

China and Sub-Saharan Africa in the Context of China’s Rise: A Win-Win Relationship?

【作者】 卡林(Karim BATHILY)

【导师】 陈志敏;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 国际关系, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 中国与非洲的关系并不是国际关系中一个新的变量。中国与个别的非洲国家的关系已经存在了几十年,甚至早于1949年中华人民共和国的成立。但是中非关系被国际关系研究者们长期忽视。直到近来,来自国际关系、经济、历史、政治学等学科的学者们开始对中非关系给与关注和评论。这是因为中国的崛起以及中国对非洲大陆的新的策略。中国的崛起和它对非洲大陆的新策略已经引来了许多学者们和政策制定者们的不同的解释。这些解释导致了关于非洲在国际关系中被边缘化的无效性的激烈辩论。这篇论文就是针对这一辩论而阐发的。在这一辩论中,中国崛起的观念的提出基于了中国传统的智慧。这一观念至少将分析家们化分为两个阵营。一类是持乐观态度的分析家们,他们将中国崛起视为一种良性与和平的转型。另一类是持悲观态度的分析家们,他们用中国威胁论来解释中国的显著的和多维度的优势地位。而中国在非洲行动也引起了一场针锋相对的辩论。对于许多观察家来说,中国与非洲的关系是非洲大陆发展的一个机遇。而另一些特别是西方观察家则将中国在非洲的存在视为一个问题,一个对人权、善治、民主与环保原则的挑战。针对这一辩论,这篇论文通过对撒哈拉以南非洲地区的集中观察和对中国崛起的考量来评估中国与非洲的关系。在界定了撒哈拉以南非洲地区与中国崛起的概念之后,笔者通过回顾中国与撒哈拉以南非洲地区的关系发展的历史与现实,来分析中国与撒哈拉以南非洲地区的关系不同方面。本文的研究基于相关的国际关系的理论性分析和对中国与撒哈拉以南非洲地区互动关系的直接观察和可获得事实的描述。不仅仅关注中非关系的经济方面也包括政治和文化方面。因此,本文的研究关注了中国崛起和随之而来机遇与挑战,在不可避免的牵连到美国、法国、英国与日本这些强国的背景之下中国与撒哈拉以南非洲地区关系的复杂性。基于上述考虑,本文的结论是中国与撒哈拉以南非洲地区关系可在中国崛起的背景下获得双赢,尽管双方目前还不能实现完全平等的收益。在最后的分析中笔者指出,通过与早期殖民大国相处的经验的学习,通过寻找其他与中国做生意的方式而不仅仅是依赖于原材料的出口,非洲应该从与崛起的中国的关系方面获得更大的利益,笔者建议应该建立一个竞争性的管理体系,能够吸引对外投资并且基于法制,善治和反腐败原则。此外,撒哈拉以南非洲地区国家应该对中国有一个共同的策略来应对中国对其的策略,只有这样,双方获得平等收益的共赢局面才会实现。

【Abstract】 China’s relationship with Africa is not a new variable in international relations. Relations between China and individual African states have existed for decades and have preceded the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. Yet, relationship between the two sides has been victim of neglect and lack of attention on the part of experts on international relations. It is only recently, that experts from a wide spectrum of disciplines, including international relations, economics, history, and political science are paying critical attention to Sino-African relations. Partly, this is due to China’s rise and its new strategy in engaging the African continent. Both China’s rise to great power status and its new strategy to the continent have registered different interpretations from a wide range of scholars and policy makers. The interpretations have created an intense debate that is about to invalidate the international marginalization of Africa. The present thesis contributes to the debate.On the debate, the concept of China’s rise is far from reaching the status of conventional wisdom. The least one can say is that the concept has divided analysts into two camps. Some optimistic analysts see China’s rise as a benign and peaceful transformation. Other pessimistic analysts develop the theory of China’s threat to interpret China’s remarkable and multi-dimensional ascendancy. Likewise, China’s engagement in Africa is the origin of an ongoing and contradictory debate. To many observers, China’s relationship with Africa is an opportunities for the development of the continent. Others, in particular Westerners see China’s presence in the Africa as a problem, a challenge to principles like Human Rights, good governance, democracy, and environmental protection. As a contribution to the debate, this thesis assesses China’s relationship with Africa by focusing on the specific region of Sub-Saharan Africa and by emphasizing a particular context, China’s rise. After defining the region of Sub-Saharan Africa and the concept of China’s rise, the research examines the different aspects of Sino-Sub-Saharan African relations through an historical account to the present day.The research is based on an analysis of relevant international relations theories and on a description of available facts and direct observations in relation to Sino-Sub-Saharan African interactions, focusing not only on the economic aspect, but also on the political and cultural aspects of the relationship.As a result, the research highlights the complexity of Sino-Sub-Saharan African relations in the context of China’s rise, the range of opportunities and challenges and the inevitable implications for great powers like the US, France, Britain, and Japan.In light of all the considerations above, the research concludes that Sino-Sub-Saharan African relationship in the context of China’s rise corresponds to a win-win situation, even if the two sides have not won equally. In a final analysis, the research points out that the African side would make a better deal in its relationship with a rising China, by learning from its past experience with the former colonial powers, by finding other ways to do business with China rather than just relying on massive exports of raw material. Instead, the research suggests that the African side should put in place a competitive administrative system, capable of attracting foreign investment and based on the rule of law, good management, and anti-corruption. In addition to that, it is pointed out that Sub-Saharan African countries should create a common strategy towards China as China has its own strategy to them. Only then, a fifty-fifty win-win situation can be achieved.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】D822.34
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】522