

Research on Fan Zeng’s Simple Strokes and Ink-splashing Figure Art

【作者】 郑庆余

【导师】 范曾;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 美术学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 范曾简笔泼墨人物艺术,是当今画坛的一个焦点,是欲谈当代国画而无法回避的重要现象之一。范曾以其对于简笔泼墨人物绘画复兴与开拓所做的贡献,当仁不让地成为当代中国简笔泼墨人物绘画艺术的一位重要代表。本文从思想基础、成熟之路与风格特征三方面探讨了范曾简笔泼墨人物艺术对于中国绘画乃至中国文化所具有的多方面的价值与意义。范曾历来重视绘画与思想修养之间的重要关系。本文主要从哲学、美学、文学等方面阐述范曾深厚的国学素养以及逐渐形成的独特思想观念,并且探讨了这些素养对于其简笔泼墨人物绘画的关键性基础作用。在哲学上,范曾以老庄为主,本文从老庄提倡的追求自由、顺适天然以及关于技与道相互关系等三方面论述了范曾从老庄哲学中演绎出的艺术哲学。在美学方面,范曾倡导“复归古典”。他的思想观念不仅仅针对艺术,更是涉及到整个人类世界的将来,“复归古典”便是他从将关怀人类社会的终极命运作为自己考量问题的最高标准这一层面建立起的自己的系统的美学观念。文学方面,包含了范曾文史诗等诸方面的修养。在其思想之中,学术研究与艺术创作不可割裂,是作为一个整体加以融合共进的。这也是他提倡画面文气、书卷气的思想根源所在。总之,本文的这一部分就是要从范曾的画外之功入手,深入分析其简笔泼墨人物艺术的精神内涵。就范曾简笔泼墨人物绘画本体而言,本文从成熟之路与艺术风格两方面进行了比较深入的探讨。范曾绘画大约是在丙子年全面转向简笔泼墨的,那么范曾艺术之路由其基本面貌的确立,到全面成熟,再到进行变法形成简笔泼墨风格的过程无疑对我们深入解读这一艺术提供了重要的依据。并且值得重视的是,范曾的简笔泼墨转向是一次包括思想、诗文、书法、绘画等等的全面变革,而八大山人的艺术对其绘画转变起到了至关重要的影响。范曾简笔泼墨人物绘画具有独特鲜明的艺术风格,而这也是本文着重探讨的内容。本文从范曾简笔泼墨人物艺术“画以载道”的题材取向、“笔简神全”的造型风格、“以书为骨”的笔墨风格、“以诗为魂”的意境营造、“灵来神会”的创作状态等方面,运用画面分析、比较等手段,对此进行了深入剖析。

【Abstract】 Mr. Fan Zeng’s simple strokes and ink-splashing figure art is not only a focus of the modern painting field but also an important aspect which can not be omitted when it comes to modern Chinese painting. For his contribution to restoring and exploring of Chinese simple strokes and ink-splashing figure art, he has become another important representative of this field after Liang Kai. This paper probes into the multifaceted value and significance of his art to. the Chinese painting and Chinese culture from three aspects: ideological foundation, the road to maturity and style features.Mr. Fan Zeng has always attached importance to the important relationship between painting and cultivation of and thinking. In this paper, from philosophical, aesthetic, literary, and other aspects, describes his attainment in Chinese Literature and his gradually formed unique concepts, and, it discusses the key role of these attainments and concepts to his simple strokes and ink-splashing art. In philosophy field, Mr. Fan Zeng mainly adheres to Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi and this paper discusses Mr. Fan Zeng’ s art from three aspects advocated by Lao zi and Zhuang Zi: the pursuit of freedom, the adaptation to the nature as well as the relationship between skills and doctrine. In aesthetics field, Mr. Fan Zeng aims at not only the arts but also the future of the entire human world, and the ’reverting to classicality’ advocated by him is his own systematic aesthetics idea established from the consideration of the ultimate fate of human society, which is the highest standard of his thinking. In culture field, Mr. Fan Zeng is cultured in many aspects including literature, history and poem. Integrating as a whole, academic research and artistic creation can not be separated from each other in Mr. Fan Zeng’s idea, and this is the ideological root of his promotion of literature and bookish flavor in his painting. In short, this part of the paper starts from the effort of Mr. Fan Zeng out of the painting field and deeply analyzes the spiritual connotation of its simple strokes and ink-splashing figure art.For the simple strokes and ink-splashing paintings of Mr. Fan Zeng, this paper discusses deeply from the road to maturity and art style aspects.Mr. Fan Zeng started to commit to simple strokes and ink-splashing art about from the Bingzi Year (1996), and his road of art from fundamental establishment to overall maturity and to the formation of the stype of simple strokes and ink-splashing undoubtedly provides an important basis for us to understand his art. And what is noteworthy is that the shift to simple strokes and ink-splashing is a comprehensive change involved in ideology, poetry, calligraphy, painting and so on, and Bada Shanren( Zhu Da, a famous monk painter in Qing Dynasty) influences him greatly.The distinctive and unique style of Mr. Fan Zeng’s simple strokes and ink-splashing art is the focus content of this paper. From the selection of subject matter of the painting which adheres to "reflecting doctrine by the painting, the sculpting style of "simple strokes and complete spirit", the stroke and ink style of "literature as hard core", the artistic conception of "poem as soul", the painting state of "combining spirit and afflatus", this paper uses means of analysis and comparison dissects this style deeply.
