

The Evolution of Chinese University Campus Morphology

【作者】 陈晓恬

【导师】 王伯伟;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 大学校园形态的演变总是与其所处国家社会结构形态变化密切相关,西方发达国家的社会与大学校园形态演变属于内向发生型,与其表现出的渐进性演变有所不同;中国从封建社会向半殖民半封建社会再直接到社会主义社会的转型及其影响下的中国近现代大学的产生、发展均属于外向发生型,其更多的体现出历史阶段跳跃性特质。因此,中国近现代大学的形态可以说是因时而异、因地而异,它依靠改变自己的形式和职能以适应具体的社会政治、经济、文化环境,在各个历史阶段均表现出其独特之处。本文首先从历史阶段的时代特点定位出发,从横向剖面对每一特定时期大学校园形态的特点及其所处时期社会价值取向的对应关系做了详尽研究;在此基础上,本文以纵向时间脉络发展为主线,归纳其中起连贯性作用的主要促进因素是:文化特性、国家政治和对大学本质含义的追寻,从整体性的角度研究中国大学校园形态发展、演变的历史进程。全文分为上篇、下篇和比较篇三篇,以时间顺序为纲:上篇按中国近代社会发展进程分两章,阐述和分析1860年至1949年建国前中国近代大学校园形态的发展历程和促使这种形态产生的不同大学社会价值取向;下篇则按1949年新中国成立后的社会发展进程分四章,阐述和分析1949年至当前中国现代大学校园形态的演变和其对应的社会价值取向;最后本文以中国近现代大学演变进程为坐标,比较同时期基于不同国家社会政治、文化、经济因素中不同大学社会价值取向引导下形成的中西方大学校园形态。

【Abstract】 The evolution of university campus morphology has always been tightly coupled with the structural morphology of the society that it is in. In the western developed countries, the evolution of the society and university campus morphology appears to be introverted. Different from the characteristic of gradual evolution in the developed countries, the trend in China manifests to be extroverted. The abrupt jumps at certain historical stages are a special characteristic for the evolution of university campus morphology in China, which is due to the fact that China was developed from the feudal society to the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, then directly to the socialism society; and the founding and developing of the Chinese modern universities are under the influence of that special social evolutionary morphology. Therefore, the Chinese modern universities’ evolutionary morphology is very complex and it varies from time to time, and from location to location. To adapt to a concrete social politic, economy, and cultural environment, it adjusts its own form and functionality accordingly, and reveals a unique merit in each historical stage.Embarking from the characteristics of different historical stages, exhaustive research has been horizontally carried out in this dissertation on the correspondence between a specific university campus morphology and the orientation of social value that bears it for each individual historical stage. Based on that, this dissertation makes use of the vertical development along the time as a master thread, and induces the continuous key promotion factors to be: the traditional cultural characteristic, the centralization control and the pursuing of university essence, which conclude the historical development and evolution of the Chinese university campus morphology from an integrity point of view.The entire dissertation is divided into three sections, where Section III is for comparison. Taking the time period as the main thread, Section I contains 2 sub Sections to illustrate the relationships between the orientation of social value and the Chinese university campus morphology that were born from it, for the time period from 1860 to 1949, right before the People’s Republic of China was founded. Section II contains 4 sub Sections to elaborate those relationships for the time period after 1949. Finally, this dissertation compares the western university campus morphology with the Chinese morphology within different time period, both of which were formed under certain national social politics, cultures, and economic factors.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】TU984.14
  • 【被引频次】59
  • 【下载频次】4532
  • 攻读期成果