

Study on Integrated Prediction with Geologic and Seismic Methods for Jurassic Reservoirs in Santanghu Basin

【作者】 张宏

【导师】 郑浚茂;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿产普查与勘探, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 中文摘要论文以三塘湖盆地牛圈湖地区侏罗系地层为研究对象,探讨了储层地震、地质综合预测的技术原理和方法流程,重点研究储层地质预测方法和储层地震综合预测技术,并针对牛圈湖地区侏罗系储层横向变化大、非均质性强等特点,应用地震、地质、测井、钻井、试油等多种信息开展储层地震地质综合预测和油气检测等方面的研究,以寻找有利储层及油气聚集区带。目的是探索出一套适于研究区特殊地质条件且行之有效的储层综合预测技术系列,以提高储层预测和油气检测精度,并为该区下一步油气勘探提供可靠的依据。本文以沉积学理论为依据,结合地震、测井、岩心等多项资料对研究区侏罗系地层单元界面进行识别,并采用由单井地层分析到连井地层剖面的对比,由点到面,井震结合的方式进行了全区的地层对比与划分。本次研究将侏罗系划分为6个层序和3个含油层段,建立了牛圈湖地区侏罗系的层序地层格架。在此基础上,通过岩心观察及地震、测井、录井等资料的综合分析,对研究区侏罗系沉积相标志特征、沉积相类型及其时空展布规律进行了研究,指出了有利储层发育的层位和空间位置。研究结果认为该区主要发育扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲、湖泊和河流4种沉积相类型,纵向沉积呈两次大的水进水退沉积演变特征。且侏罗系三个油气藏主要受沉积相带控制,最为有利的储层为三角洲前缘相带上发育的水下河道砂体和远砂坝。在储层地质研究的前提下,以沉积相及储层特征分析结果为指导,采用高分辨率地震波阻抗反演、地震属性分析,地震谱分解和烃类检测等多种地震技术进行多学科的储层综合预测和研究。综合预测研究表明:储层砂体以多层式、多边式叠置形态出现,分布稳定,具备形成岩性圈闭的基础。并确定出有利储层发育区带和油气异常分布区,其中预测齐古组气藏异常区5个,累计面积28.2 Km~2;预测头屯河气藏异常区1个,面积8.6Km~2;预测西山窑为一个整体连片的油藏,面积76.8 Km~2。最后,通过有利目标综合评价分析,优选提出2口井位目标。采用本文储层地震地质综合预测技术,获得较高的预测精度:纵向上能够识别10米以上的储层;横向上预测的西山窑油层分布范围和齐古组与头屯河组气藏异常区已经实钻得到证实。

【Abstract】 The Jurassic formations are investigated at Niuquanhu area in Santanghu Basin. The technological theory and the methodological workflow of reservoir prediction comprehensively integrated with seismology and geology is discussed focusing on study of reservoir prediction methods and comprehensive seismic reservoir prediction technology in this dissertation. Hi-resolution seismic, geology, logging, drilling and other kinds of geologic information are applied to the Jurassic reservoir with serious heterogeneity at Niuquanhu area for studying the reservoir prediction and hydrocarbon detection for seeking potential reservoir and hydrocarbon play. The goal of the study is to probe a suite of effective comprehensive reservoir prediction technologies for special geologic settings, which improves the accuracy of reservoir prediction and hydrocarbon detection, and guides the future oil and gas exploration.The boundary surface of Jurassic sections of formation is identified based on the theory of sequence stratigraphy combined with seismic data, logging data, drilling core and other geologic information. The stratigraphic correlation and classification are performed combining with single well to seismic data from points to plane and from the analysis on individual well of sequence stratigraphy to study multiply wells of sequence stratigraphy. The study shows that the Jurassic strata are classified as six sequences and three oil-bearing intervals. Thus the framework of Jurassic sequence stratigraphy is established at Niuquanhu area. The sedimentary facies features and patterns, and the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics at the Jurassic are invested and obtained the map of horizon and spatial position of favorable reservoirs based on the core description and the seismic data, geographic logging, well logging. The results suggests that there are four types of sedimentary facies as fan-delta, braided river delta, lacustrine and fluvial facies at the area with a sedimentary evolution character of two large scales of transgression and regression sedimentary at longitudinal direction. It is conclude that three Jurassic hydrocarbon reservoirs are primarily subject to the corresponding sedimentary facies, and the optimistic reservoirs should be the fluvial channel sandbody and the distant sandbar in the delta front facies.The analytic results of sedimentary faies and the characters of reservoirs are adopted for the study of reservoir geology. Multiform seismic technologies such as hi-resolution wave impedance inversion, seismic attributes, seismic spectral decomposition and hydrocarbon detection are utilized to the integrated reservoir predication. The overall study demonstrates that the reservoir sandbody occurs in the form of multi-layer and multi-side overlapping with a stable distribution, forming the basis of lithologic traps. Therefore favorable reservoir belts and abnormal distribution zones of hydrocarbon are set on, of which five abnormal zones of gas pool with a total area of 28.2km~2 in Qigu formation, one abnormal zone of gas pool with a total area of 3.6km~2 in Toutunhe formation. It is predicted that a packaged oil pool with an area of 62.8km~2 has been confirmed in Xisanyiao formation. Two target wells are optimized for drilling through integral analysis on the favorable targets.The integral technology for reservoir prediction used in the study is superior in the high prediction accuracy. Seismic data shows that 10m reservoirs of thickness can be identified longitudinally; and drilling results suggest that the distribution range of the oil layers and the abnormal zones in Qigu and Toutunhe formations predicted horizontally are consistent with the actual geological setting.
