

The 3D Reconstruction Methods Study Based on Generalized Stereopair

【作者】 王伟玺

【导师】 石金峰;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 大地测量学与测量工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 随着高分辨率卫星遥感成像技术的发展,现代遥感技术已进入一个动态、快速、准确、及时提供多波段、多时相、海量对地观测数据的阶段,在国防建设、经济建设和社会发展等关系国计民生等领域有着越来越广泛的应用。随着遥感卫星数量的增多,以及卫星立体成像能力的不断提高,越来越多的卫星影像资源为全球范围内目标的三维重建提供了可能。但由于各种特殊因素的制约(如政治因素、经济因素、技术因素、安全因素等),导致了可用的遥感影像资源十分有限,采用传统方法实现急需的各种三维重建还面临极大的挑战。基于上述原因,有时针对某些特定区域,往往难以得到同一颗卫星传感器或者同一相机所拍摄的立体影像(要么根本没有,要么价格昂贵),却可得到不同卫星传感器或者不同相机所拍摄的该区域影像。因此,从数据的可得性和成本考虑,利用不同传感器或相机所拍摄的非立体影像,按照摄影测量与遥感原理和相应的数学理论,同样能够构建起广义上的立体影像对(即左右影像的成像几何模型可以完全不同),达到提取三维立体信息的目的,从而实现对该地区地形和目标地物的三维重建。因此,如何利用多源遥感数据以及相关信息实现准确可靠的地形与地面目标三维重建,这一问题越来越凸显出其迫切性和重要性。论文以基于多源遥感数据的三维重建为研究目标,对基于RFM(有理函数模型)的新型空间前方交会数学模型、广义立体像对的构建及计算方法等模型和算法进行了系统的研究,并进行了初步实验,主要研究内容如下:(1)对目前国内外利用遥感影像进行三维重建的研究现状进行了综合评述,并着重介绍了RFM模型在遥感影像三维重建方面的应用现状,分析了三维重建的发展趋势。(2)提出广义立体像对的概念,并对此概念从内涵、适用对象、现实意义和数学意义等方面进行了详细的阐述。并对广义立体像对的构建方法进行了说明。(3)提出了多源遥感影像数据规范化处理的技术框架,并对规范化处理所包含的内容和方法进行了探讨和说明。(4)扩展了基于RFM的空间前方交会数学模型。针对多源影像的复杂性,提出了RFM+CEM(共线方程模型)、RFM+AM(仿射变换模型)和RFM+DLT(直接线性变换模型)三种基于RFM的空间前方交会数学模型。(5)在模型算法研究的基础上,论文利用现有多源遥感数据对广义立体像对的构建和地面目标三维重建的精度进行了实验分析,着重分析和讨论了观测值权阵的引入及其对模型计算精度的影响。依据模型系数矩阵的状态,对RFM+RFM模型,提出了对观测值权阵的等步长探测法和多项式回归法,以求出观测值权阵的最优解,提高计算精度;对RFM+AM模型和RFM+DLT模型,提出矩阵QR分解或者岭估计的方法,保证模型解算的稳定性。最后证明了构建广义立体像对的可行性。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of high resolution satellite imaging technology, the modern remote sensing (RS) technology, providing multi-band, multi-time and abundant earth observation data in time, enters a dynamic, fast, and precise era. And there are more and more applications in fields of national defence, economy construction and social development and so on.The increase of quantity and the stereo imaging ability improvement of satellites, affords the possibility to reconstruct global targets. But due to the restriction of various factors (such as polity factor, economy factor, technique factor and security factor), the practicable RS imagery resources are quite finite. It faces huge challenge for us to obtain various imperative 3D reconstructions with traditional methods. Based on above reasons, sometimes in certain specifical regions, it is difficult to get stereopairs acquired by the same satellites or cameras (maybe imagery do not exist at all, maybe price is expensive), but easy to get imagery acquired by different satellites or cameras. Considering the availability and the cost of RS data, we can utilize these different non-stereo imagery, obey the principles of photogrammetry and RS and homologous mathematics theories, construct generalized stereopairs samely, reach the purpose to obtain 3D information, and then realize the 3D reconstruction for the terrain and target objects in these regions. So it is a problem that how to utilize these multi-source RS data and correlative information to realize the exact and reliable 3D reconstruction of terrain and objects. And this problem reveals its instancy and importance more and more, and needs to resolve the key theories and techniques relating to this problem.This dissertation focuses on the 3D reconstruction based on multi-source RS data, and makes systemic investigation in space intersection mathematics models based on Rational Function Model (RFM), construction of generalized stereopairs and relative arithmetics, and analysis of some primary experiments. The main study contents are as the following:(1) This dissertation reviews the up-to-date 3D reconstruction technologies utilizing RS imagery, and recommends the applications of RFM. Then prospects the developing trendency of 3D reconstruction.(2) Proposes a concept of "generalized stereopair", and expatiates this concept detailedly in connotation, fitting objects, siganificance of realism and mathematics. Then illuminates the construction methods of generalized stereopairs.(3) Aimming at multi-source RS imagery, establishes a standardizational processing framework, then studies and explains the contents and methods included in standardizational processing.(4) Expands the space intersection mathematics model based on RFM, and considering the complexity of multi-source RS imagery, brings out three new models: the RFM+CEM (Collinearity Equation Model), RFM+AM (Affine Model), and RFM+DLT (Direct Linear Transformation) .(5) Based on the study of models and arithmetics, this dissertation utilizes multi-source RS data in existance to construct generalized stereopairs and analyses the precision of 3D reconstruction in experiments. Then stressly analyses and discusses the intruduction of observation-value weight matrix, and its effection on computing precision of these models. According to the state of coefficient matrix of medels, for RFM+RFM model, brings out the equal-step detection and polynomial regression for observation-value weight matrix in order to compute the optimum values, and improve the computing precision; for RFM+AM and RFM+DLT models, utilizes matrix QR decomposition and ridge regression methods to guarantees the computing stability of these models. Finally proves the feasibility of construction of generalized stereopairs.
