

Research on GIS-based Sewage Pipeline Monitoring and Maintenance Decision Support System

【作者】 颜文涛

【导师】 龙腾锐; 何强;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 市政工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 城市污水管道在使用过程中,各种环境因素将引起管道性能的退化,缩短管道的正常使用寿命,导致管道结构性破坏和功能性破坏。本文将GIS技术引入污水管网监测维护决策领域,通过监测污水管网的健康状况,为污水管网的维护优化提供决策支持,可较大地提高城市污水管网的管理维护水平和安全运行水平,同时也为GIS开拓了应用领域。本文研究了城市污水腐蚀介质对污水管道混凝土腐蚀机理,提出了城市污水腐蚀介质对污水管道混凝土的腐蚀模型以及城市污水管道结构失效概率计算方法;根据现状管道的破坏可能性及环境社会影响后果等因素建立了城市污水管道预报健康度评价指标体系,并基于灰色系统理论提出了城市污水管道预报健康度灰色关联综合评价模型,根据预报健康度确定污水管道检测的优先次序;根据现状管道实际破坏程度及环境影响后果建立了城市污水管道实际健康度评价指标体系,并基于属性理论提出了城市污水管道实际健康度属性综合评价模型,根据实际健康度评价结果确定污水管道维护的优先次序;在对污水管道检测维护技术经济分析的基础上,通过研究污水管道检测维护和破坏的费用函数建立了城市污水管道维护优化决策模型,可基于经济、环境和社会效益综合最优的目标选择维护决策方案;将GIS技术应用于城市污水管网的监测维护决策系统中,采用VB和标准ActiveX组件的形式,以SuperMap Objects为开发平台,编制了基于GIS的城市污水管网监测维护决策系统(PMMDSS)软件,该系统不仅具有常规的污水管网信息管理的功能,同时还能够进行污水管网监测维护决策功能,能够完成管网的管道失效概率计算、管道预报健康度评价、管道实际健康度评价和管网维护优化决策,并具有快速可视化的属性和空间查询及分析功能。本文以四川岳池城东区污水管网为实例,进行了污水管网监测维护优化决策。通过分析评价结果和决策结果,说明本文提出的城市污水管道预报健康度评价方法、城市污水管道实际健康度评价方法以及城市污水管网维护优化决策模型是有效的,PMMDSS可对城市污水管网系统的维护进行可视化辅助决策,可对其健康状况进行动态监测,为城市污水管网系统安全和可靠的运行提供决策支持,具有明显的经济、环境和社会效益。

【Abstract】 Various environmental factors will lead to degradation of sewage pipeline performance, and will shorten the normal life of sewage pipeline, and will cause structural damage and functional damage of sewage pipeline. The paper researches combination of sewage pipeline inspection and maintenance decision and GIS technology, and studies monitoring health conditions of sewage pipeline network, which can supply decision support to optimal maintenance of sewage pipeline, and can improve the standard of management and maintenance of sewage pipeline. The research has expanded the application fields of GIS.This paper studies the effect of corrosive medium in domestic sewage on concrete pipeline, and presents corrosion model and failure probability calculation model of pipeline structure. According to damaged possibility and environment influences result of actual sewage pipeline, this paper establishes sewage predictive health assessment indicators system, and bring forward grey relation integrated assessment model of sewage pipeline predictive health degree based on grey theory. An inspection order of priority is confirmed by predictive health degree. The paper establishes sewage actual health assessment indicators system according to factual pipes damage data and environment influences result of sewage, and bring forward attribute synthetic assessment model of sewage actual health degree based on attribute theory. The maintenance order of priority is confirmed by actual synthetic health degree of assessment result. On the basis of economic analysis of sewage pipeline inspection and maintenance technology, through researching inspection and maintenance cost function of sewage pipeline, this paper establishes optimal maintenance decision model, which can select maintenance strategy based on the integrated optimal target of economic, environmental and social benefits. GIS is applied to sewage pipeline Inspection and maintenance decision system. VB and ActiveX components is adopted in this research. SuperMap Objects is selected as the development platform, and then this paper developes a GIS-based sewage pipeline monitoring and maintenance decision support system (PMMDSS) software, which has not only conventional information management functions of sewage pipeline network, but also has monitoring and maintenance decision-making function, and can accomplish failure probability calculation, sewage predictive health assessment, sewage actual health assessment, optimal maintenance decision, and has quick visual attributes and spatial query and analysis functions.To test the program, sewage pipeline at new eastern district in Yuechi county, Sichuan province, is selected as the example, sewage pipeline monitoring and maintenance optimal decision is carried out. Through analyzing assessment result and decision result, this paper draw a conclusion: predictive health synthetic assessment model, actual health synthetic assessment and optimal maintenance decision model are effective. PMMDSS can supplies quick visual decision support for sewage pipeline network, can monitor sewage pipeline dynamically, and can provide decision support for credible, safe operation of sewage pipeline, can have obvious economic, environmental and social benefits.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】TU992;P208
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1132
  • 攻读期成果