

Study on Interaction of Uderground Mining and Geological Environment and the Mitigation of Geological Environment

【作者】 何兴江

【导师】 黄润秋;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 地质工程, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 矿产资源作为人类生存不可或缺的物质条件,对社会发展起着重要的基础性作用。近年来,矿产资源开发力度不断加强,矿山地质环境恶化带来的危害也愈来愈严重。矿山地质环境及相伴的地质灾害问题成为制约我国矿山发展的重大地质环境问题。论文以华蓥山矿区为研究对象,对矿山地质环境治理有关问题进行了研究,取得了以下成果:(1)论文针对地下采矿活动的特点,提出和建立了复杂地质环境条件下,地下采矿工程与地质环境互馈作用机理及环境效应的分析评价方法与防治的技术途径,对类似矿山的环境地质问题分析有较好的理论和方法指导意义。(2)地下采矿对地下水的疏干作用是引起水环境地质问题的关键。以李子垭矿区为例,研究了地下采矿对地下水的疏干作用规律:①提出了利用地下径流模数和疏干排水量反算矿区地下水疏干面积的方法,利用该方法可有效计算和评价地下采空所影响的疏干面积。通过实例验证其计算结果与现场调查有较好的一致性。②提出利用灰色系统GM(1,1)模型和时间序列AR(p)模型预测地下水疏干漏斗的扩展规律。为评价地下采矿引起的地下水垂向变化规律奠定了基础。③得到了矿井涌水量的变化规律。矿井涌水量逐年递增,但增加幅度逐年减缓,矿井排水量由建井初期的含水层疏干水逐渐转化为含水层接受降水入渗补给水量,水量大小取决于该区地下含水层的降水补给量。(3)系统分析了龙滩煤矿10.4突水事故原因。查明突水点位于长兴组厚层状石灰岩分布段,该岩石具有较强的可溶性和更快的溶蚀速度。受近东西向应力挤压扰折成膝状构造,伴随产生大量的纵向张性裂隙及层间脱空区域;同时长兴组灰岩在矿区北段出露标高约900~1000m,有利于降水入渗补给;造就了岩溶地下水系及岩溶空间发育的独特优势,形成巨大的岩溶储水空间。当采掘扰动后,隔水岩体形成破裂带,为突水提供了通道。(4)在分析地下水水动力平衡条件和原有矿井突水过程的三阶段理论的基础上,提出了突水过程的四阶段理论。该理论为正确选择矿山突水救灾的时机提供依据,从而保证救援或探测工作安全。同时运用数值模拟技术,对矿井开挖后地下水渗流场的变化特征进行了数值模拟及分析,动态分析了矿区地下水与采矿过程的相互作用过程。提出了以矿区水文地质条件为依据的避、排、堵手段和相关的配套方法以及合理的矿井突水预防方法。(5)对绿水洞煤矿实测工作面采空区地表变形实际观测数据分析,得出该工作面采空区主断面观测线移动变形规律,确定了该矿区控制地表变形的关键参数。以此为基础,利用概率积分法能计算采空矿区沉陷范围,为地下采矿所引起的地表沉陷灾害的防治奠定了基础。(6)通过对绿水洞排土场矸石堆积体灾害的形成机理、稳定性的研究,提出了相应的治理对策,为排土场的地质环境问题的治理提供了方法。具体成果如下:①应用FLAC3D方法建立了矸石堆积体数值模型,对堆积体的在各种工况下的变形特征进行模拟,找出了滑动可能性最大的潜在滑动区域。滑面为近圆弧形,位于排土场的中部,后缘拉裂,中部沿粘土层滑动,前缘在排土场坡脚上方一定位置剪出。变形量大小从表面向滑面逐渐减小(成带分布),位移方向基本与坡面平行,在前缘剪出口发生偏转。②应用极限平衡分析理论,对排土场堆积体的稳定性进行了定量分析,得到了矸石堆积体在天然、天然+暴雨、天然+暴雨+地震等不同状态下的稳定状况。计算结果表明,天然状态下,坡顶存在较大范围的局部失稳,特别是在暴雨作用下,坡体的稳定性进一步降低,坡体失稳的方量大幅增加,可为泥石流的形成提供丰富的物源。③在稳定性分析与数值模拟的基础上,提出“挡墙+地表排水+削坡及坡面防护”的排土场综合治理方案,分析结果表明,该措施实施后,边坡的稳定性较好,达到了设计要求。

【Abstract】 Mineral resources are playing an important basis role in social development because they are necessary material conditions to human beings. In recent years, with mineral resources exploitation strength increasing, the damages from mine geology environment were getting worse and worse. So mine geology environment and concomitant geohazard have become heavy geoenvironment issues limiting mine development in our country. The thesis was focused on Huanying Mining Area, and studied the relevant issues on the environment harnessing of mine. Following conclusions were drawn:(1) According to character of underground mining, the interaction mechanism analysis method and the prevention and cure technique are advanced, which can afford fine theoretical methods for environment geological problem analysis of similar mines.(2) The influence of underground mining on the drainage of underground water is the key factor inducing the geologic issues on water environment. The influence rule of underground mining on the drainage of underground water was studied based on the fact example from Liziya Mining Area.①Make to calculate the sparse dry area of the underground water in the mining area, using underground water runoff modulus and the drainage of underground waterl. the method can calculate and appraise the sparse dry area of the underground water that caused by the extraction efficiently. Validated by the examples, the results have better consistency with the field test.②Make to forecast the development law of the drainage funnel of underground water ,using grey systematic GM( 1,1) model and time sequence AR( p) model. Which establish the foundation to appraise the development law of the vertical underground water that caused by the mining extraction.③Get the development law of the shaft flood water. The shaft flood water is measured increase progressively year by year with time, but the increased range slow down year by year. The drainage of shaft water changes gradually from the flood of aquifer that builds well in the initial stage to the impregnation water in the aquifer supplied by the precipitation, the size of drainage quantity depends on the precipitation supply of the underground aquifer of this district.(3) The reason of the 10.4 sudden flood water accident in Longtan Coal Mining Area was analyzed systematically. Find out the sudden flood water site locates in the distribution section of thick layer of lime rock in Changxing group, this rock has the more strong solubility and more rapid corrosion speed. Disturbed by the stress nearly east to west which extrude the knee form structure, accompany to produce plenty of longitudinal cracks and cavities caused by the extraction between layer; At the same time, the lime rock of Changxing group grow in absolute altitude 900m to 1000m in the north of the mining area, which is helpful for precipitation to impregnate; Bring up the unique advantage of karst underground water department and karst space development, form a huge water store space in the karst area. Disturbed by the excavation, separating water rock mass become to break bodily, which offers passageway for sudden flood water.(4) Based on the analysis of underground water power balanced condition and the 3-stage of sudden flood water of the original shaft, make the 4-stage theories of sudden flood water course. This theory offers basis to provide correct options that relieve disaster of the sudden flood water in mining area, then guarantee to rescue or the safety surveying work. At the same time, using numerical simulated technology, imitate and analysis the development of seepage field of underground water in the shaft after excavation, and dynamically analysis the interaction of the underground water and the mining excavation in the mining area. Put forward the measures of avoidance, drainage and jam, and related supplemental methods, and the reasonable prevention methods of sudden flood water of the shaft, which are based on the hydrogeology condition in the mining area.(5) Through the actual data analysis of the surface deformation of the green-water mine ,we take the deformation law about the main face of mined-out area ,and get the control parameters of the surface deformation . On this basis, using probability integration can calculate subsidence region of mined-out area, laid the foundation for the dispose of the surface subsidence disasters in underground mining.(6) Through the study of the disaster formation mechanism and the stability about the green water-waste dumping site, we take out the corresponding control measures, which provide a method to deal with the geological environment problem of the dumping site. The results are as follows:①Using the FLAC3D we established a numerical model about the accumulation, and simulating the deformation characteristics of the accumulation in different conditions, and find out the most likely potential slide area. Sliding surface for nearly arc in the central of dumping site, fracturing at the back of the margin and the central sliding along the clay layer shear out in front foot of dumping site in the above. The deformation of surface from the surface to the sliding area gradually decreased (distribution as belt), the direction of displacement parallel with the slope , deflecting at the front of shear export.②Applying the limited equilibrium theory, and making the quantitative analysis of the stability about dumping site .Found stable situation of the accumulation of waste in different conditions as: natural condition, natural condition with rainstorm, and natural condition& rainstorm & earthquake, and so on. The results show that: in natural condition ,the head of the slope exists partial instability in large-scale, especially in the influence of rainstorm the stability of the slope may decreased and the quantity of instability may substantial increased, which may create conditions for the mud-rock flow.③On the basic of stability analysis and numerical model, we take out a general governance project about the dumping site with "Fender & Surface drainage & Slope cutting & Slope surface protection", and the results show that after the implementation of the measures, slope stability become better and achieved our design requirements.

  • 【分类号】TD167
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1896