

Research on the Issue of Administrative Crime in Criminal Field

【作者】 郭晶

【导师】 顾肖荣; 赵国强;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 刑法学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 行政犯是一个古老而现代的话题。关于刑事犯与行政犯的区别,虽经学者不懈求索,仍不能形成统一的说法。但18世纪以来,社会经济的发展和行政职能的扩张,使传统的行政犯理论探讨催生了现代的行政刑法,而行政刑法的产生和发展又赋予行政犯理论研究以新的生命,从而使这一久远的理论不断呈现新的生机,并蕴含了强烈的时代精神,历久弥新地固守在刑事法律的研究领域。我国关于行政犯问题的研究起步较晚,市场经济的发展和传统理念的更新,使我国刑法介入社会的时间、空间不断地扩大,行政犯的立法快速增加,由此也带来了行政犯立法、司法和刑罚处罚中的种种问题。本文通过对行政犯与刑事犯的性质比较,从行政犯概念、性质等基础理论切入,应用多视角、一体化的研究方式,以刑事法律的全面、有效实施为逻辑起点,对我国现行的行政犯立法模式、司法传统及刑罚设置等问题进行反思,并力图提出有益的建言。本文除绪论之外,共分五章,具体安排如下:绪论阐述了选题的背景、研究的范围和方法。通过对德、日及英、美等各国行政犯概念的分析比较,提出了避免纯粹、机械、恒定地界定不断变动的行政犯概念。在行政犯概念的研究中,应当以相对稳定的时空条件为背景,结合本国的法律文化传统,将刑事法律与行政法律相结合,以刑事法律一体化的视野,全面综合地进行划分、界定。同时,通过对否定行政犯问题研究意义的观点的批判,阐述了在我国目前社会和刑法理论发展的情况下,重拾行政犯理论问题的研究将有利于正确理解、运用现行刑法的实体规范、有利于客观地正视“刑法的基础危机”、有利于真正顺应国际刑事法律潮流、有利于建立司法经济理念的现实意义和价值等问题。第一章行政犯性质问题研究。本章通过对不同视角下行政犯性质学说的比较分析,兼采解释论与立法论区分标准,从质量的区别学说入手,提出了在时空限定、动静结合的层面上厘清行政犯性质并运用于实践的观点,即对行政犯的性质分析、研究应建立在司法上的相对稳定和立法上的动静结合的立场下。同时,通过行政犯性质产生的立法影响的回顾、比较,阐述了我国行政刑法的刑事界域范畴,并对行政犯性质的司法运用作了分析、论证。第二章行政犯立法问题研究。本章从立法的适度性、明确性与确定性原则的层面,分析了我国行政犯立法中的刑法第二次调整问题和空白罪状的引用问题。通过对各国行政犯立法模式的比较,全面地分析、评判了我国行政犯立法模式的选择思路。本章着重以我国行政犯的立法实践为依托,分析了学界普遍认同的散在型立法方式在我国行政犯立法中运用将会遇到的立法的能力不及、司法执行力不能、社会的承受力不足三大瓶颈问题。提出了在目前立法、司法能力和社会文化背景下,保持刑法的统一性、集中性,避免过早地改变立法模式的观点。第三章行政犯司法问题研究。以目前刑法中行政犯罪条款闲置而行政犯的司法惩治薄弱的矛盾出发,从行政犯的法律适用和行政犯的司法衔接、行政犯事实上的“非罪化”和“轻刑化”三方面阐述行政犯的司法问题。首先,通过对我国行政犯司法解释的现状的分析,总结了目前我国行政犯司法解释中存在的解释主体混乱、解释严密性差、解释内容缺位等问题,提出了在不推翻现有解释体系的前提下,充分重视行政犯司法的特殊性,建立以立法解释、司法解释为主导,以刑事判例为补充,承认法官释法地位的法律解释体系,以此灵活而有效地解决好行政犯法律适用问题;第二,从检察官客观义务的全面履行出发,通过对行政犯的司法衔接现状的分析,从主、客观两方面阐述了行政犯司法衔接不畅的诸原因中,检察监督环节的缺位起了决定性的作用。提出以建立司法行政信息共享平台为载体,全面确立刑事先理制度、建立案件并行备案机制、扩大立案监督的范围、取消公安机关撤销案件的处分权、规范案件退回的处理程序、完善配套立法等司法衔接建言;第三,通过对行政犯“事实上的非犯罪化”与“轻刑化”的必要性的比较分析,诠释了行政犯司法非犯罪化、轻刑化过程中确立司法自由裁量权的必然性,提出了扩大相对不起诉的适用范围、增设暂缓起诉的规定、明确求刑权内容等解决途径。第四章行政犯刑法总则问题研究。本章从行政犯的特征和犯罪构成、分类入手,对行政犯在刑法总则适用中的一些理论与实践问题作了专题性的探讨:第一,在行政犯主体问题上对监督过失责任、执行命令行为及法人犯罪等问题进行了历史回顾和总结探讨,强调了在我国现行刑法中,一些行政犯罪中法人犯罪缺位情况及公司法人的人格否认制度等问题的处理途径;第二,通过对行政犯的违法性认识问题诸学说进行分析比较,对我国现行刑法框架下如何认识和把握行政犯违法性认识问题及司法的适用进行了评判;第三,通过对严格责任制度的分析、论证,阐述了这一制度在目前我国办理行政犯罪案件中的现实意义,同时对行政犯严格责任的适用问题进行了全面论述,提出我国刑法中应当适度地引入严格责任制度的理由;第四,对行政犯法律适用的空间时效问题进行了研究,对因空白条款存在而引发的行政法律或法规变化后,行政犯罪是否还成立的问题进行了全面的论述。同时,结合我国刑事司法的特点,对行政犯有关司法解释的时效问题进行了分析、论证。第五章行政犯刑罚问题研究。行政犯的研究是伴随着轻刑化思想和社会防卫论而共同成长的,本章以抑制刑的思想为理论起点,从行政犯性质和犯罪本质的二元论出发,界定了行政刑罚的概念、阐述了“一事不再罚”原则在行政犯处罚中的具体应用,厘清了行政刑罚与行政处罚的衔接和界限。同时,以行政犯的特点为基础,通过实证分析,提出了逐步减少、废除行政犯死刑、完善自由型、合理分立资格刑、明确罚金刑的适用标准、建立刑罚易科制度等观点。结合我国行刑社会化和社区综合治理工作,论证了行政犯的非刑罚处理和全面设置保安处分的行政犯刑罚设计构想。

【Abstract】 The issue of administrative crime is always a hot topic from ancient to modern times. The difference between criminal crime and administrative crime still can not form a unified view despite the unremitting explorations by many scholars. But since the 18th century, with the socio-economic development and the expansion of administrative functions, the Modern Administrative Penal Code has birth from the discussion of the traditional theory. And also given the theoretical research to commit new life,So that the old theory which contains a strong spirit of the times shows a new vigor continuously, and still stick in the criminal law field after so many years.Our country starts later On the research of administrative crime, but with the development of market economy and the updating of the traditional ideas, the time and space that our social intervened by Criminal Law continues to expand. The legislation about administrative crime increases rapidly also brought various problems in the process of legislation, judicial and penal punishment. Through comparative analysis of the concept of basic theory, we will review China’s existing administrative legislation model, traditional judicial, setting penalties and try to make useful suggestions. In addition to the introduction, this article is divided into five chapters, as follows:Introduction The introduction expounds the background of this topic, the field and methods of the research. Through comparative analysis of the concept of administrative crime in Germany, Japan and Britain and the United States and other countries, the paper proposes avoiding a pure, mechanical and constant definition of the concept of administrative crime which is constantly changing. In the study of the concept of administrative crime, we should combine criminal law and administrative law according to national laws and cultural traditions with relatively stable space-time condition as the background, and comprehensively divide and define the concept with integrated vision of criminal law. At the same time, through criticizing the view of denying the significance of research on administrative crime, this paper expounds that, under the development of our society and criminal law theory, studying theoretical problems about administrative crime again will be conducive to correctly understand and use the entity criteria of existing criminal law, to objectively look on“the basic crisis of criminal law”, to really conform to the trend of international criminal law, to establish the practical significance and value of judicial economy conception.Chapter I Research on the Essence of Administrative Crime Based on the comparative analysis of different administrative crime theories in various perspectives and combining the distinction standards of both explanation theory and legislation theory, this chapter starts with the distinction theory of quantity and gives the point that the essence of administrative crime should be analyzed and studied in comparatively stable judicatory environments and in both dynamic and static legislative views. Further more, this chapter confines the administrative criminal law in China through the review and comparison of legislative effect produced by the essence of administrative crime, and also analyzes and demonstrates the judicatory application of the essence of administrative crime.Chapter II Research on the Legislation of Administrative Crime This chapter deals with the second adjustment of criminal law and the reference of blank crime in the legislation of administrative crime and judges the legislation mode of administrative crime in China. On the base of our legislative practice of administrative crime, three bottleneck problems are put forward and analyzed, which include the insufficiency of legislation, incapability of judicatory performance and deficiency of social endurance. These problems are confronted when the generally -accepted method are applied in our legislation of administrative crime. The chapter also holds the view that in the background of current legislative and judicatory abilities and social cultures, we should keep the criminal law uniform and centralized and avoid changing the legislative mode too early.Charter III Research on the issue of judicature of administrative crimes Beginning with the contradiction that it lacks administrative offense rules in current criminal jurisprudence while it is weak in judicial punishment, this chapter states the judicial issue about administrative crimes from the application of law, judicial linking up and factual noncriminal and despise of penalty.First of all, by analyzing the current legal interpretation of the administrative offense, conclusions such as the subject of administrative offense interpretation is unclear, the interpretation lacks rigidity and content of interpretation is uncompleted come into view. It is suggested, without abolishing the current interpretation system, that sufficient emphasis should be laid on the particularity of the administrative offense, setting up the legal interpretation system led by legislative interpretation and judicial interpretation and supplemented by criminal cases and the acknowledgement of the role of interpretation of judges to solve the problem of application of law for administrative offense flexibly and effectively.Secondly, beginning with the overall carryout of the objective obligations of procurators and analyzing the current judicial linkup of administrative crimes, it is clearly stated from both subject and object aspects that among all the reasons, the lack of procreation and supervision function plays the decisive role. It is suggested that the platform to share the judicial and administrative information should be established to set the rule of criminal cases first, mechanism of cases parallel recorded , enlarge the sphere of registration and supervision, deprive the right of disposition from public inspectorates, regulate the processing procedures of returned cases and perfect the legislative system.Thirdly, by comparative analysis of the necessarily of the factual nonciminal and despise of penalty to annotate the inevitability to set up the judicial discretionary power and raise several resolutions.Chapter IV Research on the issue of criminal principals for administrative crimes.Beginning with the characteristics, crime element and classification of administrative offense, this chapter discussed some theoretical and practical issues about the application in the principal of crime law for administrative offense.Firstly, it is historically reviewed and discussed that fault liability in supervision, actions to commit the order and artificial person crime. It is also emphasized the resolutions for cases like absence of artificial person in some administrative crime and disregard of corporate personality rule in company law.Secondly, by comparative analysis of the several studies for the irregularity of the administrative offense, it gives judgment on how to understand and command the irregularity under our current criminal law frame and the application of law.Thirdly, by analyzing and reasoning the strict liability system, it states the realistic sense in transacting the administrative cases. Meanwhile, it gives and overall view on the application of the strict liability system in administrative cases and raises the reasons for why it is recommended to apply the strict liability in our criminal law.Fourthly, the issue of the validity of application of law in space and time was researched. It gives and overall dissertation for the issue that whether the administrative offense remains prosecutable after fulfilling the absence of some articles in administrative law and rules. At the same time, analysis and reason is given to the issue of prescription for judicial interpretation of administrative offense on the basis of the characteristics of criminal law. Chapter V Research on the issue of administrative penaltyResearch on administrative offense is accompanied with the thought of despise of penalty and theory of social defense. This chapter takes the thought of restrain on penalty as the theory basis, starting from the dualism of the characteristic and essence of administrative offense, defining the concept of administrative penalty, stating the application of rule of“no other punishment for the same offense”, clarifying the linkup and ambit of administrative penalty and administrative punishment. Also, based on the characteristics of administrative offense, by analyzing the examples, it is suggested that the death penalty should be abolished, penalty against freedom be perfected, punishment against competence be independence, the application of pecuniary be regulated and Exchanged Penalty System be established. According to the fact that penalty is carried out in society and community is comprehensively regulated, the design that administrative offense should be dealt with without criminal penalty and the overall security punishment be established is reasoned.

【关键词】 行政犯性质立法司法总则适用刑罚问题研究