

Study on Structural Performance and Path Dependence of Agro Product Processing Enterprises in Xinjiang

【作者】 马玲玲

【导师】 陈彤;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 新疆地处内陆,是经济较为落后的少数民族地区,也是一个农业资源大区。调整农村经济结构,大力发展农产品加工企业是促进农民增收的重要手段。寻求解决农产品加工企业绩效差的结构性原因和路径依赖,是把新疆农业资源优势变成产业优势和市场优势的关键。因此,深入研究农产品加工企业结构绩效与路径依赖问题,具有重要的实践价值和理论意义。本研究在全面了解和掌握国内外研究文献的基础上,以农业经济管理理论为基础,结合财务管理、企业管理、产业经济、市场营销、系统理论及经济计量分析等多学科理论和方法,采用定性分析与定量分析相结合、规范分析与实证分析相结合、动态研究与静态研究相结合的方法,全面掌握新疆农产品加工企业的情况和存在问题,以农产品加工企业结构绩效与路径依赖的内在关系研究为主线,为提高新疆农产品加工企业的结构绩效及其稳定性提出切实可行的政策和建议。本文分为三大部分,即理论分析篇、现状分析篇和路径依赖分析篇。第一部分理论分析篇,包括第一章、第二章和第三章,从理论上提出企业结构绩效的新概念和结构绩效五种类型及特征,提出了企业多维动态结构绩效模型,企业结构绩效动态变化分为四个阶段,即企业结构绩效的创业期、递增期、稳定期和衰退期,论述了农产品加工企业结构绩效的环境路径依赖和内在路径依赖。第二部分是现状分析篇,包括第四章和第五章,主要分析新疆农产品加工企业现状与问题,并分别从盈利能力、资产质量情况、债务风险状况和经营增长状况这四个方面分析了新疆农产品加工企业的结构绩效。依据路径依赖和突出关键性指标等原则,建立了农产品加工企业结构绩效评价指标体系及权重设计,并按重要程度对一级指标和二级指标进行了排序。从一级指标来看,按重要程度排序结果依次为农产品加工企业与政府和谐度、市场营销竞争力、创新管理能力、农产品加工供应链管理、市场结构、产出(财务)能力。第三部分是路径依赖分析篇。包括第六章、第七章、第八章、第九章和第十章。分别从市场结构、农产品加工供应链管理、创新管理能力、市场营销竞争力和农产品加工企业与政府和谐度等五个关键路径,揭示了新疆农产品加工企业的产业集中度、农产品加工供应链管理、企业家、市场营销竞争力、政府与企业结构绩效及其路径依赖的内在关系,提出促进产业集中、加强农产品加工供应链管理、建立基于企业家主导型结构绩效的运作模式、持续不断地提高企业市场营销竞争力等路径依赖对策,以及提高新疆农产品加工企业结构绩效的总体思路和政策建议。

【Abstract】 Located in the inland, an economically lagged minority area, Xinjiang is known as an agricultural region. It is a major means of increasing farmers’ income to develop agro product processing enterprises. To seek to find the structural causes of their poor performance and path dependence is the key in the way of shifting the agricultural resource advantages into the industrial and market ones. Therefore, it is practically and theoretical meaningful to explore in depths the above issues.The study, based on the entire understanding of the related articles and journals at home and abroad, using the theories on agricultural economics and management, as well as the theories and methods in the fields of financial and enterprise management, industrial economics, marketing, system theory and econometric analysis, adopts the quantitative and qualitative analyses, normative and empirical analyses, dynamic and static analyses, fully learns the situations and problems faced by the processing enterprises, analyzes the inner links between the enterprise structural performance and path dependence, and lastly recommends some relevant and practicable policies and suggestions to improve their performance and stability.The thesis contains three parts: theoretical analysis, present situations and path dependenceThe first part__theoretical analysis, includes the first three chapters, in which theoretically put forward the new concept of entreprise structural performance, its five types and their respective features, and present a Multidimensional Dynamic Structural Performance Model. This medel invides the dynamic change into four stages: entrepreneurship, improvement, stability and decline, discussing the environmental and inner path dependence.The second part is for the analysis on the present situation in Chapter 4 and 5. This part analyses the present situation faced by Xinjiang agro product processing enterprises; furthermore their structural performance from profitability, asset quality, liability risk and operational increase. According to path dependence and highlighting the key points, the thesis sets up an evaluation system, designs different weights and arranges the order of Level 1 and 2 indicators by importance. For Level 1, the sequence is harmony degree between enterprises and the government, marketing competence, innovation management, supply chain management of agro product processing, market structure and output capacity.The third part is about path dependence, in Chapter Seven, Eight,Nine and Ten. From the above major paths, the part illustrates the inner links between the processing enterprises’industrial concentration, supply chain management, eentrepreneurs, marketing competence, government, enterprise structural performance and their path dependence. And it put forwards the solution of strengthening industrial concentration and processing supply chain management, establishing an operational model based on entrepreneur leadership structural performance, and an overall idea and policy of continually increasing their marketing competence.
