

Chinese Ocean-The Inspection of Sea Power Construction in Ming China

【作者】 何锋

【导师】 王日根;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 专门史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文以马克思辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的思想为指导,采取历史学、社会学和军事学相结合的研究方法,深入考察在明朝海上力量建设过程中出现的一系列问题。这些问题包括国家海洋战略的提出,统治者的政治偏向对海军建设的影响,海军建设的指导思想及其带来的后果,海军建设的成果和不足,海上战争的成败对国家政治的影响,以及军事技术的应用和海军战术演进之间的关系。全文分为6个部分。绪论:进行学术史的回顾,介绍选题的原因和意义,以及论文的篇章结构、研究对象、研究方法、资料来源,力图说明历史学、社会学和军事学的研究方法是如何在研究中运用的。第一章:以时间先后为序,运用长时段历史观,来纵向研究明朝前期洪武和永乐两朝的海上力量建设情况,并以军事学的知识对其进行说明。第二章:以时间先后为序,运用长时段历史观,来纵向研究明中后期的海上力量建设情况,以及国家政策和皇帝个人好恶与海上力量建设之间的互动关系,并以军事学的知识对其具体建设措施进行说明。第三章:从现代政治学和国际关系学的角度来重新审视明朝海上力量建设中的外交控制力问题,以三个事例(郑和下西洋、安南战争和中日朝贡争端)为切入点,论证海上力量建设的强弱和运用的好坏对一国外交控制力的巨大影响。第四章:运用社会学和历史学相结合的方法,考察民间海上力量与明朝政府的互动关系。探讨民间海上力量在什么情况下能被政府接受,并且转化为国家海上力量。第五章:这是一篇全新的技术章节,将从军事技术的层面分析明朝海军在各个历史时期采用的装备和战术特点,使我们能更加真实客观地评价明朝海军的战斗成果和明朝海上力量建设中出现的一些问题。

【Abstract】 The thesis, under the guidance of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, with the methods of history, sociology, and military sciences, analyses and explains serial questions about the construction of sea power in Ming China. The thesis includes six parts.Introduction introduces the review of the academic history and the outline and methods of this research paper.Chapter I discuses the construction of sea power in early Ming dynasty, which included Hongwu, Yongle and xuande three eras.Chapter II discuses the construction of sea power in middle and later Ming China, which included three parts that were insider withdrawal and rebuild of sea power in mid-Ming, some new questions in construction of sea power in later Ming, and the rebuild and ruin of Liaodong navy.Chapter III discuses the power of diplomacy control in the construction of sea power, which through three given examples: Zheng Heh’s trip to western seas, control Annan, and abnormal political relationships between China and Japan.Chapter IV explains the mutual infection of sea power between folk and government in Ming China. This mutual infection displayed in two way, one was government made a double policy to folk sea power, another was the folk sea power transformed the national sea power in some conditions.Chapter V introduces evolution of navy’ s equipments and tactics in Ming China. It includes three sections which were navy’ s vessels, battleship’ s weapon, and the evolution of navy force tactics in Ming China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】K248
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】796