

【作者】 刘明坤

【导师】 董国炎;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 李涵秋是晚清民初的重要作家,他虽然在诗歌、散文、金石、书画等方面均有独特的造诣,但代表他文学创作最高成就的却是小说。他的言情小说继承了《红楼梦》、特别是晚清以来言情的优点,克服了晚清言情小说的不足,取得了较大的成绩;而他的社会小说则因袭了晚清以来社会小说的长处,在扬弃的基础上,超越了其缺点,别开生面,自成风格。更重要的是,他结合了晚清以来言情小说反映社会生活不足、而社会小说又缺少一根主线的现实,以社会为经、言情为纬开创了社会言情的小说新模式。我们把他做出重要贡献的、具有开创意义、既“言情”又“言社会”、社会为经言情为纬的小说叫做社会言情小说。本论文以李涵秋的小说特别是社会言情小说为主体,结合晚清民初的社会小说及言情小说来进行研究,从中可以更好更全面地把握晚清民初中国社会过渡及转型的历史轨迹。李涵秋的社会言情小说处于晚清民初小说转型的重要时期,体现了中国小说文体观念演变的进程。同时,他的小说也具有“史”的价值,全面反映了他所处的那个过渡时代。全文由绪论、正文和结语三部分组成。绪论部分简要地介绍了李涵秋小说的研究现状、研究价值和李涵秋对社会言情小说的贡献及本论文的研究方法。正文部分共分为七章:第一章是李涵秋与晚清民初的时代。主要介绍了晚清民初的扬州概况和时代背景以及李涵秋的生平及文化人格,这些方面不但影响了李涵秋的生活及性格,也影响了他的创作风格,并且都不同程度地反映在他的小说中,所以扬州在他的小说中是重要的背景。古城扬州辉煌的传统历史地位,以及历经诸多战乱与屠城而导致的衰落,对历代文人都有着重要的影响。涵秋目睹了近代扬州的衰落过程,以及扬州社会的动荡与转型,特别是经历了近代中国被列强瓜分的屈辱过程。作家心态决定作家创作,涵秋小说包含着对时代转型、对民族命运的思考与忧虑,他的小说记录了一个时代的历史。第二章是李涵秋小说的创作道路及主要作品。主要介绍了李涵秋小说的创作道路及创作分期、主要代表作。涵秋自1906年开始发表小说至1923年5月去世,十八年中发奋写作,笔耕不辍。发表短篇小说和短篇小说集共23篇,中长篇小说36部,还有期间和以前创作的《我之小说观》、《沁香阁诗集》、《沁香阁游戏文章》等诗文杂著,诗集5卷、杂著3篇,笔记2篇。他创作的第一个阶段,我们可以定为1906至1909年,此一时期算作他创作的初创期,无论是小说思想还是写作手法,都带有一定的不成熟痕迹,但亦有不少较好作品。第二阶段从1909年至1919年为涵秋小说创作的成熟期。他最有成就的代表性作品大多是这一时期完成的,其中《广陵潮》、《战地莺花录》、《侠凤奇缘》被公认为是涵秋小说的三大代表作,它们均在这一时期发表,标志着涵秋小说创作的成熟和最高峰。第三阶段是从1919年至1923年,为涵秋小说的转型期。其小说的主要题材开始由社会言情转向家庭家族。第三章是李涵秋对近代言情小说的继承与发展。首先对近代言情小说做一个概述,在民初言情小说繁荣之前,中国近代言情小说主要包括鸦片战争前后,受封建理学思想严重影响的《红楼梦》续书,及“百般恩爱总成空,风月原来是梦”的众多狭邪小说,和封建法理、国家民族大义超越儿女真情的写情小说。三者都体现了儿女之“情”,但“情”的表达方式不同,用“情”的出发点也不同,甚至我们认为它们不是通俗意义上的“情”,是“情”的变种,是带有浓重社会功利和个人目的的“情”,进而,在扭曲的功利目的下,“情”演变为“非情”。其次是论述李涵秋对近代言情小说中“情”的突破。近代言情小说中对“情”的描写,附加了太多的社会成分。而涵秋小说中的男女之情,大多是两情相悦,历尽磨难,最后有情人终成眷属,并在“情”上赋予了共同患难、成长、与奋斗的新意。再次是涵秋对近代言情小说中描写“社会”的突破。近代言情小说或多或少反映了社会,但大多是间接反映,多将社会作为“情”之背景,而不是对社会进行正面描述。涵秋解决了这一问题,把“情”放在激烈的社会演变和冲突中,情与社会纵横交织,都从正面去描写,作为小说的纵横两条线索同等重要。在对近代言情小说的论述中,主要侧重论述它们的不足之处,从而强调涵秋小说在言情方面和社会描写方面对它们的突破。第四章是李涵秋对近代社会小说的因袭与超越。首先对涵秋时代的社会小说分野进行概述,主要从近代谴责小说和政治小说方面。其次论述李涵秋对近代社会小说中情节、人物、结构、主题等因袭的一面,即涵秋受近代社会小说特别是谴责小说的影响,在很多小说中都采用了谴责小说的手法,但他又不是简单地因袭,而是在此基础上进行了革新与创造。再次是涵秋小说对近代社会小说的超越,包括主题内容的超越和艺术结构的超越。第五章主要论述李涵秋对晚清民初文坛的独特贡献——社会言情小说。李涵秋的小说以“思想的深刻和格式的特别”取得了独特的成就,而他小说的这些成就又与他受中国传统小说观念的影响是分不开的,他是在吸收前人成果基础上的成功和超越,所以本章首先探索了涵秋对前人小说观念的扬弃与融合。其次分析了他小说对社会现实镜子般折射的各种人物;再次是主要论述了涵秋社会言情小说“言情”与“社会”描写纵横交织的网状结构特点,以及其手法在文学史上的地位和影响。涵秋在某种意义上是这种小说的开创者又是集大成者。言情小说发展到近代,人们才逐渐意识到言情不能不言社会,而反映社会也必须要有一根贯穿全文的主线,只有二者结合起来,社会为经言情为纬,才能更好表达现主题、表现历史。最后主要从小说的内容与形式两方面,论述了社会言情小说的特点。第六章论述李涵秋小说的文化意蕴。我们在此不刻意探求文化的定义和范畴,而是在人们普遍认可、约定俗成的文化基础上,来分析李涵秋小说中的文化意蕴,以此来给涵秋小说做一个尽量客观的评价。首先探讨涵秋小说的儒家文化意蕴,涵秋出身于旧式家庭,接受的是正统教育,苦读诗书许多年,甚至在清朝参加过科考,其思想受到儒家影响是必然的,但由于性格、家庭等方面原因,他骨子里也有对这种文化的反叛;其次探讨涵秋小说的西方人文主义意蕴,主要着意在西风东渐后西方人文思潮影响的正面和负面意义;最后探讨涵秋小说的风俗文化意蕴。第七章是李涵秋小说的时代意义。“一切历史都是当代史”,同样,任何小说都有它当时的时代意义,涵秋小说的价值就在于紧紧扣住了时代主题,镜子般反映了那个过渡的时代。涵秋小说的时代意义首先是其启蒙意义和反封建主题,对当时的社会具有振聋发聩、警醒世人的作用。其次是小说的教育意义和人物的平民意识。李涵秋小说以其思想的深刻,在他所处的时代取得了巨大的成绩。他处在新旧社会的过渡时期,在这一混乱无序的近似无政府状态中,中国经历了政治、经济、文化的极大动荡与转型,涵秋用小说家的眼光,做了时代变迁的书记官,近似真实地记录了当时的历史,讽刺了社会群丑,歌颂了进步阶级。他的小说因为具有时代先进的思想,从而也具有重要的时代意义。结论部分主要论述李涵秋小说对现代作家的影响。如他的小说对以张恨水为代表的现代社会言情小说的影响;对以巴金为代表的现代家族小说的影响;对以鲁迅、乡土作家派等为代表的五四作家启蒙与反封建主题的影响等。

【Abstract】 Li Hanqiu was an important writer in the late Qing Dynasty and the early period of the Republic of China. Although he has the unique attainments in the aspects of poetry, prose, bronze, calligraphy and painting and so on, his highest achievement is the novel in literature creation. His love story has inherited the merits which“Dream of the Red Mansion”and the loves of the late of Qing Dynasty included. He had overcame the insufficiency in the love stories and obtained a greater achievement. His social novels had followed the strong points in the late of Qing Dynasty’s social novels. In the foundation of developing the good and discarding the bad, he surmounted their shortcoming and had literary new and a style of his own. More important, he initiated an new novel’s pattern, as passed through the longitude take the society and the woof take the love, with he unified the insufficiency of reflecting the social life in the late Qing Dynasty’s love story, and the reality of lacking the love in the social novels. We called them the society and love novels, which had the important contribution, the foundation significance, and included both love and society.Taking the Li Hanqiu’s novel and special society and love story as a main body, the present paper is researched by unifying social novel and the love story of the late Qing Dynasty and the early period of the Republic of China. Then we can better grasp the historical path of the Chinese society’s transition and the reforming in the late Qing Dynasty and the early period of the Republic of China. Li Hanqiu’s society and love novel was at the important reforming phase in that time. It had manifested the advancement of the Chinese novel literary style idea evolves. At the same time, his novel also had the value of the history, and reflected his transition time comprehensively. The full text was composed by the introduction, the main text and the conclusion. The introduction part briefly introduced research present situation, value and the contribution to the society and love story, and the research technique in this paper. The main text parts altogether divides into seven chapters:The first chapter is Li Hanqiu and the late Qing Dynasty and the early period of the Republic of China. It mainly introduced YangZhou’s survey and the time background as well as the Li Hanqiu’s biography and the cultural personality of the Dynasty. These aspects not only had affected the life and the disposition of Li Hanqiu, but also had affected his creation style, then all reflected in his novel degreely. So YangZhou was the important background in his novel. The old YangZhou had a traditional and magnificent history status, as well as had been eclipsed by many wars and massacres. All had the important influence to previous Dynasties writers. Li Hanqiu had witnessed the declining process, the society’s turbulence and reforming of YangZhou, especially, he had experienced the process that was China carved up by the big powerful countries. The writer’s views decide the writer’s creates. Li Hanqiu’s novels contained the ponder and anxiety to time reforming and the national destiny. His novels had recorded a time history.The second chapter is about Li Hanqiu-novel’s creation path and the main work. It mainly introduces Li Hanqiu-novel’s creation path, creation stages and the representative works. Li Hanqiu published the novel from 1906 and he died in May 1923. He was writing vigorous and ceaselessly in 18 years. He published 20 parts short novel and short novel collections, 36 parts novelette and saga novels, and five poetry anthologies, five mixed literary works and twenty note works in this and before times. We can reckon his first create stage as from 1906 to 1909. This is his newly established time. His creation had not mature trace, regardless of the thought of novel or the writing technique, but also had many better works. The second stage was the mature period, which was from 1909 to 1919. His most representative and achievement works was completed in this time. The“The tide of Guang Ling”“The Record of Battlefield and Hawk Flower”“Odd Along of Variant and Phoenix”were recognized as three representative works. They were all republished in this time, and symbolized the mature and the high point of his novel. The third stage was from 1919 to 1923. It was the reforming time. His novel’s main theme started to change from love and society to the family.The third chapter is the Li Hanqiu-novel’s inheriting and the development to modern love stories. First, it makes an outline to the modern love stories. Before the prosperity of love story in the early period of the Republic of China, the Chinese neoteric love story mainly included the continued books about“Dream of the Red Mansion”, many debauchery novel about“the love always becomes dream”and the love story of the feudal legal principle theory exceeding the love, they were invented around the Opium War, and influenced by feudal theory. The three sorts manifested the sentiment, but the way of expression and the aim was different, even we thought that they were not the“the sentiment”in the popular significance, but were the variety of the sentiment with the strong social utility and the individual goal. Then the sentiment became the non-sentiment under the distortion utility goal. Next is the breakthrough to the sentiment in the love story. The description of the sentiment in the latter-day love story, attached the too many social ingredient. The sentiment in Li Hanqiu-novel is about the male and female, mostly are they love each other and experience the tribulation, finally they become to the family member, and entrusted the fresh idea in the sentiment. Second is Hanqiu’s breakthrough about the latter-day love story’s society. The latter-day love story had more or less reflected the society. But most ones reflected indirectly. The society was the background of the sentiment, but not the social description frontage. Hanqiu solves this problem. He puts the sentiment in the intense social evolution and the conflict. He interweaves the society and the sentiment, described them frontage, and takes them the equally important clues of vertically and horizontally. In the elaboration of the latter-day love novel, the paper elaborates the deficiency mainly, thus emphasizes the breakthrough of the love and the social description aspects in the Hanqiu-novel.The fourth chapter is Li Hanqiu’s following and surmounting to the latter society novel. Firstly, the paper carries on the outline into the social novel in the time of Hanqiu, mainly from latter-day condemnation and political novel aspects. Next it elaborates Li Hanqiu-novel’s following from the latter social novel’s plot, character, structure, subject and so on. Li Hanqiu was influenced by the latter social novel, especially the condemned novel, and used the condemnable technique in very many novels. But he was not simply fellow, he had carried on the innovation and creation under this foundation. Furthermore, the surmounting to the latter-day social novel in Hanqiu-novel includes the surmounting of the subject and the artistic structure.The fifth chapter mainly elaborates Li Hanqiu’s unique contribution to the literary arena of the late Qing Dynasty and the early period of the Republic of China, which is social and love novel. Li Hanqiu’s novel had obtained the unique achievement by“profound thought and the special form”, but the achievements cannot be separated with the influence of traditional novel’s idea. He had the success and surmounting by absorbing the predecessor achievements. Therefore, this chapter explores the developing the good and discarding the bad with the fusion that Hanqiu falling to predecessor novel. Next it analyzes each kind of characters that refracted from the realistic mirror in his novels. Once more mainly elaborates the network structure which the love and the society vertically descript in Hanqiu-novel and the literature status and influence of his technique. Hanqiu is this kind of novel founder and collection accomplishing in some kind of significance. The love novel developed to modern time, the people gradually realized that love novel have no alternative but to say the society, and they had to have a master line that through the full text when reflecting the society. The master line was love. Only the two aspects unifying of passing through the longitude taking the society and the woof taking the love were the best expression form. Finally, it elaborates the characteristics of the society and the love from the form and the content of novels.The sixth chapter elaborates Li Hanqiu-novel’s culture connotation. We do not seek the definition and the category of the culture. But we make an objective appraise for Li Hanqiu-novel as far as possible by analyzing the culture connotation under the base of culture which the people approves generally. Firstly, we discuss the influence that Confucianist-culture to Li Hanqiu-novel. Hanqiu was born in an old-style family and received the legitimate education. He studied assiduously many years, even participated in the preliminary examination in the Qing Dynasty. His thought was influenced by Confucianism by all means. But because of the character and the family, he rebelled against this culture. Next we discuss the significance of west-humanism in Hanqiu-novel’s, that mainly planned the positive and the negative significance that was influenced by the ideological trend of west-humanism after the western culture came into the east country. Finally, we discuss the significance of custom and culture in Hanqiu-novel’s.The seventh chapter is the time significance of Li Hanqiu-novel.“All history are the contemporary history”, similarly, any novel had its time significance at that time. The value of Hanqiu-novel lies in that it closely covers the time subject and describes that transit time like a mirror. The time significance of Hanqiu-novel is its initial purport and the anti-feudal subject firstly. It has a function of enlightening common people. Next it is novel’s education significance and consciousness of common character. Li Hanqiu-novel had obtained a huge result by their profound thought in that time which he life. His period was alternate between new and old society. In this chaotic and disorderly approximate anarchy, China had experienced the enormous turbulence and reforming of political, economical and culture. Hanqiu had made the time vicissitude secretary that by the judgment of fiction writer. He had recorded that history really approximately, satirized the social group clown, eulogized the progressive social class. His novel has the vital significance because of having the advanced time thought.The conclusion part mainly elaborates Li Hanqiu-novel’s influence to modern literature. For example, his novel has influences to Zhang Henshui who was recognized as representative of modern society and love novel, to Ba Jin who was recognized as representative of modern family novel. And it has influences to enlightenment and the anti-feudal subject of works written by Lu Xun and the local writers around 1919.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期