

Characteristics of the Formation Water and the Corresponding Exploitation Strategy for Area Ⅱ in Southern Ma51 Reservoir in Jingbian Gas Field

【作者】 张银德

【导师】 王允诚; 周文;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 油气田开发工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 针对我国西部盆地海相碳酸盐岩油气藏地层水分布复杂,每个油气藏的地层水都有其独特富存方式的特点,选择西部鄂尔多斯盆地靖边气田下古生界马五1气藏为例,寻找在这一类地层平缓,以古岩溶岩性圈闭为主的地层中地层水分析的理论与方法,以揭示地层水的成因。解决如何认识气水分布规律、预测评价新的油气聚集区及合理开发有水气藏等复杂问题。在前人马五。气藏研究成果的基础上,结合研究区钻井、测井解释和水质分析资料,对该区产水气井的产水机理进行了分析,完成了相对富水区的分布评价;对南二区开采井的动态特征进行气藏工程分析,结合工区内富水区的分布特征,有针对性的提出了开发对策。研究中采取了地质、测井、数模相结合,静态分析和动态预测相结合的研究思路,立足于已有的地质和开发资料,得到了如下成果与认识:(1)对研究区储层的测井特征进行了系统分析,结合试油、水分析资料,利用交会图和多元识别的方法对储层流体进行了判别。综合地质、地震及动态等多种资料,基本落实了相对富水区的分布情况。(2)对研究区地层水的类型、特征进行认识。分析地层水水源及演化历史,开展水层的纵横对比工作,评价相对富水区的分布;分析富水区的分布规律及成因。认为研究区构造反转且构造平缓,天然气运移“能量”相对不足,造成产层中残余水饱和度过高,生产井或多、或少的有地层水产出。这是靖边气田马五1+2气藏的主要产水特征之一。“相对富水区”分布受控于区域构造、储层非均质性、局部小幅度构造、储层条件变化带的遮挡等因素。(3)对南二区产水井动态、各井的生产动态规律、水对气井产能的影响等有水气藏的生产动态进行了分析;对计算天然气含水量的Mcketta-Wehe算图进行拟合,对Turner气井携液临界流速理论计算公式进行了分析,编制了程序计算。在以上气藏工程基础上,结合地质认识,对产水井出水机理进行了分析;对“富水区”气藏开发储量进行了复核及评价(4)通过地质分析和数值模拟方法,提出了相应的富水开采技术对策:通过对目前井网的合理性分析,认为目前井网不完善,在研究区的东南部及北部生产井相对较稀的地区,可以通过增加开发井,逐渐完善井网。

【Abstract】 In view of that formation water in the marine carbonate reservoir in western-China basins has a complicated distribution, for each reservoir presents a special occurrence of formation water, the Lower Paleozoic Ma51 accumulation was taken as a case to study and search the theory and methodology for analysing the formation water in such gently inclined and fossil-karst-trap dominant strata so as to reveal origin sof the formation water, to recognize the regular pattern of gas-water distribution, to predicate and evaluate new oil-gas accumulation zones and to rationally exploit the water-containing gas pools. Basing on the studies of former researchers on Ma51 reservoir the thesis analyzed the water-producing mechanism for water-producing wells, carried out evaluation of the distribution of relatively water-rich areas, and had a gas reservoir engineering analysis for the dynamic state of southern II areas wells, and proposed an exploitation strategy in view of the distribution of water-rich areas. Basing on the geological and exploitation data available, geology, logging and numerical simulation were integrated and static analysis and dynamic prediction combined in this study, which led the following results.(1) Logging features of reservoir in the studied area were analyzed systematically. In combination with the well testing and water analysis information, cross plot and multivariate recognition were employed, to discriminate formation fluid. By integrating geological, seismic and dynamic-state data, the distribution of relative water-rich areas has been revealed.(2) Types and characteristics of the formation water were studied, including the analysis of sources and evolution of the water, vertical and lateral correlation of the aquifer beds, recognition of the distribution of relative water-rich areas and the relevant causes. It is thought that owing to the structural reversion and gentle inclination, the "energy" for gas migration is relatively insufficient which leads to an excessive residual water saturation and more or less formation water is producing from the gas wells, this is one of the main water-producing features in Ma51 reservoir in Jingbian gas field. The distribution of "relative water-rich areas" is controlled by such factors as regional tectonics, reservoir heterogeneity, local low-amplitude structure, sealing by reservoir alteration zone and so on.(3) Dynamic state of the water-producing wells, dynamic-state law for each gas-producing well and influence of water to the productivity of gas wells in Southern II area have been analyzed, the Mckette-Wehe alignment chart for calculating water content in gas been simulated, and the Turner formula for theoretically calculating the critical velocity of liquid-carrying flow in gas wells has been analyzed and the corresponding program and calculation have been worked out. Basing on the above-mentioned studies and combined with geologic recognition, the mechanism of water-output form water wells was analyzed, and the exploitation reserve in water-rich areas has been checked and re-evaluated.(4) By the geological analysis and numerical simulation, an exploitation strategy for water-rich areas was proposed accordingly. It is thought that the present well-network seems to be incomplete. It is reasonable to add development wells to the relatively well-scarce south-east and northern part of the studied area, which would enhance the well-completeness of these parts.

  • 【分类号】TE312
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】878