

On Assessment and Policy of Quality Progress

【作者】 盛佃清

【导师】 郭贵春;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 质量问题是经济发展中的一个战略问题,质量水平的高低是一个国家经济、科技、教育和管理水平的综合反映。特别是,人类进入21世纪后,世界经济的发展已经由数量型增长转变为质量型增长,市场竞争也由价格竞争为主转向以质量竞争为主。然而,与世界发达国家相比,我国的质量总体水平仍有较大差距,突出地表现在质量进步缓慢,质量竞争力不强,这些问题势必会影响企业的经济效益、人民的生活水平乃至整个国民经济的提高。因此,在系统研究质量进步和探索质量进步规律的基础上,提出科学有效与切实可行的推进质量进步的政策措施,不仅具有深远的理论价值,而且具有重要的现实指导意义。全文除导言和结束语两部分外,共分七章。导言部分在介绍论文的研究目的、背景和现状的基础上,主要阐述了论文的研究设想及逻辑脉络及创新之处。之后的七章是论文的主体部分。第一章主要介绍本文研究的一些基本概念和重要问题,首次诠释了质量进步的概念和内涵,指出进行质量进步研究的理论和现实意义,剖析了质量进步的三个层面之间的相互关系。第二章主要基于质量科学基本理论,积极借鉴和吸取已有的专业研究成果,阐述了推动质量进步的理论方法和科技手段,总结特点,分析作用并提出了改进的方向。第三章系统地研究了质量组织在质量进步中的作用及其相关活动,论述了政府在质量进步过程中的地位和作用及我国质量组织管理体制应当遵循的改革方向。第四章有选择地考察分析了部分发达国家和发展中国家推动质量进步的质量政策,并与我国现行的质量政策进行比照,分析了质量政策在推动质量进步过程中的作用并提出了未来质量政策建设和改革的发展方向。第五章基于数理统计技术,有创新地构建了质量进步的指数评价模型,并以山西省机电行业企业为例,验证了该模型的可行性。第六章通过分析美国贝尔实验室、通用电气公司、我国海尔集团等企业质量进步及温州市区域质量进步案例,总结经验启示,探索质量进步的发展规律。第七章在考察和总结我国质量进步现实状况和政策措施的基础上,对我国关于质量技术、质量建设和质量治理必须制定的政策和必须采取的措施提出了对策建议,并特别指出,严格质量立法、加强技术基础、实施名牌战略、规范市场秩序、强化质量监管,是在市场条件下保证质量进步的战略选择和必然途径。这些都为我国政府质量政策的制定和质量管理的改进提供了理论指导和决策依据。最后,在预测世界科技高速发展对质量进步影响的基础上,在科学理性的视野下展望了未来质量进步的发展趋向,并提出本文的后续研究方向。本文的创新之处主要有,首先,本文首次把质量进步问题放置于社会、文化、政策、法律等语境中进行讨论,从而有助于将理论性的质量科学与应用性的社会实践结合起来;其次,首次系统阐述了质量进步的科学内涵以及与质量管理要素之间的相互关系,总结质量进步规律,凸显质量进步的宏观表征特性,为质量进步的更加深入系统研究奠定了理论基础;第三,理论研究与实证的具体实践相结合,构建了关于质量进步的指数评价模型,提出并阐述了一个测度质量进步的行之有效的评价指标体系,这将极大地推进质量进步在企业、行业和政府管理中的可度量进程。第四,基于质量进步的发展规律,从更加有效推动质量进步的角度系统提出了质量政策的建构,并在高科技背景下从科学理性的视角阐述了质量进步的未来发展趋向。

【Abstract】 The problem of quality is a strategic one for economic development. The level of quality is a general reflection of one country’s development in economy, science, education and management. As we move into the 21st century, the development of global economy has shifted from the quantitative increase style into qualitative one, and the emphasis of market competition has shifted from particularly on price to quality. However, the distances of general level of the research on quality between our country and the developed countries in the world are still very huge. Compared with the developed countries, our competition ability of the research on quality is still very weak, which impair the profit of enterprises and even the national economy. Therefore it is of great value both in theoretical sense and in practical sense to find out the laws of quality progress and seek for an effective measure for improving quality progress.Except for the introduction and the conclusion, there are 7 parts else in this article. Based on introducing the object, background and statement of this article, I list my research sketches and my main ideas in the introduction. By expatiating on the basic concepts and main problems, I show the nature and the research methods of quality progress in the first part; in the second part, I analyze the previous research result and point out a new reform direction on the ground of the basic theory of quality science; in the third part, I show how quality organizations play its part in the course of quality organization and their relative activities. Furthermore, I expound the influence of government on the quality progress and the reform policy on the management of quality organization; by comparing with the quality policies of some developed and developing countries, I analyze how current quality policy plays its part in improving quality in our country in the forth part. On this ground, I give some advice on the construction of quality policy and its reform direction; in the fifth part, I construct an assessment system model for quality progress index and take the enterprises of electromechanical industry in Shanxi Province as an demonstration based on statistical techniques; by analyzing some cases such as the quality progress of Bell lab, GE, Haier and Wenzhou area etc, I conclude some important laws of quality progress in the sixth part; The seventh part is on the policy choice of quality progress in China. Looking to the current state and the policy measure of quality progress in China, it’s necessary to make up an appropriate policy for improving the techniques and management of quality. And it is worthy to point out that we should take strict quality legislation, strengthen the technology base, implement brand strategy, standardize the market order, carry out the quality supervising and quality managing so as to instruct making up policy and reform measures, which is the strategic choice and necessary means for the quality progress. By prospecting the elements which constitute the quality society and the changing trend of government management model on quality, I point out the further research direction of my article in the end.The main innovative ideas in this article include: Firstly, it is for the first time to discuss problems of quality progress in the mix context of society, culture, policy and law, which help to connect the theoretical science of quality with social activities. Secondly, I analyze originally the nature of quality progress and its relation with the element of quality management. By so doing we can conclude the law of quality progress and character its property, which provide a theoretical base for further research. Thirdly, combining theoretical research with its demonstration of practice, I construct an assessment system model for quality progress index, which can improve the measurement of quality progress in enterprises and government. Lastly, In order to improve the quality progress, From the view of scientific reason I prospect the development trend of quality progress in the high-tech background.

【关键词】 质量进步质量评价质量政策
【Key words】 Quality ProgressQuality AssessmentQuality Policy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 06期
  • 【分类号】F203
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】892