

Study on the Key Technologies of Computer Vision and Applications in RVD and Lunar Rover Navigation

【作者】 王保丰

【导师】 李广云;

【作者基本信息】 解放军信息工程大学 , 大地测量学与测量工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 论文根据我国航天事业发展的时代要求,针对航天器交会对接和月球车自主导航中测量的需求和应用,对国外拥有先进航天技术的国家和团体所使用的测量方法和系统的原理、特点进行了研究、比较和小结。论文主要围绕视觉测量技术在航天器交会对接逼近段和月球车自主导航中应用的几项关键技术进行了一系列的研究——CCD相机/摄像机的内外参数高精度标定,航天器交会对接靶标的自动识别技术及靶标高精度中心定位,月球车自主导航中图像快速、稠密、高精度匹配,航天器交会对接测量模式的原理、精度及特点研究,月球车路径规划的可视化方法研究等。论文从理论上和实践上进行了深入细致地研究与探讨,提出了一些创造性的理论和方法,并完成了相应的实验论证和实际应用工作。论文的主要工作总结如下;1.在内参数标定方面,详细推导了两步法标定鱼眼相机的方法。该方法只需要布设一定数量的控制点,无需其它硬件辅助,具有好的实用性,并且算法具有简单、直观、易理解和高精度等优点,并通过实验验证该方法可以实现鱼眼镜头的高精度标定。2.在相机外参数标定方面,对于航天器交会对接中单台相机视觉系统外参数的求解,推导了基于平面4点法标定外参数的方法,并与传统的角锥法进行了比较。实验验证了,本文方法的计算结果具有唯一性和正确性。3.对于交会对接和月球车导航中的双/多目视觉外参数的标定,详细推导了实验场标定方法的详细公式。4.提出了两种方法来求解交会对接和月球车视觉测量过程中坐标系间转换参数的概略值,给出了两种方法的详细步骤和公式,并实验验证了本文方法的正确性。5.针对月球车视觉导航中的图像匹配,提出了一种基于核线约束构建图像金字塔的匹配方法。6.对于交会对接测量中的图像匹配,设计出了两种人工编码标志,并实现了人工标志的自动识别。7.提出使用剪影法和灰度加权质心法相结合或剪影法和边界拟合法相结合,对靶标中心进行亚像素提取,并实验验证了上述方案的精度和稳定性。8.对于交会对接测量中多台CCD相机测量模式中的图像匹配,提出了采用核线匹配的方法进行目标的自动匹配。9.对交会对接中单CCD、双CCD或多CCD测量模式进行研究,给出了详细的计算公式,并对各种模式的测量精度和可靠性进行分析。10.提出使用“基于圆的两点法”进行月球车的路径规划,并详细推导了该方法的计算公式。11.将文中各章节的相关理论应用到与航天科技集团×××研究所合作开发的航天器交会对接“九自由度运动模拟器综合测试”和“月面巡视探测器原理样机双目视觉匹配技术研究”两个课题当中,并取得了良好的效果。

【Abstract】 The principles and characteristics of coordinate measurement system in countries and groups with advanced aerospace technical are summarized according to the current measurement requirements of RVD(Rendezvous and Dock) and Lunar Rover in our country. A series of research is carried out on the key technologies of computer vision in RVD and Lunar Rover, such as interior and exterior parameters accurate calibration of digital camera, automatically identifying targets in RVD, center subpixel localization of circular targets calibration in RVD, densely and accurately matching algorithm for Lunar Rover Vision System, the principles and characteristics of measurement modes in RVD, path planning based on geometry in Lunar Rover. This dissertation’s main work is as following:1. The paper puts forward a Two-Step method for calibrating fish-eye camera accurately. That method only needs the cloth to establish some control points without other hardware assistances. The algorithm is simple, easy comprehended and with high accuracy...etc. We make a experiment to testify the precision of the method in the paper.2. The paper puts forward a kind of method to calibrate rough elements of exterior orientation by four control points in a plane. We calculate the coordinates of three points among four points in camera station coordinate system by four control points and their image coordinate. Then we can calculate the rough transfer parameters between the camera station coordinate system and the control coordinate system by the coordinates of three points in two coordinate systems. We calculate the accurate transfer parameters by the above rough transfer parameters. We make a experiment to testify the veracity of the method in the paper.3. The calibration method of test range is deduced to calibrate the elements of exterior orientation of binocular cameras and multi-cameras in RVD and Lunar Rove navigation system.4. Two methods are deduced to calculate transfer parameters between two coordinate systems in RVD and Lunar Rove computer vision system .And we make a experiment to testify the veracity of the method in the paper.5. A method is deduced to finish image matching in Lunar Rove computer vision system that is base on epipolar image to construct pyramid image.6. Two coded targets are designed to finish image matching in RVD. And we make a experiment to identify the two coded targets by our algorithm.7. Two subpixel location algorithms of coded targets are put forward. One is subtracting image with center of mass by grayscale weight; the other is subtracting image with edge fit. A experiment is made to identify precision and stability of algorithm.8. Epipolar line matching algorithm is put forward to finish matching targets in RVD under multi-cameras model.9. Signal-camera model, double-camera model and multi-cameras model are studied. Their precision and stability are compared.10. The two-point with circul algorithm is put forward to carry out Lunar Rove’s path layout. And theory of the algorithm is given detailedly.11. The theories in the paper are triumphantly used to two tasks of "nine degrees of freedom movement simulator test" and "image matching study on double cameras of detecting on moon simulator".
