

【作者】 刘启生

【导师】 荣长海;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 在全面落实科学发展观、构建社会主义和谐社会新的历史时期,就业问题已成为当代中国与民生紧密相关的最大的社会问题之一。伴随计划经济体制向市场经济体制的转型,我国原有的以“统包统配”为主要特征的传统就业模式被打破,而与市场经济相适应的新的就业机制和模式尚未完全形成,劳动力资源过剩与就业岗位严重不足的矛盾日益凸显,社会主义国家似乎不可能存在的失业问题随之浮出。如何破解社会主义市场经济体制下的就业难题,构建既具有马克思主义理论根基、又符合市场经济的内在要求和当代中国国情的就业理论和就业机制已成为理论界必须面对的重要理论和现实问题。马克思恩格斯在批判资本主义制度并对未来社会理想勾勒的同时所提出的劳动就业思想无疑是构建中国特色社会主义就业理论的主要资源,他们对由于生产资料私有制所引发的大规模失业现象的批判为构建基于社会主义制度和市场经济体制的就业理论提供了重要的方法论支撑。在马克思看来,随着资本积累的增长和资本有机构成的提高,必然出现两种不同的趋势:一方面是资本对劳动力需求的相对减少;另一方面是劳动力的供给绝对增加,这两种趋势作用的后果就造成了相对过剩人口即失业。以利润最大化为最终目的的资本主义生产方式,使工人的身心受到了极大摧残。就业就意味着忍受奴役,失业则意味着无法生存,就业问题成为资本主义制度下人的两难选择。资本主义生产方式是与最大限度满足劳动者的就业需求相悖的,也与实现人的自由全面发展背道而驰。马克思在批判资本主义失业现象的同时,提出了关于社会主义社会的就业理念与理论设想。社会主义新型劳动关系和就业理念则是消除了失业威胁、使劳动真正成为自由自觉的创造性活动。人们可以在平等、和谐的社会氛围中自由择业,从而使劳动成为实现人的个体价值和全面发展的基本途径。马克思主义就业理论是一个开放的、不断发展的思想体系,毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民对中国就业问题进行了积极探索,是马克思主义就业理论在中国一脉相承的历史发展。计划体制下就业模式的产生有其深刻的理论和历史背景。新中国成立以来的经济建设和就业实践为解决当前的就业问题提供了宝贵的历史经验。建立在生产力落后基础上的社会主义制度,采用了与计划经济相适应的“统包统配”的劳动就业制度,在实现重工业优先发展战略、建立国家独立的工业体系、保障社会稳定和巩固新生政权等方面发挥了重要的历史作用。但随着经济的发展和社会的变迁,原有就业模式的弊端逐步显现,忽视了人的劳动能力的个体差异,缺少了竞争的就业机制直接抑制了劳动者的生产积极性,导致生产效率低下、社会发展停滞不前。中国特色社会主义就业理论必须以科学发展观为指导,以构建社会主义和谐社会为核心,树立以人为本的科学就业观。按照党的十七大提出的实施扩大就业的发展战略,以最大限度地创造就业机会、实现充分就业为中心,充分发挥我国的劳动力资源优势,变就业压力为经济发展的动力。建立劳动者自主择业、市场调节就业、政府促进就业的就业模式,充分发挥三方面作用,完善竞争有序、自由和谐的择业机制,是解决当代中国就业问题的根本出路。

【Abstract】 In a new historic era of applying the scientific outlook on development and building socialist harmonious society, employment has become one of the priority social problems that are closely attached to livelihood in modern China. Along with the transformation from planned economy to market economy, the original employment model featuring the centralized job placement was smashed, however, the new employment mechanism and model compatible with market economy has not yet come into full shape. The conflict between labor surplus and inadequacy of job provision is getting more and more obvious and unemployment problems that seem impossible for socialist countries are emerging. How to resolve employment problems under socialist market economy mechanism and build up employment theories and mechanism based on Marxism to meet the inner requirements of market economy and modern China situations has become an important theoretical and practical issue facing scholars.The labor and employment ideology put forward by Marx and Engels in criticizing capitalism and outlining future society is undoubtedly the major resource for constructing socialist employment theories with Chinese characteristics. Their criticism to the large scale unemployment phenomenon caused by privatization of productive materials placed very important methodological support to constructing employment theories on the basis of socialist mechanism and market economy system. According to Marx, along with the growth of capital accumulation and increase in capital organic composition, there will be inevitably two different trends, one being the relative decrease in labor requirements by capital, the other the absolute increase in labor supply. Interacting of the two trends would result in relative labor surplus, i.e. unemployment. With maximizing profit as the ultimate goal, the capitalist production mode tortures workers both physically and psychologically. Employment means enslavement and unemployment means loss of livelihood. Employment has become a choice of dilemma under the capitalist mechanism. The capitalist production mode diverts greatly from maximizing the labor’s employment requirements and realizing free and comprehensive personal development. While criticizing the capitalist unemployment phenomenon, Marx has put forward the socialist employment ideology and theoretical assumptions. The new socialist labor relationship and employment ideology eliminates the threats of unemployment and transforms laboring into free and creative initiative in real sense. In this mechanism, people could choose job freely in an equal and harmonious social atmosphere and laboring has become an essential path to realizing individual values and comprehensive personal development.Marxism is an open and developing ideology system. Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin have researched proactively into the employment problems in China and their theories are the historic development and expansion of Marxism in China. The employment model developed under the planned economy has its own in-depth theoretical and historical background. The economic construction and employment practices after foundation of new China have provided valuable historical experiences in resolving current employment problems. The socialist mechanism built upon the lagged-behind productivity adopted centralized job placement mode compatible with the planned economy. In prioritizing development of heavy industries, constructing independent industrial system of the country, ensuring social stability and enhancing the newly born regime, this mode has played important historical roles. However, along with economic development and social transition, the disadvantages of the old employment model are gradually emerging. The employment mechanism ignoring labors’ individual capability difference and lacking competition has curbed labors’ production initiative and resulted in low productivity and stagnancy in social development.The employment theories with Chinese characteristics shall be guided by the scientific outlook on development, focus on constructing a socialist harmonious society and build up a human oriented scientific outlook on employment. Guided by the development strategy of increasing employment put forward at the 17th CPC national congress, with maximizing the job-creating opportunities and realizing adequate employment as a center, we should fully elaborate the advantage of labor resource and transform the employment pressure into momentum in promoting economic growth. With the labors choosing jobs freely, the market regulating employment and the government promoting employment, roles of the three parties are fully elaborated. Refining the job choosing mechanism of orderly competition and free and harmoniously job selection is the crucial way of resolving China’s employment problem.

  • 【分类号】F091.91;F249.2
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】1831