

Ecological Water Requirement for Marsh Wetlands Based on Hydrological Simulating

【作者】 刘大庆

【导师】 许士国;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 扎龙湿地位于我国东北松嫩平原地区,是我国最大的以鹤类等大型水禽为主体的珍稀鸟类和湿地生态类型国家级自然保护区,在调节区域气候、滞蓄洪水、净化水体、减轻污染等方面具有重要作用。然而,近年来的水资源短缺已经严重影响到湿地生态环境健康甚至当地经济社会的可持续发展。为解决扎龙湿地生态需水及生态补水问题,本文研究了基于水循环模拟的湿地生态需水计算方法,主要得出以下结论:(1)针对寒区沼泽湿地的特性,构建了能够模拟寒区沼泽湿地水循环过程时空变化的半分布式湿地水循环模型。该模型引入调整系数来处理寒区湿地的冻结和解冻效应,从而改进了寒区湿地出流量的模拟问题,该模型的可靠性已经在扎龙湿地的应用中得到验证,模型模拟的扎龙湿地水面面积和湿地出流量都具有较高精度。(2)提出了基于水循环模拟的沼泽湿地生态需水量计算方法。该方法以湿地水循环模型为工具,针对各种来水频率建立湿地来水量与湿地水文指标的关系曲线,根据该曲线和不同生态需水等级目标来确定不同来水频率下不同生态需水等级目标下的生态需水量。该方法提出的生态需水量计算方法能够针对具体年份确定该年份的生态需水量,结合湿地来水预测即可确定该年份的生态补水量,为确定具体年份的湿地生态补水量提供了一种量化方法。(3)提出了利用湿地水循环模型研究湿地生态补水策略的方法。该方法以湿地水循环模型为工具,对于假设的若干生态补水方案进行模拟,并对各方案的模拟结果进行对比分析,选出其中最符合湿地自然水循环特性的方案为最优方案。将该方法应用于扎龙湿地,得出了扎龙湿地的生态补水策略:①年内补水的最佳时期为汛期;②在条件许可的条件下,可利用人工补水模拟洪水脉冲对湿地进行洪水冲击,以达到一年补水多年受益的效果。(4)人类用水对扎龙湿地天然径流的影响比例多年平均在20%以下,影响程度并不是很高,但是呈现不断加强的趋势。单独对湿地来水量而言,来水量在枯水年大量减少的主要原因是自然枯水周期引起的,而人类用水则使湿地缺水更为严重。保证湿地生态需水是扎龙湿地恢复的重要对策,但还需要其他措施的配合,如加强污染管理,减轻湿地内部人类干扰,提高湿地管理水平和全民湿地保护意识,只有这些措施的积极配合,才能真正实现扎龙湿地的生态恢复和可持续利用。

【Abstract】 Zhalong Wetland is located in Songnen Plain of Northeast China, which is the largest ecological National Nature Reserve to protect red-crowned crane and other water birds. Its functioins include regulate regional climate, store flood water, purificate water body and reduce pollution. However, in recent years the shortage of water resources has severely affected the wetland’s ecological environmental health and even local economic and social sustainable development. In order to calculate ecological water requirement and supplement of Zhalong wetland and provide reference for other wetland ,the paper provide a method to calculate wetland ecological water requirement based on hydrological simulation and the conclusions are as followings:(1) Developed a wetland hydrological model based on reservoir model concept. The model divided wetland to interconnected weltand units according to topographic features. Each weltand unit was simulated by water balance, and ultimately established a water cycle system simulation model of the wetland. The model application in the Zhalong wetland shows that the model has a high precision in simulating wetland surface area and outflow. The model can provide a key simulation tools to establish ecological water supplement of Zhalong wetland.(2) Provided a method to calculate wetland ecological water requirement based on wetland hydrological model. Using hydrological model,the method developed a series of relationship curves beteewn inflow and hydrological index accoding to different inflow frequency,and used these relationship curves to estimate ecological water requirement in different frequency and different ecological degree. The method can calculate ecological water requirenment for any given year,so it provides a quantitative skill and tool for ecological water resupplement.(3) Provided a method to establish wetland ecological water resupplement strategy. Using wetland hydrological model, the method simulated the hydrological effects of Zhalong wetland under a number of ecological water resupplement scenario, and the simulation results were compared to elect one of the most consistent with wetland natural water cycle characteristic for the optimal scenario. The method was applied to Zhalong wetland and two ecological water resupplement strategy were concluded. (4) The impact of human activities to the natural runoff of Zhalong wetland is below 20%, the impact degree is not very high, but with a constantly ascending trend. The reason why water inflow to Zhalong wetland in dry years is very low is mainly due to the natural hydrological cycle periodicand, and human activities made this situation more serious. To restore Zhalong wetland, providing sufficient ecological water is important, but other measures are also need, such as strengthening pollution management, reducing wetland internal human interference, and improving the management of wetlands and wetland protection awareness of the whole people, only with the active cooperation of these measures, Zhalong wetland can realize ecological restoration and sustainable use.
