

【作者】 范晓屏

【导师】 马庆国;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 目前,探讨网络购买行为渐成关注重点。但多数研究一般是从影响网络购买的直接因素上考虑,较少地从虚拟社会和虚拟人际关系的角度,来探讨网络购买行为。由于虚拟社会的特殊性,网络购买行为将直接受到网络互动交往的影响,这种网络互动与现实社会的交往互动不同,表现在互动场所、互动方式、互动内容和规范取向、道德约束、匿名性、虚拟性等方面的差异。遗憾的是建立在工业经济与实体社会基础上的消费者行为理论不足以解释网络购买行为,简单延用4P框架和传统消费者行为理论难以阐明网络购买行为的内在机理。鉴于此,探讨虚拟社会环境下的人际互动,以及对网络购买行为的影响,揭示其关键因素和作用机制将丰富并发展网络消费行为的理论,并有益于网站经营者制定更好的策略。本项研究基于理性行为理论和技术接受模型,以虚拟社区为研究平台,以其成员为研究对象,以网络互动为切入口,通过对网络互动维度的理论研究与构成要素的设置,通过对网络互动效用维度的理论研究和构成要素的设置,探讨网络互动、网络互动效用和网络购买意向与行为的内在关系,研究其影响的模式与路径,并根据网络互动程度的不同,分析其对三者关系的影响。本项研究运用消费者行为学、消费心理学、社会心理学、营销学等学科知识与方法,在总体研究思路上采取多维度、多层次的研究框架,理论分析与实证研究相结合,通过431份有效样本的研究,探讨网络互动、网络互动效用和网络购买意向之间的内在机理。研究的主要结论是:(1)构建了网络互动、网络互动效用和网络购买意向之间的关系模型本项研究构造了网络互动、网络互动效用和网络购买意向之间的理论关系模型,从理论上阐述了网络互动这种在新空间下的新的人际交往方式对人际关系的作用与影响,以及网络互动对个体网络购买意向与行为的影响机制。通过实证研究,证实了网络互动、网络互动效用和网络购买意向之间存在着内在的关系,说明了互联网所带来的人类新的生存空间、新的交往方式,以及新的网络购买与消费模式之间存在着相关性,从而在理论上揭示了三者之间的关系机制,表明了互动效用将是网络购买意向与行为的重要的标志值,而网络互动则是直接影响人们在网络上交往、互动的收益或效用,并最终影响网络购买意向与行为。(2)提出衡量网络互动的维度与构成要素本项研究提出了网络互动四维度体系,即互动场所、互动特性、互动方式和互动内容,通过实证形成12个构成要素,又经过二阶因子分析,最终得到10个要素:准确定位、定制化、规范化、技术保证、匿名性、虚拟性、单人同步、多人异步、工具互动和人际互动。(3)提出衡量网络互动效用的维度与构成要素本项研究提出了网络互动效用的三个维度:工具效用、社会效用和心理效用。通过探索性因子分析,共提炼出6个构成要素,即工具效用包含信息获取和有效决策;社会效用包含信任和社会规范;心理效用包含爽体验和认同感。(4)初步阐述网络互动对网络购买意向的内在影响关系本项研究在上述构建的基础上,通过问卷调查与实证研究,验证了本项研究所建构的网络互动、网络互动效用和网络购买意向之间的关系机理。研究表明,网络互动各维度要素通过网络互动效用而影响网络购买意向,其内在关系机理为工具效用、社会效用和心理效用以不同的影响强度作用于网络购买意向,社会效用影响力最大,工具效用其次,心理效用影响力最小。而网络互动各维度的要素则有选择性地影响网络互动效用,其影响路径各不相同,具体表现在不同的影响因素,或影响的不同强度方面。工具效用受到五个因素的影响:社会效用受到互动场所、单人同步和多人异步的影响,心理效用受到互动特性、单人同步和互动内容的影响。为进一步探讨关系机理的内含,本项研究引入了网络互动程度要素,并通过聚类分析,把样本按互动程度的高低分成两类,一类是高互动组,一类是低互动组。通过不同互动程度组的比较研究,得到网络互动程度对关系机理存在明显影响,低互动组的网络互动效用明显较弱,对网络购买意向的影响也明显地弱于高互动组。这一结果不仅指出了不同网络互动程度互动对网络购买意向之影响的差异,而且也再一次证明本项研究所提出的网络互动对网络购买意向影响作用与影响机制。

【Abstract】 In recent years, study on online purchasing behavior is becoming the key area of research. But most researches focus on the direct factors which affect on online purchasing behavior rather than from the perspective of virtual society and virtual interpersonal interaction to probe insides of online purchasing behavior. Owing to praticalarity of virtual society, online purchasing behavior is directly affected by internet interaction which is significantly different from the real interaction in the physical society. The differences between the internet interation and real interaction are the ones in norm of society, morality obligation, anonymity, virtuality and so on. It is a pity that the online purchasing behavior can not be explained by the theory of consumer behavior based on the physical society and industrial economics, it is very difficult to clarify the inherent mechanism by using 4P frame and the theory of consumer behavior simply. So it is very helpful to enrich and develop the theory of consumer hebavior to discuss interpersonal interaction under the environment of virtual society, to study its influence on online purchasing behavior and to open out key factors and their affecting mechanism, which will be beneficial to website businessman to make better strategy.Based on Theory of Reasoned Action, Technology Acceptance Model and the environment of virtual community, this paper aims at the community members and their internet interaction to mainly study the inherent relationship among internet interaction, utility of internet interaction and online purchasing intent and action, discuss the influencing patterns and path, analyze the different influence on the relationship by different level of internet interaction.In this study, the concepts and methodology of the theory of consumer behavior, psychology of consumption, social psychology, marketing management are used. On the research path, the paper adopts multi-dimension and multi-perspective conceptual framework, and combines theoretic analysis and empirical study to research the inherent mechanism of internet interaction, utility of internet interaction and online purchasing behavior. With the statistic analysis of 431 valid samples, the paper abtains a few findings as follow:(1) In this study, a model of relationship among internet interaction, utility of internet interaction and intent of online purchasing is built. It theoretically explores effect and influence of internet interaction as a new manner of interpersonal intercourse in virtual community upon interpersonal relation. it also describes the inherent relationship mechanism between internet interaction and intent of online purchasing. This study approves that there is inherent relation among internet interaction, utility of internet interaction and intent and action of online purchasing, which explains that there is a correlation among our new living space, new manner of interpersonal interaction, online purchasing and consumption pattern, thereby open out theoretically the mechanism of relationship among the three. It finds that utility of internet interaction is a key indication of online purchasing intent and action, that is internet interaction directly affects on utility of internet interaction, farther affects intent and action of online purchasing.(2) In this study, "internet interaction" is classified by four dimensions: site of internet interaction, speciality of internet interaction, mode of internet interaction and matter of internet interaction. With the empirical research, 12 factors are obtained. Using second factor reduction, 10 factors are finally obtained: exact positioning, customization, standardization, technologic guarantee, anonymity, virtual relation, one to one synchronization, everyone asynchronism, functional interaction and interpersonal interaction.(3) In this paper, "utility of internet interaction"is classified by three dimensions: functional utility, social utility and psychologic utility. With exploring factor reduction, 6 factors are abstracted: information hunting and efficient decision making within the dimension of functional utility, trust and social norm within social utility, flow experience and identity within psychologic utility.(4) With empirical study, the study approves relationship mechanism hypothesesed by the paper. Each deminsion of internet interaction affects indirectly online purchasing intent by utility of internet interaction, different utility of internet interaction gives different effect on online purchasing intent, the extent of affecting intension of social utility is greater than one of functional utility, the affecting intension of psychologic utility is the smallest. It is also found that each deminsion of internet interaction affects selectively on each utility of internet interaction, all of five fators of internet interaction have the influence upon functional utility, social utility is affected by site of internet interaction, one to one synchronization and everyone asynchronism, psychologic utility is affected by speciality of internet interaction, one to one synchronization and matter of internet interaction.The paper uses a fator of the level of internet interaction to further understanding of the relationshop mechanism. With the clustering analysis, the sample is divided into two groups by high and low level of internet interaction, one is high interaction level group, one is low interaction level group. According to comparative analysis, it is found that there is significant different influence on the relationship between the two groups. The utility of internet interaction of low interaction level group is significant smaller than one of high interaction level group, and its influence to intent of online purchasing is also weaker than on of high interaction level group. This results not only indicate the difference of influence on online purchasing intent between two groups, but also again explain that there is an influence mechanism between internet interaction and online purchasing intent and action hypothesesed by the study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】F49;F224
  • 【被引频次】119
  • 【下载频次】6726
  • 攻读期成果