novels. The essence of the novel found that the concept of pure literature was an outstanding performance in ultimate concern. Modern concept was constructed in an aspect of pure literary fiction, which demonstrated criticism approaches that the new novelist pursuited of independent literary. It embodied their contradictions in novel concepts and the twists and turns in novelists style exploration. The process in modern novel concept, reflected the pursuit of pure literary that a tortuous evolution was constructed by a generation of novelist in concept.The inherent law of literature integrated with the existence of community, which gave distinctive times’prints to the areas of literary criticism. The emotional mechanism of readers intertwined with the novel system, which gave the "realm" unique and distinctive style. The division of "the real realm" and "the virtual realm", included a clear architecture in novel areas such as virtual and real, and reflected the open and receptive features in modern literature. Because of the stimulation of foreign culture and self-renewal of novel idea, the arguing of elegant and tradition custom came in a way which it carried custom from elegant to custom, forming an approach which seeped through each other. For a target, admired by scholars and laymen alike, the concepts of elegance and custom entered the research vision of scholars gradually. Though these solution requirements didn’t satisfied completely, its mechanism of meaning and features that had entered the arena of discussing among novelist, indicated a course which broke through tradition concept on elegant and custom, in the concept process of modern novel.At the base of reason, it was sure to enter the life body and reflect the society; the self-examination opportunity which was gain by countrymen thought in life direction of the traditional culture. The deformation and flowing of feeling and reason in sentimental of children and country, had broken the concept of beauty that was neutralized, appearing a tendency that etiquette acted according to feeling and reason was showed by feeling. The pains was made by culture reforming because of the exceeding in perceptual and the intensifying in reason, forming a tendency of uniting between reason with feeling in the novels of the late--Qing Dynasty, the losing of value in life standard, accelerated the localizable course in tragedy concept. Naturalistic idea of the novel expedited the emergence of the process of novel theory, led readers to move towards the true life. It brought up the strong revolutionary in novel and got the major style position in the literary world, founded a new kind of mechanism in understanding. While praising novel to one side high, it caused a series of mistake in theory. Defending tenaciously in discipline and not to make thinking of stepping, it hindered novel as independent process of consciousness.The viewpoint of admiring history in the Modern literature was a kind of helplessly tracking, it was not only the literature idea which was caught in one’s own trap, also was the hope which the novel ran out the besieged city. The novel based on the common custom and broke through the way of admiring the history, seized the common life, attained to the value on the literary style independently. The thing that strengthened life experience and observed the idea of urging and punishing on modern novel, was a pair of contradictory in novels’admission passage. The modern writer paid attention to the concrete social question excessively, and neglected the life experience and the individual life exploration. The modern novel idea of changing and helping itself, surmounted and broke through the idea of urging and punishing on modern novel. The enlightenment sense created a trend as novels was textbooks’help. It guided not only the moral practice the in late--Qing Dynasty Novels, but also reflected the wide world of the social responsibility of novelist. The orientation of textbooks’functional demonstrated the practical rationality of modern times. One-sided and graphic scene erased the inherent style and character of the novel. Once the political fervor was diminished, the novel’s aesthetic needs would be entertain.The appreciation of novel in the late--Qing declined day by day,the knowledge mode in breaking-through and changing, urged to birth of thematic thesis. The declining in the appreciation of novel, was announced the process. They unified the quality gentle and literature in the appreciations of novel. The novel preface and postscript was inducing the might of social and literature evolution, presenting pulsation which transformed from the literary style contented to the form. The world standpoint of the writer in modern times broke through the traditional creation pattern in preface and postscript gradually. All sorts of text explanation to novel preface and postscript, in the certain degree adapted the need of the writer appeal, also had suited the establishment on social politics to text subject, and unfolded the modern color in preface and postscript.The culture environment of China and the west urged the way of traditional novel criticism to sprout new things. The novel dialogue among different cultural, created the literature unit to seek many things, which made an esthetic practice in reexamining and correcting novel text,a kind of theory models and the operation standards had become. From the vision of novel aesthetic to classification in novel, from the choice in perspective of narrative to language, publication showed multiple and rich cultural identity in modern fiction. Publication was of its new existence in novel journal criticisms, which innovatived the carriers of the criticisms in novels. The fiction advertising supported the ideas of creation and criticisms in modern novelist, which wrote the original thing in creation of novel, provided a favorable window to explore scholars’idea at the present. The prosperity of modern novels was stimulated by novel advertising, but the cultural and artistic qualities were obscured by novels themselves in a considerable degree, making a poor art and real crux in modern fiction.A group of intellectuals participated in novel world, which shown the trend of literary criticism in the cultural context and the modern times. Category, function and patterns of criticism were embodied the idea and belief in society of intellectual. The improvement of novel position changed the tradition of novel pattern. Most of the novel failed to break away from the traditional, the way of tradition culture was still an effective implement for them. The emergence of monographs had made the brilliant rays to be glimmered when the tradition was ripped apart. Military complexity but immature in the modern process of novel concept drew a map which the cultural context was transformed.

【关键词】 小说观念近代化范畴功能方式小说期刊
【Key words】 Novel conceptModernizingCategoryFunctionWayNovel publication
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期