

【作者】 刘燕

【导师】 邵培仁;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 传播学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 在后现代社会语境中,媒体环境及其本质的改变使原有的认同问题开始变得复杂起来。作为传统身份与认同依据的国族、族群、宗教与阶级的影响力日渐式微,曾经可靠、有限、一致的群体身份遭到侵蚀,导致了现代人身份的日益分裂与不稳定。作为一种社会建构的产物,认同在后现代社会变得纷繁复杂,呈现出弹性、流动和多重性特征。本论文以后现代认同的媒体与社会语境的改变为研究背景,从哲学意义上的人的主体身份的变化出发,分析后现代社会情境中个体/群体多元的身份与认同现象,探讨传播科技(特别是电子媒介)在宏观、中观、微观层面对后现代认同所起的塑造与建构作用。论文论述了后现代语境下的人们如何借助传播科技手段构建微观层面的日常生活认同。后现代社会中的人们在远离以国家、政党为长期认同的宏观政治的同时,转而投注到日常生活中的微观政治与身份认同。传播技术的发展与运用促使“非地域性社会群体”这种新的身份/认同现象出现,这种群体是基于特定文化、性别、种族、宗教差异的短暂联盟。大众传媒成为他们构筑身份与认同、争取自身权益、塑造角色模型、选择生活风格的资源与手段。论文分析了后现代社会中电子传媒的强势介入所导致的传统身份与认同资源(国家标准语言、宗教、民族文化)的衰退、蜕化与变异现象。影视方言节目的大众传播是全球娱乐化经济的产物,它是一种地域语言与文化霸权的体现,对族群团结和国族认同造成了冲击。“电子教堂”的出现导致了现代宗教危机,它在改变传教方式、改变宗教体验的同时,也深刻改变了宗教的本质及社会整合功能。此外,文化全球化现象也促成了特定民族的文化断裂,群体身份危机凸显,传播媒介直接参与其中;就认同层面来说,文化全球化直接影响到民族国家文化身份的维护。论文亦阐释了后现代国家如何利用大众媒介的传播特性来重构认同传统、维系现代国家政体的合法性。媒体对国族身份与认同形塑的作用表现为:通过对时间空间的组织和传媒体验的连接对“想象社群”进行媒介的现实构建;通过对集体记忆的媒体再现和媒体创造来恢复国族认同传统;通过日常化的媒介仪式行为来巩固和强化国族认同意识。本论文基于传播科技与社会发展之间互动关系的启发,因此否认媒介技术对于社会影响的决定性作用,而只是将其作为社会进程中重要的和不可忽视的因素来研究。

【Abstract】 In the discursive situation of postmodernism, the changing nature of the media environment has complicated the problematics of identity. With the withering influence of the traditional sources of identity such as nation, tribe, religion, and class, identity in the contemporary era has become increasingly fragmented and unstable. As a product of social construction, identity in postmodern society has become increasingly multifaceted, flexible, fluid, and unstable. This dissertation, taking as the setting the changing media and social contexts of the postmodern identity and the starting point the changing identification of the subjects in a philosophical sense, examines the phenomenon of multifaceted individual/group identities in postmodern society, and explores the roles of new communication technology, especially electronic media, in constructing postmodern identities across the macro, meso, and micro levels of analysis.The dissertation discusses how in a postmodern discursive context, people utilizes media technologies as a means to engage in micro-level constructions of identity in their everyday life. In postmodern societies, while distancing from the macro politics of state and party as bases for a durable identity, people turn to micro politics and identity of everyday life. Communication technologies shape the new identity of "trans-geographical social communities." Such a new identity is transient, grounded in differences across culture, gender, nationality, and religion. Mass media become resources and means for those with such differences to construct their identity, realize their rights, build their role models, and select their lifestyles.This dissertation analyzes the phenomenon of weakening, withering and changing of the traditional identity resources such as uniformed national language, religion, and culture, as a result of the introduction of the electronic media. The audiovisual entertainment in local dialects is an integral part of the global media entertainment, a manifestation of local languages and cultural hegemony. It undermines the identity based on national unity and identification. The emergence of the "electronic church" leads to crisis of modern organized religion; while changing the ways in which religion is articulated and experienced, it is also altering the social integration function of religion. In addition, global culture also induces the interruption to certain cultures and crisis of group identity based on such cultures. Mass media is an active participant in such processes. Cultural globalization directly affects the maintenance of the national and cultural identity.This dissertation is inspired by the thesis of dynamic interactions between communication technologies and social development. It rejects the deterministic view of the social impact of media technologies. Rather, it treats media technologies as an important factor in social processes.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1986