

Research on Operation Plan and Working Diagram of Rail Traffic Based on Periodic Running Mode

【作者】 汪波

【导师】 杨浩;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着以列车运行速度为代表的铁路技术装备水平的不断提高,以及人们对运输需求的日益增长,在我国轨道交通实行以列车周期运行为特征的运输组织模式成为可能。本文深入分析了周期化列车运行的特点,根据我国国情、轨道交通的特点以及发展方向,提出在我国轨道交通系统实行列车周期化运行的运输组织模式;将列车周期化运行与我国快速轨道交通的路网结构、车流性质、实际要求等具体情况相结合,围绕制定列车周期开行方案和编制列车周期运行图两个主题,通过详细的影响因素分析,分别建立了模型,设计了相应求解算法,对符合我国国情的列车周期化运行的相关组织理论进行了深入研究。本文主要包括以下几方面的内容:(1)提出了单元周期运行图的表示周期运行图的方法,分析了轨道交通采用周期化运行模式的优点以及采用条件。提出了基于列车周期运行的条件下,线路通过能力新的评价标准——组合通过能力。以京沪客运专线为背景,研究了不同列车开行模式下的组合通过能力。结合我国国情,分析了在我国快速轨道交通网采用基于周期化运行组织模式的可行性和必要性。(2)介绍了周期事件排序问题(PESP),构建了基于约束图的PESP模型框架,研究并归纳了PESP模型的周期约束及其可行解的一些特点和性质,对一些主要性质给出了证明方法。深入研究了周期势差模型。将PESP模型与其他相关模型进行了比较,并且研究了PESP适合列车运行图铺划的优势。研究了求解PESP的复杂性并给出了改进了的反推求解算法。(3)研究了城际轨道交通列车周期开行方案的制定。从运输企业、乘客利益以及总体最优的观点出发,充分考虑到客流的不确定性,分别建立了不同目标的单目标机会约束模型和多目标机会约束模型,给出了极大模理想点求解多目标规划、等价类求解机会约束规划的方法,研究了针对此模型的遗传算法。以京津城际轨道交通线为背景,求解了不同条件下的最优列车周期开行方案,分析了计算方法和不同条件下模型所得结果。(4)研究了客运专线网周期列车开行方案的制定。提出将合并式列车开行方案和拆分式列车开行方案相结合,减少列车的开行种类,简化开行方案的制定。从减少运输企业成本支出、减少乘客换乘观点出发,考虑客流的不确定性,建立了相应单目标模型和多目标模型。对不同等级列车客流分配、改进的最短路算法、机会约束确定性等价类转换、将非线性规划模型转化为线性规划模型进行简化以及模型求解的遗传算法进行了研究。以一定规模的客运专线网络为背景,结合我国的实际情况,分别求解了该路网中、高速列车混行,纯高速列车运行以及列车交错停车运行等不同条件下的列车周期开行方案。(5)研究了周期运行图的编制理论,并编制了实际周期运行图。分别讨论了编制周期运行图需考虑的具体周期约束及其周期势差表示,深入研究了动车组循环套跑模式下折返周期约束的表示及其计算方法、旅客换乘周期约束的表示及其计算方法、动车组使用数量的计算。以PESP理论、周期势差模型为基础,建立了周期运行图网络模型,研究了网络模型生成树的选择、决策变量的取值特点,研究了模型求解前简化的方法,设计了遗传算法对模型进行求解;编制了树状和网状轨道交通实际单元周期运行图。

【Abstract】 With the improvement of rail technology and equipment, which is demonstrated by train speed, and the increasing transportation demand, it becomes possible to operate transportation management mode with periodic running as its characteristics for the rail traffic in China.This thesis analyzes the features of train periodic running, according to the national condition, the features of rail traffic and developing direction of China; introduces the idea that the rail traffic system in China applies a transportation management mode of periodic running; combining periodic running with the specific situation of rail network structure, property of car flow and realistic demand of high speed rail traffic in China, focusing on building periodic running operation plan and periodic working diagram, by way of analyzing influencing factors, establishes the models and designs the corresponding solving algorithms and makes further discussion on the relevant management theories of periodic running mode in accordance with the China’s national condition.This thesis includes the following content:(1) This part introduces the method to demonstrate periodic working diagram with unit periodic working diagram, analyzes the merits and conditions to use periodic working mode for rail traffic. A new evaluation standard, under the condition of periodic running, of line capacity-combined line capacity, is brought forward. With the Beijing-Shanghai dedicated passenger line as the background, the line capacities of different rail operation modes are discussed. According to the national condition, it analyzes the feasibility and necessity of applying the management mode based on periodic running mode to high speed rail traffic network in China.(2) This part introduces Periodic Event Scheduling Problem (PESP) theory, builds a PESP model structure based on restraint graph, studies and summarizes the features and properties of the periodic constraint of PESP model and the feasible solution thereof and provides some proving method for some major features. The periodic tension model is then studied. It also compares PESP model with other relative models and discusses the appropriateness of PESP for building a rail working diagram and complexity of solving PESP, and then provides an improved converse solving algorithm, raising the effectiveness of model solving. (3) Study on periodic operation plan of inter-city rail traffic. Based on such factors as transportation enterprises, passenger’s interest and systematic optimality, considering the uncertainty of passenger flow, this part respectively builds the single objective chance constraint model and the multi-objective chance constraint model of different objectives, provides the methods of max module ideal point solving multi-objective programs and deterministic equivalents solving chance constraint programs and studies the genetic algorithm in accordance with these models. With Beijing-Tianjin inter-city rail traffic as the background, this paper solves the optimal periodic working plan and analyzes the calculation method and the results under different models.(4) Study on periodic operation plan of the dedicated passenger lines network. This part introduces the idea of combining coupling operation plan with sharing operation plan, reducing rail operation types and simplifying the establishment of operation plan. Considering reducing cost of transportation enterprises and passengers transferring and the uncertainty of passenger flow, the corresponding single-objective model and multi-objective model are built. It also studies the deterministic equivalents of car’s passenger flow distribution between different grades, the improved the SP algorithm and the transformation of chance constraints deterministic equivalents, from nonlinearity program model to linearity program model for simplification, and genetic algorithm for model solving. With the dedicated passenger lines network of certain size as the background and considering the reality in China, the paper makes the solutions for periodic operation plans under such different conditions as within this rail network, mid-high speed train mixed running mode, pure high speed cars’ operation and train alternate stop mode.(5) Study the theory of building a periodic working diagram and build a real periodic working diagram. This part discusses the specific periodic restraints and the periodic tensions expressions thereof, studies the turnaround period constraint expressions and the calculation thereof, passenger transferring periodic constraint expressions and the calculation thereof and the number of motor train unit to be used under the cycle usage model of motor train unit. Based on PESP theory and periodic tension model, the paper builds a periodic working diagram net model, studies the selection of network model spanning tree and value features of decisive variations and the method of simplification, designs a genetic algorithm to solve the model, and builds real rail traffic periodic working diagrams.
