

Tunnel Construction Ahead Geological Forecasting Method Research in Karst Area

【作者】 叶英

【导师】 王梦恕;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 基于大量的文献和广泛的实践,籍助山西省雁门关公路隧道、大连石门山、椒金山市政隧道、宜万线王家岭、石太客运专线太行山铁路隧道的实测资料,参考分析了京珠高速公路石门坳隧道、重庆至怀化线的圆梁山隧道、渝怀铁路武隆隧道等大量典型的岩溶隧道超前地质预报资料。利用现场试验、理论分析、数值模拟和室内物性参数实验等多种研究手段,在分析岩溶成因、分带规律的基础上,对岩溶地区各种隧道超前地质预报的方法进行了全面而系统的深入研究,并结合实际工程对本文的研究思想进行了应用研究,取得了一系列研究成果。(1)通过对岩溶地区岩溶形成特点、分带规律的研究,结合隧道工程施工的特点和具体要求,分析了岩溶地区隧道超前地质预报方法的发展现状及趋势,系统地总结了岩溶灾害的危害、分类、涌突水量类型以及对隧道施工的影响。归纳了各种岩溶预报的水文地质模型和地球物理模型,采用数值模拟方法研究了岩溶构造的规模、空间位置对隧道施工的影响规律,给出了隧道距岩溶安全距离确定的原则。同时,说明了隧道洞身岩溶、岩溶结构面发育强度与空间位置是决定隧道岩溶涌水可能性及涌水规模的关键要素。最后提出了在一定安全系数下岩溶隧道超前地质预报的具体任务和目标。(2)综合分析评价了目前岩溶隧道的各种(包括洞外、洞内)超前地质预报方法,通过大量的实例分析,说明了各种方法的适用条件、特点及局限性。并将所采用的方法按照探测参数和不同排列装置归纳总结成四种类型:单参数固定排列、单参数多种排列、多参数多种排列、综合参数法。分析了各种类型的特点及优缺点,指出了目前岩溶地区隧道超前地质预报方法的现状、局限性和发展趋势。(3)通过对岩溶隧道超前地质预报优化参数及方法的研究,提出了综合参数法预报岩溶的理论,并通过综合参数法的理论基础、参数独立性原则、物性前提、常见的预报模式以及如何提高预报精度、减少多解性、辨别虚假异常等方面的研究,说明了探测岩溶的优化综合参数为“波速+电阻率”,并深入地研究了岩溶的SEM效果。最后,结合隧道工程的具体特点,从时间与空间结合的角度,提出了“综合参数、长短结合、内外兼顾、长期跟踪、灾害预案”的岩溶隧道超前地质预报方法体系。(4)为了提高岩溶预报的可靠性,根据岩溶预报方法的要求分别从长期跟踪方法(掌子面地质信息数字编录识别技术)、新方法研究(隧道瞬变脉冲电磁法)、岩溶形状体的特点(三维预报资料解释性处理技术)三个关键技术进行研究,进一步提高岩溶预报的可靠性和精度,为隧道施工提供安全保证。(5)隧道超前地质预报能提供丰富的地质信息,它如何在施工中充分利用,如何与施工量测信息、隧道断面扫描技术资料相结合共同认识分析围岩确定修正围岩设计参数,在充分利用综合参数法的探测资料时本文提出了具体的综合参数围岩细化分类方法。针对岩溶的复杂性,结合隧道超前地质预报资料提出了岩溶隧道施工地质灾害预案机制,进一步保证隧道施工安全。以上通过系统的方法研究指出了目前常规的岩溶隧道超前地质预报方法的缺陷,提出了改进方法,发展了整套的岩溶预报理论方法体系。

【Abstract】 Based on vast literatures and extensive practices, rely on Yanmenguan highway tunnel in Shanxi province, Shimen mountain and Jiaojin mountain city tunnel in Dalian, Wangjialing, railway tunnel in Yiwan line survey data, Taihang mountain railway tunnel in Shitai line, reference and analysis Shimenao highway tunnel in Jingzhu line, Yuanliang mountain tunnel in Chonghuai line, Wulong mountain tunnel in Yuhuai line and so on types data of tunnel construction ahead geological forecasting method research in karst area, by local experimentation, theory analysis, numerical simulation and parameters test at laboratory, this thesis deeply researched tunnel ahead geological forecasting different methods in karst area base on rock dissolve cause of formation and classify laws. It have applied to practice engineering to obtain a series of avail research fruit on theory and practice.Firstly, by researching the characteristic and cause of formation and classify law of rock dissolve in karst area, summarized and concluded disaster types and stream water quantity standard for roadway and railway tunnel, by numerical simulation to research the effect of tunnel construction face around size and position of rock dissolve distributing at filling water or no. and explain structure face growth and spacial position of rock dissolve determine possibility and size of rock dissolve gushing. Its result put forward research content, task and target of tunnel ahead geological forecasting in karst area.Secondly, Summarizing and analysis the characteristic and localization of every method of tunnel construction ahead geological forecasting in karst area to make out single parameter single-array, single parameter multi-array, muti-parameter muti-array and synthesis parameter method four types disaster geological forecasting pattern. Its discusses tunnel geological forecasting method development trend.Thirdly, by researching tunnel ahead geological forecasting optimize method to make out synthesis parameter method forecasting theory, base on effect of SEM(seismic and electric method) to obtain the conclusion that parameter of "velocity and resistivity" is the best optimize synthesis parameter in existence condition. It puts forward result of general suitable rule to karst area is "synthesis parameter, length and short distant combining, outside and inside hole consider, long time tail after and geological disaster counterplan".Fourthly, base on advancing forecasting reliability, precision and explain ability it researches three critical technology to ensure tunnel construction safety from method of tunnel geological information number identify technology to research long time tail and from TEMT(tunnel electricity and magnetic method) to research the new forecasting method and from three dimensions number data graph and image process technology to advance forecasting explain precision.Finally, How to effectively translate and combine geological forecasting data to tunnel excavating and combine with other data example for tunnel distortion and quality measuring and surround rock classify and so on to estimate excavating face surround rock stabilization. Put forward surround rock classify way for tunnel ahead excavating face by synthesis parameter of wave velocity combining resistivity. Put forward the tunnel construction geological disaster counterplan system, It may effectively prevent geological disaster to happen in tunnel and ensure tunnel construction safety.Above established tunnel ahead geological forecasting method system in karst area.
