

Research on the Institutional Innovation of China’s Private Enterprises

【作者】 林跃锋

【导师】 陈永志;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 经济思想史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国私营经济重新崛起,迅猛发展。但是,制度设计的缺陷与制度创新的不足仍制约着私营企业的进一步发展。而目前国内对这个问题的研究仍不很系统、不很全面。基于此,本文从我国当前的具体实际出发,借鉴前人的研究成果,对私营企业的制度创新问题作进一步的探讨。本文共分八章。首先,从经济思想史的角度对制度创新的相关理论进行梳理。分别阐述制度、创新和制度创新三个方面的基本内涵、相关概念,为全文的研究设置理论铺垫。其次,研究我国私营企业的制度特点与创新需求。通过我国现阶段私营企业产生与发展的历史回顾,概括出我国私营经济发展的三个阶段和产生的四种路径,考察私营企业的制度特征和创新需求,为以下相关章节的制度创新研究提供必要的前提。再次,总结西方发达国家私营企业制度创新的成功经验。通过对美国、日本、德国等发达国家的企业制度创新的过程和经验的分析和总结,提炼出对我国私营企业制度创新的有益启示。最后,在上述研究的基础上,从内外两个视角,分别就企业的产权制度、组织制度、管理制度、产业组织形式以及政府的作用等方面,对我国现阶段私营企业的制度创新问题进行具体的探讨。这是论文的重点。一是关于私营企业产权制度创新。本文概述了关于产权的基本理论,产权的基本功能和产权制度类型;研究了我国私营企业产权制度的现状、特点和存在的主要问题,探讨了私营企业产权制度创新的路径。二是关于私营企业组织制度创新。本文介绍了关于组织的基本理论观点,包括古典组织理论、近代组织理论和现代组织理论;阐述了我国私营企业组织制度的现状和存在的主要问题,论述了组织制度创新对私营经济发展的重要意义,探讨了私营企业组织制度创新的路径。三是关于私营企业管理制度创新。本文在评述关于管理的基本理论观点的基础上,从中小型私营企业和大型私营企业两个层面,研究了我国私营企业管理制度存在的主要问题,探讨了私营企业管理制度创新的路径。四是关于私营企业的产业组织形式创新。本文梳理了关于产业集群的相关理论,研究了产业集群促进经济发展的内在作用机理,分析了我国私营企业产业集群发展现状、制约发展的主要因素,探讨了加大创新力度,推进私营经济产业集群发展的对策选择。五是关于政府在私营企业制度创新中的作用。本文认为私营企业制度创新需要政府职能转变,分析了当前政府职能设置不合理和政府履职过程中存在的问题,提出了转变政府职能的基本方向、基本原则、基本思路、基本举措,并着重从建立健全法制保障体系、制度支撑体系、政府支持引导体系、市场体系和社会服务体系五个方面提出相应的对策建议。

【Abstract】 Since the beginning of reform and opening up, China’s private economy has developed rapidly. Its further development, however, is still constrained by defective institutional design and lack of innovation. Thereby, based on the previous research in this field, and from its reality, this dissertation, consisting of eight chapters, makes a further research on the institutional innovation of the private enterprises.First, institutional innovation and concerning theories are classified from the perspective of history of economic ideas, and institution, innovation, and institutional innovation are focused on as the theoretical basis of this paper.Second, the research of institutional characteristics and innovation demands of private enterprises in China is conducted. By tracing emergence and development of the current enterprises in China, this paper summarizes the three stages of private economy development in China and four channels of its emergence, and analyzes the institutional characteristics and innovation demands, which establishes a necessary prerequisites for the following chapters.Third, successful experiences of the institutional innovation of private enterprises in the advanced countries are concluded. Analysis and conclusion of the enterprises’institutional innovation in the United States, Japan, Germany and other developed countries are conducted to reach some inspiration that will be good to the Chinese counterpart.Finally, enterprises’property rights institution, organization institution, management institution, industrial organization form, and the role of government are fully dealt with to study the issue of institutional innovation of the current private enterprises in China from both the internal and external perspectives, which is the important part of the paper.First, it is about institutional innovation of property rights of the private enterprises. The basic theory, functions and types of property rights are introduced. Besides, the status quo, characteristics and main problems of private property rights institution are studied, and its innovation channels are explored.Second, it is about institutional innovation of organization of private enterprises. It introduces the basic theoretical views on organizational institution, including classical, latter-day and modern organizational theories, studies the status quo, and main problems of organizational institution of private enterprises in China, and explores its innovation channels.Third, it is about management institutional innovation. Based on the basic theories of management, and from the aspects of middle- and small-sized private enterprises and big-sized ones, it concentrates on the main problems of management institution of private enterprises, and explores its innovation channels.Fourth, it is about industrial organization innovation of private enterprises. The theories concerned about industrial clusters are classified, and the inner mechanism for promoting industrial clusters’economy is studied. Through studying the status quo of industrial clusters in China, and the main factors that hinder their development, some suggestions for promoting industrial clusters of private enterprises are put forward.Fifth, it is about the role of government in institutional innovation of private enterprises. It argues that the institutional innovation should go with change of government’s functions. Through analyzing the current unreasonable setup of the government’s function and the main corresponding problems, it brings forward the basic direction, basic principles, basic ideas, and essential measures of transformation of government’s functions, focused on some suggestions about five aspects—the establishment of a sound legal security system, institution-supporting system, government-guiding system, market system, and social service system.

【关键词】 私营企业企业制度创新
【Key words】 private enterprisesinstitution of enterprisesinnovation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】F276.5
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】822