

Research on the Relation between Knowledge Management and Management Performance of Software Enterprises

【作者】 蔡源

【导师】 周绍森;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 我们正在进入一个以知识(智力)资源的占有、生产、分配、使用(消费)为最重要因素的经济时代——知识经济时代。知识是知识经济时代企业资源的陔心,只有知识才能解释核心竞争能力,也惟有知识和知识管理才是企业核心能力、核心竞争力的惟一源泉。推动软件企业的知识管理除了可以大幅提升我国软件技术与相关产值外,同时也将进一步带动软件产业对其产品设计与创新的重视程度、降低生产成本、延长软件产业的产业链,并有助于提高软件产业的国际竞争能力,对于促进软件产业的升级和推动中国整体经济发展都有着积极的意义。本文首先对和知识管理流程、知识管理能力测量、组织绩效等问题相关的国内外文献进行了探讨,并归纳如下;一、企业因管理知识而获得利润的潜力,称为企业的知识管理能力。Andrew(2001)将知识管理能力分为知识管理基础建设能力及知识管理流程能力两大部分的定义和分类得到了大多数学者的认可和运用。二、知识管理属于企业活动之一,其范围包括知识取得、知识转化、知识应用、知识保护等流程;该流程是一个动态循环,并包括反馈与控制机制。综合上述专家学者们对知识管理的看法,本文对知识管理的定义为;“在企业愿景与战略规划下,促使企业内成员通过创造、扩散、转移与积累知识来实现提升组织的竞争优势,并将知识妥善利用与成员分享,进而改进组织的绩效。”三、企业知识管理能力衡量问题一直是学术界研究的重要内容.企业知识管理能力衡量的研究方法主要涉及多级模糊综合评价方法、综合评价的数学模型、评价指标体系和评价模型等。四、组织对其拥有的知识资源,特别是关键知识资源的利用效率和效果对于组织竞争力具有重要影响。知识管理能力与组织绩效息息相关。企业要提高组织绩效,首要条件就是建立一个分享知识的企业文化与环境。其次探讨了软件企业的知识特性,并分析了软件企业的知识管理的内涵;创新管理和领导的前瞻性、建设学习型组织、软件知识工作者的管理、软件知识的共享、不断地完善知识和更新技术、迈向新的知识产业。并且提出软件企业知识管理实施的重点是知识整合和创新。软件企业一般都有各种相对比较成熟的信息系统作为知识的载体,如何把各个系统中的知识甄选和整合起来是知识管理的重点。比如配置管理系统、办公管理系统、邮件系统、社区等整合起来。创新是另外一个重点。创新包括两个方面;一是技术的创新,二是管理的创新。技术创新是知识管理永远的主题,也是软件企业在知识管理过程中比较容易取得成果的一个环节。管理创新的意义在于可以不断改进业务流程,使得企业内部管理更为合理和高效。提出软件企业知识管理的主要难点在于共享。并提出了解决知识管理实施难题的几条途径;认识问题是最大的问题,也是需要很长时间才能解决的问题,需要企业高层要有基本的,打持久战的思想准备,避免急功近利的思想;在共享方面,可以从两个方面着手,一是必须让员工尽快体会到共享的好处,二是共享的方式和工具必须统一和很方便;知识管理的全面规划是难点也是重点,一定要在实施的初始阶段就要做好全面的规划。知识的分类和标准化是一个难题,如何结合企业的具体情况,制订方便、实用的分类体系和标准化方法是每个企业需要解决的问题,应避免产生大量的知识垃圾;软件企业知识型员工很多,与其它类型的人才相比软件人才的特点也很突出,因此,建立尊重、信任的氛围和文化是一个值得关注的问题。并以金蝶和用友软件为例探讨了软件企业实施知识管理的具体做法及其经验。第四章运用模糊理论构建了知识管理能力评估的指标体系。所构建的知识管理能力评估分为评估指标筛选与绩效评估两大阶段。依据知识管理循环结构构建以知识管理系统为核心的企业知识管理能力评估模式。并根据知识管理能力的信息技术、组织结构、组织文化、知识取得、应用、转化与保护七大层面与经筛选所得的评估指标构建了一个层级结构的企业知识管理能力评估体系。以语意变量来表达主观评估的模糊性,通过模糊德尔菲法来筛选评估层面中重要的评估指标,并结合模糊层级分析法计算各层面间的权重。并以三家软件企业进行知识管理能力评估为例,说明本文所构建的绩效评估模式的评估步骤与评估流程。根据案例分析中资深主管的自评结果,与本文所提出的模式与系统评估结果相当的一致。第五章运用平衡计分卡的方法对软件企业知识管理能力与经营绩效的关系进行实证分析。以浙江省软件行业协会2006年5月30日所公布的231家年审合格的软件企业为研究对象。主要以寄发问卷方式进行。经过问卷统计分析实证研究结果表明,信息技术基础建设对顾客层面绩效有正面影响关系;组织结构基础建设对企业内部程序层面绩效有正面影响关系;组织结构基础建设对学习与成长层面绩效有正面影响关系;知识取得流程对财务层面绩效有正面影响关系;知识应用流程对财务层面绩效有正面影响关系。此外,还得到组织结构基础建设对财务层面的绩效有反面影响关系;知识转化流程对顾客层面的绩效有反面影响关系。且研究结果呈现显著,但影响为反面因子。并针对分析结果对软件企业提出若干建议。一、必须注重加强信息技术基础建设。二、发挥组织结构基础建设对软件企业知识管理的积极作用。三、提高知识取得流程的效率。四、弱化知识转化流程对顾客层面绩效的负面影响。五、注重知识的应用和保护。未来软件产业的发展趋势势必走向网络化的发展。知识管理对于软件产业来说更显重要。未来软件企业者如何运用知识研发软件,或者利用知识来发行软件,利用知识来进行软件用户的服务都将会是将来软件产业从业者的重大课题。软件企业需要利用各种方法或方式来达到经营的目标,如良好的组织知识系统,学习型组织的建立等等,这些都是可以改善绩效的方法。但是由于软件产业特性的影响,为了研发项目的进行及代理发行软件,可能使得市场占有率下降,顾客满意度不佳并付出的大量金钱造成财务上的损失。只有运用并取得知识技术提高研发能力,提高软件开发技术能力,减少不必要的财务支出,减少代理软件数量并提高具有自有知识产权的软件的比例,才能有效提升市场占有率,提升顾客满意度、品质及提升财务绩效。总的来说,软件企业的竞争力来自于维持知识核心价值,如果软件企业有较佳的知识管理能力加以支持,则企业竞争力与技术的积累会变得更有效率。本文发现,由于软件产业是新兴产业,产业竞争激烈,尤其很多国内软件企业可以依靠做国外软件的发行代理或是数据加工代理而获得短期利润(如网络软件、信息管理系统软件等),因此宁可代理软件也不愿加强研发能力,长期看来并不明智。在软件产业环境变化快速的情况下,造成企业决策偏向短期决策,缺乏长远的目标及竞争战略。事实上,培育和留住优秀人才、维持知识核心价值才是软件企业提升核心竞争力的关键因素。

【Abstract】 We are entering an age of knowledge-based economy with which the most important characteristics are possessing,producing,distributing,and using (consummating)knowledge and intellectual resources.Knowledge is the core of enterprise resource in the age of knowledge-based economy.Only knowledge can interpret the core competitive ability,and only knowledge and knowledge management can be the source of enterprise’s core ability and core competence.Improving the knowledge management in software enterprise can not only increase the software technique and its related production value,but can also push software industry to pay more attention to the design and innovation of its products, to the decrease of producing cost and the extension of industry chain in software industry;at the same time it can increase the international competitive ability of software industry.This will be of positive significance in both pushing the upgrading of software industry and promoting china’s economic development.Firstly,this dissertation mainly discusses literatures such as the definition of knowledge,the management process of knowledge,the management ability of knowledge,the management performance of knowledge and organization performance.The discussions are as follows;1.Knowledge management ability refers to the potential of getting margin because of managing knowledge.Andrew’s definition and classification to knowledge management ability,which contains basic construction ability of knowledge management and knowledge management process ability,is recognized and used by most scholars.2.Knowledge management belongs to enterprise activities.It includes knowledge acquisition,knowledge transformation, knowledge pervasion and knowledge accumulation.It is a dynamic loop,and contains feed back and controlling mechanism.To sum up the attitudes of the experts towards knowledge management,it can be defined as "under the foreground and strategic planning of the enterprise,promoting the staff to raise the competitive edge of the organization by creation,pervasion,transformation and accumulation of knowledge, making good use of the knowledge and sharing it with the members,then improving the performance of the organization.3.Measurement of the enterprise’s knowledge management ability is always an important subject of academic research.The research methods to measurement of the enterprise’s knowledge management ability mainly refer to multi-class misty synthetically evaluation method,mathematical model of synthetically evaluation,evaluation index system,evaluation model and so on.4.Knowledge resources owned by an organization,especially the utilization efficiency and effectiveness of the key knowledge resources,play an important role in the competitiveness of the organization.There is a close relationship between knowledge management ability and organization performance.If an enterprise wants to improve the organization performance,the parameter clause is to establish a culture and environment to share the knowledge.Secondly,this dissertation discusses the characteristics of software industry and software enterprises.The knowledge management of software enterprises mainly contains;innovative management and forward looking of the leaders, construct-and-learn organization,and management of the software knowledge workers,sharing of software knowledge,continuous development of knowledge and technology and moving into new knowledge industry.This dissertation points out that the focus to implement knowledge is on knowledge integration and innovation. Software enterprises generally have various relatively mature information systems as a carrier of knowledge.One key of knowledge management is how to select and integrate knowledge from those systems,for example,how to configurate management systems,office management systems,e-mail systems,and integrate them with the community.Innovation is another key.It has two aspects,i.e. technology innovation and management innovation.Technology innovation is the permanent subject of knowledge management,and is an easy process of knowledge management for software enterprises to get results.The meaning of management rests on its capability to continuously improving business procedures so as to make internal management more reasonable and efficient.This dissertation shows that the main difficulty in knowledge management for software enterprises is sharing the knowledge and proposes some respondent measures;the most urgent problem is how to recognize problem,and it is also a dreary problem,which requires the senior management to make a basic,fighting protracted war mental preparation and to avoid quick success ideas.To promote sharing the knowledge we can begin with;to make the staff realize the benefits of sharing knowledge as soon as possible;and to make the sharing approaches and tools unified and convenient.Comprehensive planning is a difficult and key issue of knowledge management and should be completed at the initial implementation stage. The classification and standardization of knowledge is a difficult problem.How to combine the specific situation of enterprises and develop a convenient and practical classification system and standardized approach is the problem that each enterprise needs to address.Software enterprises have a lot of knowledge workers,and the characteristics of software personnel is also prominent compared with other types of talent,and therefore the establishment of respect,trust and cultural atmosphere is a matter of concern.This dissertation takes UF and Jindie software as an example to discuss practices and specific experience of knowledge management implementation for software enterprises.In the fourth chapter,the author constructs the index system of knowledge management ability evaluation and the evaluation pattern.The constructed knowledge management ability evaluation is divided into sifting of evaluation index and performance evaluation.According to the knowledge management cycle structure, the author establishes the enterprise knowledge management ability evaluation pattern whose key point is knowledge management system.On the basis of knowledge creation,pervasion,transformation and accumulation of knowledge management activities and the sifted evaluation index,the author constructs a layer-structured enterprise knowledge management ability evaluation system.In order to master the enterprise knowledge management ability,the author uses semanteme variability to express the faintness of subjective valuation,uses faintness Deft method to sift the important evaluation index of the evaluation aspect,and combines with the faintness layer analysis method to calculate the importance among each aspect. Taking the knowledge management ability evaluation of an intellective enterprise for example,the author tries to explain the evaluation process and approach of the performance evaluation pattern constructed in this paper.According to the self-judgment results of the three senior directors in this case,the pattern mentioned in this paper is quite in accordance with the evaluation results of the system.The relationship between software enterprise knowledge management ability and management performance is analyzed by the method of balanced scoring card in chapter five.The research subjects are the 231 qualified software enterprises in the annual verification revealed by ZheJiang Software Industry Association on 30 May, 2006.The research is done mainly by mailing question papers.After analyzing the statistics of the question papers,research shows that basic construction of information technology has a good effect on the guests’ performance,basic construction of organization structure has a good effect on performance of the enterprise’ inner procedure,and basic construction of organization structure also has a good effect on performance of learning and development.Procedure of knowledge acquisition has a good effect on performance of finance,and procedure of knowledge appliance also has a good effect on finance.Besides that,basic construction of organization structure has a bad effect on performance of finance,and procedure of knowledge transformation has a bad effect on performance of guests.The research results are presented remarkably,but the effect is reversed.Then based on the results of this analysis,we make some suggestions.Firstly,we should strengthen technological infrastructure construction.Secondly,we should let organizational infrastructure developments play an active role in knowledge management of soft ware enterprises.Thirdly,we should increase the efficiency of the flow of getting knowledge.Fourthly,we should weaken the negative effects to customers in the course of knowledge conversion.Fifthly;we should pay attention to the application and the protection of knowledge.The trend for future software industry development must head to the internet. Knowledge management is more important to software industry.How software entrepreneurs use knowledge to research software,use knowledge to publish software, or use knowledge to provide service to software users will be a significant subject for the future software industry workers.The software enterprises need to use all kinds of methods or modes to get the business goal,such as a good organization knowledge system,the establishment of innovative organizations and so on,which are all approaches to improve the performance.But affected by the feature of software industry,to go on with research projects and publish software may reduce the share of the market,lower the satisfaction of customers,waste quite much money and cause financial losses.Only to get and use knowledge technology to improve research ability and the software development ability,reduce unnecessary financial payout and amount of the deputized software and increase the proportion of software with independent intellectual property,can the market share,satisfaction of customers, quality and financial performance be improved effectively.Generally speaking, competitiveness of software enterprises comes from maintaining the core value of knowledge.If supported by a better knowledge management ability of the organization,the competitiveness of enterprises and technical accumulation will be more efficient.The paper finds out that because software industry is a new developed one competitiveness in this industry is very strong,especially,that many domestic software enterprises prefer to get short term margin by being the publish agent or data processing agent of foreign software(e.g.Internet software,information management system software),rather than strengthening the research ability which is not advisable for the long run.In addition to the rapid changing of industry environment,the decisions of enterprises lean to the short term and are lack of long term strategies on training excellent persons and competitiveness.Consequently, training excellent talents and improving the technology abilities must be the key factors in upgrading the competitiveness of software industries.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】F407.672;F272
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1585
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