

【作者】 孔文

【导师】 张一民;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 产业经济, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 现代物流产业是传统和新兴产业形态的结合体,是社会分工深化的结果。物流产业与国民经济其他各产业有着密切的产业关联,是有效实现社会再生产、提高国民经济运行质量和效率、提高国民经济综合实力和竞争力的重要基础性产业。建国以来,中国物流业自传统的货物运输模式起步先后经历了萌芽期、起步期和发展期等阶段。特别是20世纪80年代以来,由于市场经济体制的不断深化、物流基础设施的日益完善和现代信息技术的迅猛发展,加之货物运输需求量急剧增长、客户服务和成本意识日趋强化,中国物流业随之呈现出快速发展的局面,如行业规模迅速扩大、物流技术愈加先进等。但不容忽视的是,与世界发达国家相比,中国物流业目前仍存在集中度过低、竞争无序化、行业标准不统一、市场绩效欠佳等问题。物流业由于具有跨部门、跨行业和跨地区等特点,仅仅靠企业自身的努力远远达不到改变上述窘况并取得进一步发展的目标。从美国、日本等发达国家的情况看,由于他们运用已经相对成熟的现代物流理论对物流业加以规范和引导,从而推动本国物流业向技术现代化、功能集成化、服务系列化、作业规范化、目标合理化和管理协调化等方向发展。勿庸置疑,发达国家的成功经验对中国物流业的发展有着极大的借鉴意义。正是基于这样的背景,本文从产业经济学的角度并结合现代物流理论对现代物流下的物流产业进行了分析及政策研究。整篇论文分为五章,主要内容和观点如下:(1)国内外物流产业理论的形成与发展1901年,约翰·F·克罗威尔(John F. Growell)在给美国政府的《行业委员会关于农产品的配送报告》中第一次论述了对农产品配送成本产生影响的各种因素,从此揭开了人们对物流认识的序幕。20世纪60年代以后,科学技术和管理科学的进步促进物流与营销理念相结合,从而使物流业的服务范围扩大到需求预测、销售情报、库存控制、物资采购、退还货物、废物利用及处置等领域,这一阶段是物流行业的快速发展时期。20世纪70年代至80年代,物流管理的内容从企业内部延伸到企业外部,物流管理的重点已经转移到对物流的战略研究上。企业开始超越现有的组织机构界限而注重外部关系,将供货商(提供成品或运输服务等)、分销商以及用户等纳入管理的范围,第三方物流开始兴起。20世纪90年代以来至今,信息技术的进步使人们更加认识到物流体系的重要,这促使物流向信息化、网络化、智能化方向发展。这不仅使物流企业和工商企业建立了更为密切的关系,同时物流企业也为各客户提供了更高质量的物流服务。国内针对物流管理的研究比较晚,在确定性多级库存系统中的合作契约和物流链合作中的信息激励等领域取得了一定的成果。综合国内外的研究成果,在物流链理论研究方面还存在某些不足之处,如缺乏对市场需求高度不确定性的充分考虑、没有充分考虑供应链协作契约的内部信息不对称情况以及缺乏对生产能力约束的考虑等。(2)国外物流产业的发展趋势美国现代物流思想的萌芽开始于二战结束后。20世纪70年代,美国的生产企业为了节约成本,纷纷将工厂从国内搬迁到国外的原料产地,或者把产品的零部件运往消费地进行组装。这促进了物流业地区范围的扩大和货物快速分销思想的形成。20世纪80年代初期,美国政府放松了对交通运输业的管制,运输业的营运环境更加宽松,为现代物流业的进一步发展提供了条件。20世纪80年代后期,因特网在美国的出现和发展扩大了人们的视野,同时给物流业的发展插上了翅膀。此时,物流已经不再是简单的商品位移,而是配合商流和信息流的商业活动。物流的对象由原材料、半成品、产品发展到商品、服务与信息,充分体现了当今社会服务作为商品重要组成部分的思想,使物流的涵义大幅度拓宽。20世纪90年代以来,美国现代物流业进入发展的鼎盛时期,企业为不失去每一个销售机会而纷纷建立起了高效的商品供应链。日本现代物流起步于1955年。当时,物流管理的范围还局限在企业内部,管理的重点是降低成本、提高效益。1965年-1992年,日本物流开始向生产、销售以及服务的各个环节迅速渗透,并产生了显著效果。1992年之后,日本物流业向网络化、自动化、信息化以及绿色物流等方向发展。在此期间,随着科学技术的进步,物流理论迅速向深度和广度发展,主要的代表性理论有:宏观物流理论、微观物流理论、全程物流理论、JIT(Just in Time)理论、SCM(Supply Chain Management)理论、城市物流理论、QR(Quick Response)理论和ECR(Efficient Consumer Response)理论等。在以上理论的指导下,发达国家逐步形成了现代物流特征,并从这些特征中反映出现代物流产业的发展趋势,如扩大化、合理化、一体化、社会化、系统化、现代化等。(3)国内物流概念的导入和近年来物流业发展1979年中国开始实行对外开放政策,首次从日本引进物流概念。但由于当时中国的经济相对落后,政府和企业对物流的重视程度和支持力度远远不够,导致中国物流业发展速度较为缓慢。20世纪90年代以后,物流才开始受到政府、企业和学术研究机构的关注,物流产业随之进入快速成长期,增速位居世界前列。在传统仓储、运输和储运企业的基础上,以市场经济体制建设和新科技革命、信息化浪潮、买方市场与同期兴起的电子商务的出现为契机,中国出现了“物流热”。目前,中国由物流基础设施业、物流服务业、货主物流业、物流装备制造业、物流信息技术及物流系统业五大行业组成的物流产业框架已经基本形成,专业化的第三方物流业成为中国物流产业中发展态势最强、最具活力的一个行业。(4)实证分析部分物流园区的建设情况是反映一国或地区现代物流业发展程度的重要标志,而现代物流企业因拥有完善的功能、齐全的网络、规范的管理和高质量的服务,能够具体地表征一国或地区企业现代物流的发展水平。大连市综合物流园区的构建模式和中集集团科学、系统、高效的物流链管理体系能够较好地代表中国物流业的发展现状和趋势,因此,本文选取以上两者进行了介绍。(5)政策研究及建议部分尽管近年来中国物流产业发展迅速,但仍然存在物流成本偏高、市场结构不合理、第三方物流规模较小、物流外包比例较低、物流服务功能范围较窄等缺陷。现代物流业作为一个快速发展的新兴行业,其健康成长离不开合理有序的行业管理,因此,本文在借鉴发达国家物流产业管理经验的基础上,针对中国物流业目前存在的现状,提出了国家政府及有关部门对物流业进行宏观调控和管理以推动物流业发展的政策法规建议。在制定和落实全国性物流产业发展政策方面,政府应首先明确物流产业的战略地位,并制定相应的产业扶持政策;其次,充分发挥部际联席会议的作用,促进物流产业协调发展;再次,建立规范的绿色物流标志制度,促进循环物流的发展。为推动中国现代物流产业结构的合理化,政府应加大物流基础设施的投资力度,并向第三方物流提供适当的补贴。针对中国现代物流产业组织现状中存在的诸多缺陷,本文提出了政府应加强物流企业市场准入管理、优化市场退出机制以及完善企业兼并和联合政策等措施。此外,为充分发挥现代物流行业协会的监督和监管作用,本文建议国家政府应尽快制定和落实推动物流产业发展的有关政策,从而为物流行业协会的运作提供良好的政策环境。在促进物流协会发展的措施方面,本文提出了扩大行业覆盖面、加强行业协会自身队伍建设以及培育和发展行业和市场监管职能等措施

【Abstract】 The modern logistics industry is the combination of a traditional vocation with a newly arisen one, and is the result of deep society labor division. The logistics industry has a close connection with the other ones in national economy, it’s also the important foundation of carrying out social reproduction effectively, elevating the quality and efficiency of national economy development, and advancing all-around national economy strength as well as competition ability.Since the People’s Republic of China was founded, China’s logistics industry developed from traditional goods transportation, experienced buddy, incipient, and developmental periods. Especially since 80’s, because of the market economy system has deepened day after another, the logistics infrastructure has perfected continuously and modern information technology has developed fiercely. At the same time, the quantity of goods conveyance demand grows quickly, customer service and cost reduction consciousness enhances gradually, China’s logistics industry has developed immediately, such as the industry scale extends quickly, the logistics technique are getting more and more advancing. But what shouldn’t be neglected is that compared with developed countries, China’s logistics industry still exists in that concentration degree too low, competition system confusing, professional standard disunity, the market performance not right and some other defects. Because the logistics industry has multi-professional multi-section and multi-region characteristics, it’s not enough to obtain the target of the further development only depends on the effort of itself.Seeing from the circumstance of development nations such as the United States and Japan, because their logistics industries are restricted and leaded by the modern logistics theories, they are pushed toward technology modernization function integration, service series, work norm, target rationalization and the management coordination etc. It’s no doubt that the successful experience in the developed countries can direct China’s logistics industry for further development. It is in such a background, this article carries on analysis and policy research from the perspective of industry economics and using modern logistics theories. The whole thesis can be divided into five chapters, the main contents and view points are as follows:(1) The formation and development of logistics industry theories in the worldIn 1901, John F. Growell wrote a report, The Industry Committee’s Report Concerning Sending Agricultural Products, to American government. In the report, he firstly stated the major factors which influence the cost when transport agricultural products, and from then on, logistics was stated to be realized. After 1960’s in the 20th century, the progress of science and technology and management science promoted the logistics and marketing principle to combine together, extending service scope of logistics industry extend to the need estimation, sale intelligence report, inventory control, supplies purchase, goods sending back and waste recycling, etc. In this period, logistics vocation got fast development. During 1970-80’s, the contents of the enterprises logistics extended from the inner part to exterior, the point of the logistics management transferred to strategic research. The enterprises started surmount the existing organization boundary and paid more attention to the exterior relation, the suppliers and retailers were brought into the scope of logistics management, the third part logistics started to rise. Since 1990’s, the progress of information makes people know more about the importance of the logistics system, this urges logistics develop to information, network and intelligence direction. This not only makes the logistics enterprises and business enterprise relate more closely, but helps them provide higher quality service to the customers.The beginning of our country to research about logistics theories was later than the developed countries, but has got some accomplishment in the cooperation contracts of assurance in many inventory system and the information incentives in logistics chain cooperation etc.But the research result above still exists some shortage in the aspect of logistics chain theories, for example, they are lack of consideration about to the market need, have no full consideration about dissymmetry circumstance in the supply chain cooperation contract and lacks to consider the product ability stipulation etc.(2) The development trend of logistics industry in developed countriesAmerican began to study modern logistics after World War II. In 1970’s, the enterprises of the United States moved factories from domestic to material habitat abroad in succession for the sake of economy, or carried the spare parts to consumption place to carry on a construction. This promoted the expansion of logistics regional scope and the formation of the thought of quick goods retail. In the early 1980’s, the American government relaxed to the control of the transportation industry, the operation environment of transportation loosened more, and it provided a condition for the further development of the modern logistics industry.In the late 1980’s, the emergence and development of Internet in the United States extended people’s visual field, it urged logistics industry to progress quickly. In the meantime, the logistics was no longer the simple moving activity of goods, but matched with the merchandise and information flow. The object of the logistics was developed from raw material, semi-processed goods, and products to merchandise, service and information, it fully incarnated the thought that the social service is the import constitutes, and made the connotation of the logistics to expand widely. Since 1990’s, American modern logistics industry has entered into a vigorous development period, the enterprises set up efficient supply chain in succession for not losing each sale opportunity.Japan started to develop modern logistics in 1955.At that time, the scope of the logistics management still limited inside the enterprises, the point was to decline cost and increase performance. During 1965 and 1992, Japan’s logistics began to permeate into produce, sale and service, so prominent result was produced. After 1992, the Japan’s logistics industry has developed toward network, automatization information and green direction.During that period, along with the progress of science and technology, the logistics theories developed quickly in the depth and width degree, the main representative theories are: Macroscopic logistics theory, Microscopic logistics theory, whole aspect logistics theory, Just in Time theory, Supply Chain Management theory, City logistics theory, Quick Responce theory, Efficient Consumer Response etc. Under the instruction of above theories, the developed countries began to form modern logistics characteristics gradually, and it reflects the development trend of logistics industry, such as: rationalize extension, integration, socialiazation systemizing, modernization etc.(3) The importing of the logistics concept and the developing of logistics industry in China in recent yearsChina has started practicing the open policy since 1979, and imported the logistics concept from Japan for the first time. But at that time, the economy of China was very backward, the government and enterprises didn’t give enough attention and support to it, so the logistics industry in China developed very slowly. After that time, logistics attracted more attention by the government and enterprises, it entered a fast growing period immediately. On the bases of traditional warehouse, conveyance, along with the development of market economy system construction, modern science and technology revolution, information popularization, buyer market established and the emergence of the electronic commerce, logistics heat appears China.Currently, China’s logistics industry frame structure is constituted by five aspects, they are logistics infrastructure, service business, owner of goods logistics, the logistics machinary manufacturing, information technology and the logistics system. At the same time, the professional third part logistics industry has become stronger and one of the most energetic industry.(4) The instance analysisThe construction circumstance of comprehensive logistics zone is an important symbol of a country’s modern logistics industry development degree, and modern logistics enterprise which has perfect function, well-found network, norm with the service of the high quality can concretely reflect development level of the country’s modern logistics industry.The construction mode of Dalian comprehensive logistics zone and Zhongji Group’s scientific, systematic, high efficient characteristics can well represent the current condition and trend of the China’s logistics industry, so the article takes them as examples.(5) Policy study and suggestionsThough the Chinese logistics industry has developed quickly in recent years, but it still exists in some defects, such as the logistics cost is too high, the market structure is not reasonable, the scale of third part logistics is extremely small, the logistics service function scope is quite narrow, etc.As a fast developing emerging industry, the favorably and successfully growing of modern logistics industry can not get away from the proper regulation of government. Therefore, according to the correct understanding of the current condition of China’s logistics industry, drawing lessons from the developed countries this article proposes some suggestions about what the government should do to promote the logistics industry develop speedily.In the aspect of constituting and ascertaining nationwide logistics industry policy, firstly, the government should make the strategic position of logistics industry clear, then work out corresponding industry supporting policy. Secondly, the government should give full scope to headquarter-joint-meeting sufficiently, in order to boost logistics industry grow coordinately. Thirdly, standard environmental logistics sign system should be made up of to promote development of circulation logistics industry.To drive China’s modern logistics industry be more reasonable, the government should increase logistics infrastructure facilities investment, and provide The Third Party logistics with appropriate allowance. According to the defects that China’s modern logistics industry organization still exists nowadays, the thesis has suggested that the government should reinforce logistics enterprise market access measure, perfect enterprise market exit mechanism, and merger the enterprise policy uniting managing measures.As an emerging and rapidly developing industry, modern logistics depends largely on a regular and appropriate regulation to ensure the healthy growth of the industry. Therefore, this thesis focuses on the current status of modern logistics in China and further puts forward some suggestions and policies that the government should give general adjustment and control over the industry with a view to promote the smooth operation of the industry, on the basis of learning the experience from logistics industry management in developed countries. The thesis suggests that in terms of promulgating national policies and measures of logistics development, the government should, in the first place, have a specific orientation about the strategies of logistics industry and establish supportive policies; and secondly, bring into play the function of the joint association to promote healthy development of the industry; thirdly, set up regular green logistics indication system and promote the development of circulating logistics. The paper further argues that government should increase investment into the infra structure of logistics and provide subsidiaries to third party logistics in order to propel the rationalization of industry structure of China’s modern logistics. Aiming at the many existing disadvantages in China’s modern logistics industrial organization, the paper puts forward some measures including strengthening the regulation of entry into the industry, rationalizing exit mechanism and perfecting the policy system regarding acquisition and merge.In addition, the thesis suggests that government should speed up the pace in establishing and executing related policies of promoting logistics development and therefore providing a favorable environment for the operation of logistics industry association and for the full exertion of their functions. As for the measures in promoting the development of logistics association, the paper puts forward some measures in expending the industry, strengthening team construction of logistics association and cultivating and developing the supervision function of industry and marketplace.

  • 【分类号】F259.2
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