

The Composition and Diversity Structure of Arthropod Community in Pine Forest Ecosystem Invaded by Bursaphelenchus Xylophilus

【作者】 武海卫

【导师】 骆有庆; 石娟;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林保护学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着国际贸易往来和旅游业的发展,生物入侵在我国不断加剧,正在成为威胁我国生物多样性与生态环境的重要因素之一。作为我国毁灭性的林业外来入侵生物,松材线虫Bursaphelenchus xylophilus(Steiner et Buhrer)Nickle的入侵对我国松林资源,尤其是对我国南方松林和重要生态区域构成了严重威胁。明确松材线虫入侵后对森林生态系统中节肢动物群落组成与结构的影响,对于制定综合控制方法与技术及揭示松林生态系统对松材线虫入侵的抵御机制具有重大的理论与实践意义。本文以浙江省富阳市和舟山市不同受害程度的松林为研究对象,分析了松材线虫入侵后感病木不同处理方式对节肢动物群落结构的影响;同时对海岛和内陆两种不同的生境,特别是海岛中4种典型代表性林型中的节肢动物群落组成和结构特点进行了较为详细的研究,并进一步探讨了马尾松和黑松这两种主要感病树种冠层节肢动物群落的组成和结构,分析了感病松林林分因子与节肢动物群落的关系。主要研究结果如下:1.从物种、亚群落、营养阶层三个水平上分析了伐除干扰对马尾松林生态系统内节肢动物群落结构的影响。对感染松材线虫病的马尾松林进行皆伐处理后,在不同的松林更新方向上出现了不同结构的节肢动物群落。皆伐显著降低了林分的物种丰富度,其中,鳞翅目、鞘翅目、半翅目和蜘蛛目几个类群受影响最大。从亚群落的组成结构上来看,皆伐更新对害虫亚群落和天敌亚群落的组成的影响均极为显著。皆伐也改变了生态系统内节肢动物群落各营养阶层的比例组成,就供试标准地而言,皆伐更新形成的马尾松幼林的节肢动物能级结构较之白栎苦竹混交林更为合理。而对感病马尾松林中的马尾松择伐清理后,节肢动物群落的物种丰富度和多样性指数均显著增加,优化了各能级类群的比例组成,对于提高节肢动物群落的稳定性有一定的增效作用。2.对两种受松材线虫入侵的生境中(内陆和海岛)的节肢动物群落的组成和结构差异进行了比较,经聚类分析表明:两种生境节肢动物的科数之间没有显著差异,但在物种数量、个体数量及亚群落和能级类群的组成上有显著的差异。其中,鳞翅目和蜘蛛目差异最大。3.采用G-test、Sorensen Classic相似性指数和Jaccard Classic相似性指数比较了浙江省舟山市受松材线虫侵染后形成的湿地松杉木混交林、马尾松疏林、马尾松纯林和黑松马尾松混交林等4种代表性的松林类型中的节肢动物群落的组成,同时采用采用Chao 1指数和ACE指数对4种林型的总物种丰富度进行了估计。研究结果表明:4种松林类型中节肢动物群落的科数、物种数和个体数量都有显著差异(科数G3=9.303,P=0.026;物种数G3=57.362,P=0.000;个体数G3=2767.568,P=0.000)。马尾松疏林和马尾松纯林中节肢动物群落的相似性最高,湿地松杉木混交林和黑松马尾松混交林这两种针叶混交林内节肢动物群落相似性最低。估计全部节肢动物群落的物种丰富度为586.47(ACE指数)和634.8±31.5(Chao 1±SD)种。4.采用枝条套袋取样技术对浙江省舟山市松材线虫病疫区内马尾松Pinus massoniana幼龄林和老龄林冠层节肢动物群落的组成和时空结构进行了研究,结果表明:幼树上冠层节肢动物的物种数显著高于老龄树,但老龄树冠层的节肢动物个体数量显著高于幼树。马尾松幼树的主要种类有松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus Hope、松大蚜Cinara pinitabulaeformis Zhang et Zhang、微红梢斑螟Dioryctria rubella Hampson、纵坑切梢小蠹Tomicus piniperda L.、松沫蝉Aphrophora flavipes Uhler等。老龄树的主要种类有松墨天牛、松大蚜、浙江黑松叶蜂Nesodiprion zhejiangensis Zhou et Xiao、松叶小卷蛾Epinotia rubiginosana (Herrich-Sch?ffer)等。90株供调查的马尾松树上冠层节肢动物共有13目49科98种,共计4218个个体。其中,幼树12目40科66种,共计1584个个体;老龄树12目39科74种,共计2634个个体。比较节肢动物在不同林龄马尾松冠层的时空结构表明,幼树冠层结构更有利于节肢动物的栖居,因此应加强对老龄树的抚育管理。5.对浙江省舟山市松材线虫病疫区内黑松Pinus thunbergii冠层节肢动物群落的组成和结构进行了研究,结果表明:供调查的60株黑松冠层中,节肢动物共有12目45科95种,共计3077个个体。其中捕食性昆虫10科17种89个个体,食叶害虫11科16种1477个个体,枝梢害虫8科18种1186个个体,蜘蛛类11科33种287个个体,游走性类群5科13种38个个体。主要种类有浙江黑松叶蜂Nesodiprion zhejiangensis Zhou et Xiao、草履蚧Drosicha corpulenta (Kuwana)、松沫蝉Aphrophora flavipes Uhler、松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus Hope等。各功能集团主要分布在树冠的中下层,除捕食性昆虫外,总群落及其他各类群对方位的选择性较小,捕食性昆虫主要分布在向阳的东部、南部和西部。以食叶害虫和枝梢害虫为主的害虫类群在5月份的优势集中性最高,在7月物种丰富度最高,6 ~ 8月危害最为严重的时期。而蜘蛛类和捕食性昆虫等捕食性类群在调查的各个月份中的优势集中性均比较稳定,仅在8月有所降低。6.采用典型相关分析及双重筛选逐步回归分析的方法,分别分析了林分因子和植物群落的多样性与节肢动物总群落及各亚群落和能级类群之间的关系。发现枯枝落叶层厚度、郁闭度、林分密度和草本层盖度是影响节肢动物群落多样性四个最为重要的因子;枯枝落叶层厚度、草本层盖度和优势乔木冠幅是影响节肢动物群落能级结构的三个相对最为重要的因子。植物群落的多样性对节肢动物群落的多样性组成有显著的影响。影响因子涉及了植物群落各个层次的多样性结构,并且天敌亚群落和中性昆虫亚群落与植物群落的相关性最为显著。从影响因子的多样化也可以看出节肢动物群落多样化的组成不是一个或几个因素可以影响的,而是植物群落的整体效应。

【Abstract】 Biological invasion has become one of the most important factors which threaten biodiversity and ecological environment of China with the development of global trade, transportation, international travel and ecological tourism. As a destructive forestry invasive alien species, the invasion of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner et Buhrer) Nicklehas caused a great damage to the pine forest’s resource of China, especially to pine forest and ecological region in southern China. Definituding the invasion impact of B. xylophilus on the composition and structure of arthropod community will bring a great significance to establish methods and techniques of integrate pest management (IPM) and reveal the resistance mechanism of pine forest ecosystem to the invasion of B. xylophilus in both theory and practice aspects.In this paper, based on the research objectives of pine forests in different damage degree after the invasion of pine wood nematode in Fuyang and Zhoushan county, Zhejiang province, the responses of arthropod community affected by different managing ways on infested pines after PWN’s invasion were analyzed. Meanwhile, as for such two different habitats as island and inland, especially four typical forest types in islands, for which the composition and structure of arthropod community was studied with a detail. Furthermore, the composition and structure of canopy arthropods of Pinus massoniana and P. thunbergii and the relationship between stand factors and arthropod composition was also discussed and analyzed. The main results are as follows.1. The responses of arthropod community affected by the disturbance degree of removing trees were analyzed under three levels, such as species, sub-community and nutrient classes. The species richness decreased significantly after clear cutting, and some orders such as Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Hemiptera and Araneae were the guilds that were influenced most heavily. The analysis of sub-community structure showed that both pests and natural enemies were great impacted. The proportion composition of energy classes were also changed after clear cutting. As for the studying sample plots,The community structure of arthropod in young Masson pine forests showed more rational than that in mixed forest of Quercus fabric and Pleioblastus amarus. While with the removal of infected trees, both the richness and species diversity of total arthropod community and sub-community were obviously increasd. The nutrition structure of arthropod community also was ameliorated, which played a positive role in promoting the succession of arthropod community.2. The composition and structure of arthropod community in island was compared with that in inland, the composition of different arthropods guilds Hierarchical Cluster Analysis(HCA) and One-way ANOVA was performed and the results showed that there was no significant difference for the composition of arthropod community in family level between inland and island. But those two habitats had significant difference in the species composition, individuals, sub-community and the energy classes level, in which, Lepidoptera and Diptera is most seriously.3. Based on G-test, Classic Sorensen incidence-based sample similarity index and Classic Jaccard sample similarity index, the composition of arthropod community in 4 representative pine forests infested by B. xylophilus, which is mixed stands of P. elliottii and Cunninghamia lanceolata, sparse Masson pine stands, pure Masson pine stands and mixed stands of P. thunbergii and P. massoniana respectively, were compared in Zhoushan city, Zhejiang province. Meanwhile, the total species richness of the above four forest types was estimated using Chao 1 and ACE index. The results showed that there was a significant difference in families, species and individual number of arthropod community among four pine forest types, where, G3=9.303, P=0.026 for the families number, G3=57.362,P=0.000 for the species number, G3=2767.568,P=0.000 for the individual number. The arthropod community similarity between sparse Masson pine stands and pure Masson pine stands was highest, whereas, the lowest value happened between the two mixed forest stands.4. Composition and structure of canopy arthropods in young and old P. massoniana stands were studied in Zhoushan city, Zhejiang Province. The technique of branch bagging was used. The results show that the number of arthropod species was significantly higher in the canopy of young stands than in that of old ones, but the individual number of arthropods was much higher in the canopy of the old stands. The major species in the canopy of young stands included Monochamus alternatus Hope, Cinara pinitabulaeformis Zhang et Zhang, Dioryctria rubella Hampson, Tomicus piniperda L., Aphrophora flavipes Uhler and others. In the canopy of old stands, the predominant species were M. alternatus and C. pinitabulaeformis as well as Nesodiprion zhejiangensis Zhou et Xiao and Epinotia rubiginosana Herrich-Sch?ffer, which, to a lesser extent, also occurred in the canopy of young stands. A total of 4218 arthropods, representing 98 species which belong to 49 families and 13 orders, was found in 90 tree canopies, pooled from both the young and old stands. In which, a total of 1584 arthropods, representing 66 species belonging to 40 families and 12 orders, was found in the canopy of young stands and 2634 arthropods from 74 species belonging to 39 families and 12 orders were found in the old stands. The structure of the arthropod community in the canopy of both types of stands was also compared in spatial and temporal terms which showed that the structure of young trees was more suitable than that of old trees for harboring arthropods, which suggests that the tending of old trees should be strengthened.5. The composition and structure of canopy arthropods in P. thunbergii was studied in Zhoushan city, Zhejiang province. A total of 3077 individuals representing 95 species which belong to 45 families and 12 orders was found in 60 tree canopies in which a total of 89 individuals representing 17 species which belong to 10 families were predaceous insects, a total of 1477 individuals representing 16 species which belong to 11 families were leaf-feeder insects, a total of 1186 individuals representing 18 species which belong to 8 families were branch and top-feeder insects, a total of 287 individuals representing 33 species which belong to 11 families were spiders and a total of 38 individuals representing 13 species which belong to 5 families were‘tourists’. The main species including Nesodiprion zhejiangensis Zhou et Xiao,Drosicha corpulenta (Kuwana), Aphrophora flavipes Uhler, Monochamus alternatus Hope and so on. All functional groups mostly distributed in the mid and lower layers of the canopy. Except for predaceous insects, all the other groups had no selectivity to the orientations. They preferred staying in the sunny parts of the canopy such as east, south and west. The dominance of pests including leaf-feeder group and branch and top-feeder group was highest in May and the species richness was highest in July. The great damage occurred between June and August. Predaceous group including predaceous insects and spiders had a steady dominance in every month.6. The relationship between the diversity structure of arthropod community and stand factors and the influence of the plant community on the arthropod community were analyzed through canonical correlation analysis and double screening by stepwise regression analysis. It was found that litter layer thickness, canopy density, stand density and the herbaceous layer coverage were the main factors that impacted the arthropod community diversity, the litter layer thickness, herbaceous layer coverage and crown breadth of dominant tree were the main factors that impacted the structure of energy classes of arthropod community. The diversity of plant communities had a significant impact to the diversity of arthropod community. The factors referred to all levels of the plant community structure and the relationship between sub-community of natural enemies or neutral insect pests and plant community showed most notable. It could be seen from the diverse impact factors that one or several factors couldn’t affect the variety of arthropod community, but the overall effect of plant communities.

  • 【分类号】S763.1;S718.6
  • 【被引频次】2
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