

The Habitat and Vegetation Constructing for Spontaneous Combustion Gangue Pile in Yangquan, Shanxi Province

【作者】 张成梁

【导师】 关君蔚; 张洪江; 陈国华;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 山地灾害防治, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 该研究以环境生态学为理论基础,通过研究煤矸石山的自燃、水分和理化特性,分析研究了自燃煤矸石山植被构建的制约因素,提出了自燃煤矸石山生境构建的关键技术;在研究植物对煤矸石山环境胁迫下的抗性特点基础上,提出了煤矸石山植被构建的基本理论和技术方法。并结合阳泉煤业(集团)有限责任公司280自燃煤矸石山的生态恢复项目,将工业上的单纯灭火技术与林业生态的单纯种植技术实现对接,在自燃煤矸石山的生境和植被构建中取得了理论和实践上的突破。研究结果如下:1.自燃煤矸石山基本特性1)调查中发现:(1)覆土不当,会强化“烟囱效应”,导致火势加大;(2)传统的挡土墙和覆土设计施工不能阻隔空气;(3)治理过程中在煤矸石山上修筑的各种设施会形成煤矸石山空气流动的新通道。2)使用Divener2000对自燃煤矸石山水分动态进行了监测。结果表明土壤覆盖改变了煤矸石山基质的水分条件:(1)覆土降低了煤矸石山的水分含量,裸露煤矸石山的年平均含水量为22.4%,覆土后只有12.2%。(2)覆土改变了煤矸石山水分季节变化规律,未覆土的裸露煤矸石山水分季节性变化不明显,覆土后的煤矸石山水分含量则呈现与降水相似的季节动态变化规律。水分最低的时间在雨季来临前的5月,最干旱的土层在高温煤矸石层,最低含水量仅为2.1%。(3)未覆土的裸露煤矸石山水分的垂直变异不大,上层0-20cm水分变化相对活跃,下层稳定;覆土后垂直变化十分明显。3)自燃煤矸石山的温度特征为:(1)高温点水平分布没有规律性,分布极不均匀,一些火区相互重叠;(2)整个山体温度自上而下降低;(3)自燃煤矸石山的内部温度由表及里先升高后降低,大约在7m左右最高;(4)煤矸石山风化物导热性较低,温度由最高点随距离增加而急剧降低;(5)浅层温度与气温的变化规律一致,具有明显的日变化和季节性变化,深层变化不明显。4)盐和酸是煤矸石山自燃的产物,总盐含量高达3.80%,但盐分含量的垂直和水平分布均没有规律性。煤矸石山高温区pH最低(pH2.8),自燃不明显的区域pH接近正常,为pH7.9;其垂直变化没有规律性。2.自燃煤矸石山植被构建的制约因素1)影响自燃煤矸石山植被生长的因子较多,其中高温、干旱、盐害、酸害、压实和养分缺乏是最重要的影响因子。2)高温胁迫是影响植物成活的主要因素。植物的高温胁迫研究显示:(1)各种植物“致死”温度差异极大,在胁迫温度30℃-70℃,时间28-360h范围内,均有植物“死亡”;(2)植物具有较强的自我修复和对热害的躲避能力,在高温胁迫解除后,“死亡”的植物均可“复活”,没有找到每种植物的永久“死亡”温度。3)植物在盐胁迫时,光合速率、蒸腾速率、胞间二氧化碳浓度、气孔导度等均会受到不同程度的影响。280煤矸石山植物分布范围的含盐量为0.13%。3.自燃煤矸石山生境构建1)针对煤矸石山覆土后“烟囱效应”的加强现象,设计了防止“烟囱效应”的新式挡土墙和排水设施施工方法,有效解决了空气从山脚进入,上部排出的问题。2)针对注浆灭火过程引发爆炸的问题,研制了“自燃煤矸石山隔氧灭火注浆管”(专利号:ZL 2006 2 0024643.0)专利技术,解决了自燃煤矸石山注浆灭火过程进水进气,进水爆炸的矛盾。3)提出的煤矸石山复式覆土方式初步解决了灭火压实和植物生长的矛盾。4)从雨水资源化利用的角度出发,提出了坡面径流集水系统。5)土壤改良研究过程发现:(1)黄土可以中和自燃煤矸石山的酸,覆盖的黄土没有酸性制约。(2)黄土不能解决盐渍化的问题,黄土覆盖后盐分依然很大。6)微生物能缓解煤矸石对植物生长的胁迫。外生菌根真菌铆钉菇菌(Gomphidium viscidus)能在高浓度的煤矸石浸提液中接种存活,接种后的白皮松在煤矸石风化物中的成活率和生长量显著提高。4.自燃煤矸石山植被构建1)通过研究确定自燃煤矸石山植被构建的植物筛选原则为:(1)实地适植物;(2)乡土木本植物为主。2)根据耐高温、抗干旱、耐盐碱的要求,筛选出了适宜在阳泉自燃煤矸石山栽植的乔木树种为榆树、刺槐、臭椿,侧柏、白皮松,灌木树种有紫穗槐、柠条、山皂荚、华北卫矛、紫叶小檗、连翘,藤本植物有爬山虎、杠柳、山荞麦,草本植物马齿苋、鬼针草、沙打旺、紫花苜蓿、鸭茅、高羊茅、升麻塘等。3)自燃煤矸石山植物种植方式为:前期以直播草本植物以及前期生长迅速的灌木为主,后期补植木本植物容器苗。4)建议的群落结构为下层以豆科和禾本科草本植物为主,上层以木本植物为主的复层结构。5)抚育管护的方式是木本植物灌丛化,人为控制为地被植物为主的群落结构。

【Abstract】 The study depend on environmental ecology as the theoretical foundation, the basic engineering technology of gangue piles about Habitat-building was advanced, which was found from the study of spontaneous combustion、water content and physical and chemical characteristics of gangue piles; the basic theory and techniques about vegetation redvelopment of gangue piles were advanced on the basis of characteristics of the resistance under the gangue envieonmental stress. With the reclamation project of Yangquan Coal Industry (Group) Company Ltd., 280 spontaneous combustion, the simple fire technology on industry and simple cultivation techniques on eco-forestry were integrated, and the theoretical and practical breakthrough was achieved in the construction of habitats and vegetation of gangue piles.The main findings are as follows:1.Fundamental characteristics of spontaneous combustion gangue piles1) Survey found that: (1) the "chimney effect" can be strengthened and the fire increased if covered improperly; (2) the traditional design and construction of retaining walls and soil cannot be separated by air; (3) various facilities built on gangue piles during the management of the coal waste dump form a new channel air flow; (4) explosion can be triggered when water is imported to high-temperature egions and grouting fire.2) Divener2000 was first used on monitoring water-dynamic of gangue piles. Soil and water conditions of the gangue piles were changed by soil cover. (1) The soil moisture content was reduced after the soil was covered, as in the coal mine in Yangquan for example, where the annual average water content dropped from 22.4% to 12.2% after soil cover; 2) the rule of gangue piles seasonal water changes was changed by soil. Take the coal mine in Yangquan as an example, the bare did not change significantly, but the gangue files covered by soil which water content changes was similar to the dynamic changes of seasonal precipitation. The time of minimum water was before the onset of the rainy season in May; the most arid layer was in high temperature gangue layer, of which the lowest water content was only 2.1 percent. (3) it was found that there was little variation at the vertical bare gangue and that the upper 0-20cm of water was relatively active, but with lower stability. The vertical change was very obvious after the gangue was covered by soil.3) The spontaneous combustion gangue piles’temperature characteristics are: (1) the level of high-temperature distribution points and the temperature points were unregulated and the distribution was uneven, with some fire zones overlapping; (2) the temperature in the mountain fell from high to low; (3) internal temperature of gangue piles first rising then decreasing from outside to inside, and about 7 m was the highest around; (4)the soil’s thermal conductivity of the spontaneous combustion gangue profiles was lower, where the temperature from maximum points dropped sharply with the increase in distance; (5) the changes of the shallow layer temperature was similar to air temperature, which receive daily changes and seasonal changes, but the deep layer temperature did not change significantly.4) Salt and acid were the products of the spontaneous combustion gangue profiles, with the total salt content being as high as 3.80 percent, but there were no rules in the salt content of the vertical and horizontal distribution. The pH in high-temperature regions was lower, with pH minimum at 2.8, the pH in the region without spontaneous combustion was close to normal pH, and pH maximum was 7.9.2. Constrains of vegetation construction of spontaneous combustion gangue piles1) Many factors affect the vegetation of spontaneous combustion gangue piles; high temperature, drought, salt injury, acid, compaction and the lack of nutrients are the most important factors.2) Heat stress is the main factor affecting the survival of plants during vegetation construction of spontaneous combustion gangue piles, but the plants are adaptable. The studies of plant under heat stress show that: (1)“Death”temperatures vary greatly among plants ranging from 30℃to 70℃. The plants are "dead" within the 28-360h stress time; (2) They have strong self-healing ability and the ability to avoid heat stress, the "dead" plants can "resurrect" after the lifting of the heat stress. The permanent "death" temperature for each plant has not been established.3) Photosynthesis rate, transpiration rate, intracellular concentration of carbon dioxide, stomatal conductance of plants would be affected under salt stress. The salt content of area in 280 gangue pile where plant can grow is 0.13%.3. Habitat construction of spontaneous combustion gangue piles1) To establish strengthened "chimney effect" after the gangue was covered by soil, new retaining walls and drainage facilities construction method were designed, as an effective solution to prevent the air entering from the foot and draining from the top.2) Regarding the problem of grouting fire, a patented technology called "grouting apart-oxygen-tube for spontaneous combustion gangue piles" (Patent No.: ZL 2006 2 0024643.0) was developed tosolve the problem of explosion induced by water and gas.3)The contradictions between quenching fire and plant growth were solved by the method of compound soil covering.4)The slope runoff water catchment systems were proposed from the perspective of using rainwater resources.5) Soil improvement study found that: (1) Acid in spontaneous combustion gangue piles could be counteracted by loess. (2) Loess could not solve the problem of salinization; there was still great salt in the gangue covered by loess.6) Gangue microbes can ease the stress on plant growth. Ectomycorrhizal fungi (Gomphidium viscidus) can survive in the high concentration of coal gangue extracts. For example, the survival and growth of Pinus bungeana in weathered coal gobs were significantly increased after Gomphidium viscidus were vaccinated in Pinus bungeana.4. Vegetation construction of spontaneous combustion gangue piles1) Study found that: plant screening principles in spontaneous combustion gangue piles were: (1)suitable plants planted in suitble places; (2) Native plants are main. 2) According to the demands of high temperature-resistant, drought-resistant, salt-resistant, the arbors are Elm, Acacia, Ailanthus altissima, Arborvitae, Pinus bungeana, the shrubs Amorpha fruticosa, Caragana, mountain acacia, north Celastraceae, purple Yexiao Berberis, Forsythia, thevine plants Parthenocissus, Periploca, mountain buckwheat, and the herbs purslane, a ghost-grass, A. adsurgens, alfalfa, Ap Mao, tall fescue, Cimicifuga Tangdeng.3) Cultivation methods of spontaneous combustion gangue piles were: early herbaceous plants and pre-rapid growth of shrubs mainly and later replanting container seedlings of woody plants.4) The recommended structure for the community are: herbaceous plants including legume and gramineous grass to lower mainly, woody plants in the upper-layer mainly.5) The management and protection method is: develop woody plants into shrubs, community construction, community structure is composed mainly of cover plants controled by artifical.
