

Evaluation and Development about the Belt of the Thin-Stratum Heavy Oil by Yielding Horizontal Wells in the Western Slope West Depression Liaohe Oilfield

【作者】 张忠义

【导师】 林畅松;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 能源地质工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以辽河断陷西部凹陷西斜坡古近系沙一二段为例,开展了中深层薄层稠油难采储量的勘探开发研究工作。本文从分析区域地质背景入手,通过高精度层序地层理论、油气成藏系统理论等的研究,得出了薄层稠油油藏的分布规律及控制因素。在精细评价的基础上,优选出有利的含油圈闭,利用水平井方式进行评价部署研究,并取得较好的效果。通过本文所依托项目的研究,取得了下列研究进展:(1)建立古近系沙一二段的高精度层序地层格架,划分出2个三级层序和4个四级层序和9个五级层序。确定了该区发育有西八千和齐家两个扇三角洲沉积体系,其中西八千扇三角洲沉积体发育的面积大,相带延伸长,是主要的沉积体。通过目标层的单层沉积微相的研究,提供了目标层位单砂体在平面上的变化规律:河道砂体在横切水道的剖面呈透镜状特征,透镜体宽度一般300~400m,厚度一般5~10m,平面上沿着水道方向呈条带状,相互交叉成网状;在交叉的河道之间,发育有河道间的微相,主要以分选较差、泥质含量较高的薄层砂岩为主,少数部分发育成厚层泥岩,是油气储存的不利相带。(2)根据断裂体系研究,将主要断裂分为三类;以断裂体系研究为统领,将工区划分为内部斜坡带及盆地边缘带,同时根据区块成因特征的相似性,进一步归类细分为6个断块区,以区带为单元进行构造特征精细研究。通过对盖层分布特征的研究,确定该区两种圈闭遮挡条件的分布规律。按照成因类型,将发现的圈闭分成构造圈闭、地层圈闭、岩性圈闭三大类。构造圈闭是该区圈闭的主要类型,细分为断块圈闭、断鼻圈闭、断背斜圈闭,主要分布在内部斜坡带;地层圈闭主要是地层不整合遮挡圈闭,分布在盆地的边缘带;岩性圈闭主要以砂体上倾尖灭和河道侧向尖灭形成的圈闭为主,在该区分布较少。根据目标砂体的特征进行了目标圈闭的微构造特征研究。(3)描述了西斜坡薄层稠油的纵向、平面的分布特征,确定3个大的有利勘探开发目标区。从建立本区两种不同的成藏模式研究入手,分析了构造、沉积、断裂及油藏封闭条件等因素对稠油分布规律的影响,总结出5个油藏控制因素,分别提出了相带控制目标储层砂体发育、构造和位置控制油藏分布、小断层控制原油在厚薄油层中差异分布、盖层控制油藏类型、不整合控制原油性质等观点。(4)通过水平井相对于直井优越性的论证,确定本区薄层稠油采用水平井方式进行评价部署的可行性,结合本区薄层油藏目标储层、微构造等的研究成果,开展水平井开发技术研究。综合应用数值模拟方法,论证了水平井部署的油层厚度下限标准为4m,水平井长度为300-450m,并通过新钻探水平井证明利用水平井开发薄层稠油油藏的可行性。

【Abstract】 This paper is a technical summary on the evaluation and development of the thin-stratum heavy oil in the Western slope, west Depression, Liaohe oilfield. It presented the distribution and the control factors of the thin-stratum heavy oil reservoir by analyzing the regional geology background and by using the high-resolution sequence theory and the hydrocarbon accumulation system theory. The technologies about horizontal wells will be introduced to the exploration and development in thin-stratum heavy oil reservoir. This paper is a meaningful attempt on the exploration and development of the difficult recoverable reserves of heavy oil.The following results were achieved in this paper:1. The high-resolution sequences framework of shahejie formation has been established and divided into two 3rd order sequences and four 4th order sequences and 9 5th order sequences. Several sedimentary micro faces have been recognized within the high-resolution sequences framework, such as channels, bars and so on. Two large scale fan deltas were identified.The sedimentary micro faces mapping of the 4th order sequence revealed the xibaqian fan delta is bigger in this area and the lateral change of micro faces and sand thickness.2. According to fracture System research, all the faults were divided into three groups and the work area was divided into two parts: the internal slope and the basin margin. According to the similarity of causes and features, the structure was subdivided into six block-areas. In accordance with the genetic type, the traps were classified. All the traps were divided into 3 major categories, such as structure traps, formation traps and rock traps. The main trap type is structure in this area. Structure traps can be subdivided into block traps, broken-nose traps, broken-anticline traps. And they mainly distribute in the internal slope. the main formation trap is the unconformity trap which mainly distributes in the basin margin. Rock trap is seldom in this area.3. The distribution characters of the thin-stratum reservoirs were described and three major areas were identified to be explored. Started from two different modes in this district, all sorts of factors was analyzed which influence and control the distribution of heavy oil, such as structure, deposition, fracture and reservoir conditions. Those factors which control the distribution of heavy oil in the thin-stratum reservoir were focused. And the characters of the unconformity reservoir was tried to be told in this paper, too.4. Through analyzing the superiority of the horizontal wells which compare to the vertical wells, the horizontal wells were selected as the style to evaluate and develop these reservoirs. By applying numerical simulation methods, the minimum stratum thickness was demonstrated. So the research of exploration and development about horizontal wells was carried out in the three areas.

  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【下载频次】400