

Research on Photonic Crystals: Theory, Fabrication and Optical Properties

【作者】 王东栋

【导师】 王永生;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 光学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 光子晶体,又称为光子禁带材料,是将不同介电系数的材料在空间按照一定的周期(尺寸在光波长量级)排列所形成的一种人造“晶体”结构。类似于半导体材料中电子在周期性势场作用下形成能带结构,由于受到介电系数周期性的调制,在光子晶体中光子也出现了能带结构,一些特定频率范围的光不能在光子晶体中传播,称为光子禁带。由于其新异的光学特性和广泛的应用前景,有关光子晶体的研究成为近十几年来一个迅猛发展的新兴领域。本论文从理论上研究了一维光子晶体和二维光子晶体的物理特性;制备了Opal型光子晶体,并且利用荧光分子研究了光子禁带对于自发辐射的影响。主要内容包括以下几个方面:1、利用传输矩阵方法和平面波展开法研究了一维光子晶体的能带结构、光学传输特性、电场分布、电磁模式密度分布和光子缺陷态,讨论了其相关影响因素;对于基因算法在光子晶体能带工程中的应用作了一些探索;研究了一维光子晶体全方向反射带隙的性质,并且讨论了在电介质材料光子晶体中插入一定厚度的金属层前后的光学传输特性,结果表明,利用这种金属/电介质复合结构可以获得更大带宽的全方向光子带隙;研究了金属在一维金属/电介质光子晶体中的吸收特性,结果表明金属在光子晶体中的吸收行为并不简单地仅仅取决于光子晶体的能带结构,光子晶体中电场的空间分布情况才是具有决定性的影响因素;2、利用传输矩阵方法和平面波展开法研究了圆柱晶胞正方品格和圆柱晶胞三角晶格二维光子晶体的能带结构、光子禁带及其相关影响因素;通过选择具有合适能带结构的多个二维光子晶体结合形成光子晶体异质结来扩大基于光子晶体的光学偏振器工作的频率范围;利用光子晶体异质结构来实现具有更大带宽的二维光子禁带,并且研究了其光学传输特性;研究了二维光子晶体量子阱结构和超晶格结构的光学传输特性,得到了光学缺陷态及其频率劈裂的规律,讨论了其做为波分器件的应用;3、利用St(o|¨)ber方法制备了不同粒径、单分散性良好的SiO2微球;利用自组装技术得到了周期性良好的Opal光子晶体样品,研究了其光学传输特性;分别利用Alq3分子和Tb(ACAC)3phen分子作为荧光探针,研究了光子禁带效应对于自发辐射的影响。

【Abstract】 Photonic crystals, namely photonic bandgap materials, are artificially arranged periodic electromagnetic structures in optical wavelength scale. Due to the periodic modulation of the refraction index, they possess photonic band gaps that inhibit the existence of light in certain frequency ranges, which is analogous to what the semiconductor do to the electrons. In the last decade, photonic crystals have been a rapidly developing field because of their novel optical properties and important potential applications. In this dissertation, we study the one- and two-dimensional photonic crystals theoretically. In addition, Opals are prepared and optical properties are studied using organic molecule. The important results are given as follows:1、Using plane wave expansion method (PWEM) and transfer matrix method (TMM), we have studied the band structure, transmission spectra, electric field distribution, density of photonic mode of one-dimensional(1D) photonic crystals; we have attempted to use the genetic algorithm in the field of engineering photonic band gaps; we have studied the properties of 1D omnidirectional photonic bandgap and the metallodielectric photonic crystal which was constructed by inserting metal layer into dielectric system, a wider omnidirectional photonic bandgap was obtained; the absorbent properties of metal layer in one-dimensional metal-dielectric photonic crystals were also studied, and the results showed that the electric field distribution played a more decisive role than the photon states distribution in the metallic absorption characteristics.2、Using PWEM and TMM method, we have studied the band structures、photonic gap maps of the two-dimensional photonic crystals with square/triangle lattice of columns; Larger working frequency range of optical polarizer based on photonic crystals was obtained with photonic heterostructure consisting of photonic crystals with proper photonic band structures; we proposed using photonic heterostructure to obtain a larger complete bandgap and studied the transmission spectra; we have studied the transmission spectra of two-dimensional photonic quantum well and superlattice, the resonance modes and frequency split in the bandgap of photonic well layer is observed and the use in wavelength division is discussed.3、Monodisperse silica microspheres were prepared using a Stober method and Opal photonic crystals were also prepared using a self-assembly technique, the transmission spectra of the Opal were obtained, using Alq3 and rare earth complex Tb(ACAC)3phen as probes, we have studied the effects of photonic bandgap on spontaneous emission.
