

Analysis on the Hog Raising Scale and Their Costs Benefit

【作者】 李桦

【导师】 郑少锋;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业经济管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 畜牧业是现代农业产业体系的重要组成部分,畜牧业发展的水平是衡量一个国家和地区农业现代化的重要标志。而猪肉的生产(猪肉产量占肉类总产量的2/3左右)和消费(在我国城镇居民的猪牛羊肉消费中所占比例在过去的十五年几乎都在4/5左右)水平决定了生猪饲养业在畜牧业中的主导地位。促进剩余粮食转化、改进人民生活水平、增加农民收入的有效途径是大力发展生猪饲养业,而生猪规模养殖和专业化生产是生猪饲养业发展的必然选择。本文以资源环境价值论、可持续发展理论、人力资源理论、规模经济理论、生产函数理论和博弈论为基础,运用会计学、统计学和经济学的基本知识,借鉴国内外己有的研究成果,采用定性分析和定量分析相结合的方法,研究我国生猪不同规模饲养的成本效益变化趋势,成本效益的影响因素以及规模经济效益所处阶段,从而选择出我国生猪饲养目前或将来的一段时间内的饲养规模,以期为节约生猪饲用物质资源、降低生猪饲养成本、提高生猪饲养效益和产品质量提供重要参考。全文共由8章内容构成。第一章,导言。本章主要阐述了论文的选题背景、研究目的和意义,简要综述了国内外研究动态,确立了本文的研究思路、方法及可能的创新之处。第二章,生猪饲养规模成本效益相关理论。本章是论文后续研究的理论基础。主要论述了成本的经济涵义、理论成本和实用成本的内涵以及它们的关系,阐述了规模经济的两个模型,指出本文对生猪饲养规模经济的成本效益的分析思路是按照公司规模经济的内涵进行的,认为生猪饲养产品成本应由生产成本、土地成本和环境成本三部分构成。第三章,生猪饲养规模化程度的演变。本章阐述了生猪饲养业发达国家和我国生猪饲养规模的演变趋势以及各自的生猪饲养规模演进的机理。第四章,生猪不同饲养规模成本效益变动趋势。本章首先从每头生猪总成本、每头生猪生产成本、每头生猪饲养物质与服务费用、每头生猪饲养人工成本的和50kg生猪生产成本等方面分析了生猪四种饲养方式的成本变化趋势,接着从每头生猪产值、每头生猪净利润、50kg生猪产值、50kg生猪净利润和料肉比、粮肉比等方面分析了生猪四种饲养方式的饲养效益变化趋势,最后对中美两国规模饲养生猪的成本效益进行了对比分析,以便为我国生猪饲养选择适度规模提供重要依据。第五章,生猪不同饲养规模成本效益变动因素分析。本章运用综合统计指数分析法,分析了我国四种生猪饲养方式成本效益变动的深层次原因。得出:仔猪购买重量和精饲料消耗量随着饲养规模的增加而增加,人工用量随着饲养规模的增加而降低,生猪的饲养物质价格大于饲养物质消耗量对直接物质与服务费用的影响,每头生猪价格、物质与服务费用价格和劳动日工值对每头生猪净利润的影响大于每头生猪重量、物质和服务费用消耗量和劳动量用工量的影响,每头生猪价格对每头生猪产值的影响大于每头生猪重量的影响等结论,剖析出了我国生猪不同规模饲养的成本效益变动的深层次原因,同时为选择生猪适度规模饲养提供重要依据。第六章,生猪不同饲养规模报酬(收益)水平分析。本章运用生产函数理论对我国生猪四种饲养方式的规模经济报酬进行了测定。得出我国生猪小规模和中等规模饲养都处于规模报酬递增阶段,大规模饲养处于规模报酬递减阶段,最后分析了小规模和中等规模饲养产生规模报酬递增和大规模饲养规模报酬递减的原因。第七章,我国生猪饲养规模选择。本章基于第四章、第五章和第六章的分析,运用灰色局势决策理论、可持续发展理论、人力资源理论和增量成本分析法,选择出了我国目前和将来的一段时间内生猪饲养规模总体上应倾向于中等规模饲养方式,接着运用增量成本法分析了中等规模饲养的不同规模层次在我国不同地区的适用性,最后从政策的支持性、人力资源的可行性、资金上的可行性、技术上的可行性和环境可持续发展等方面对适度规模模式进行了可行性分析。第八章,实现生猪适度规模饲养的政策建议。为有效实现生猪适度规模饲养,相关政府部门或生猪饲养者应采取以下措施:通过科学技术提高生产效率与改善养殖环境、培育适宜的生猪饲养组织形式、引导生猪主产区之间进行协作、建立生猪饲养风险管理防范机制和大力发展生猪饲料业。

【Abstract】 Livestock husbandry is a key component of modern agricultural industry, the important symbol of a country’s agricultural modernization is measured by the degree of Livestock husbandry’s development. For the production of pork (pork meat production accounts for 2 / 3 of the total meat output) and consumption level(the share is almost 4 / 5 of all of the total meat consumption of hog, cattle and mutton of the in China’s urban residents in the past 15 years),the two index shows pig farming industry’s dominant position in the livestock industry. Developing Livestock husbandry is an effective way of promoting the transformation of surplus food, improving the people’s living standards and increasing the income of farmers.Therefore, hog’s scale raising and specialization production is an inevitable trend of the developing livestock industry.Based on these theory of resources&environment value, sustainable development, human resources, scale economies and Production Function theory and game theory, the use of the basic knowledge of accounting, statistics and economics, referring to some research results,the dissertation employs the method of qualitative and quantitative analysis to study chinese hog’s raising modest scale to achieve saving the material resources and reducing costs and improveing profitability and product quality in raising pigs.The framework of the dissertation is as follows:Chapter 1: Introduction.This chapter presents the research background, the purpose and significance of the dissertation, and briefly summarizes and evaluates the dynamics of domestic and internantional resarch on the study of domain. Finally, the chapter puts forward the methods and possible innovations.Chapter 2: The theory of cost benefit of scale raising hog. This chapter firstly discusses the economic meaning of cost, theoretical and practical cost, as well as their relations. Secondly, expounds the two models of scale economies, points out that company’s scale economies cost accounting is the same with hog scale raising cost benefit ananlysis. Finanlly, This chapter presents the costs of raising hog finishing should be composed by the cost of production and cost of land and the environmental costs.Chapter 3: The Evolution of hog raising scale degree. This chapter firstly presents developed countries’and china’s hog raising scale trends .Secondly, analyses the gap between their scale of farming hog. Finally, this chapter concludes the evolution mechanism of hog raising scale.Chapter 4: The ananlysis on the trend of cost benefit changes of hog feeding different scale. This chapter firstly analyses cost changes trend of hog’s four types raising manners by the index, such as the total cost, the cost of production, material and service costs and labor costs per head and 50kg hog production costs, etc. Then analyses their benefit changes trend by the index, such as production value, the net profit per head, the production value per 50kg, net profit per 50kg and feed conversion. Finally, this chapter analyses cost benefit China’s and US’s scale raising hog. The chapter aims at providing the basis of choosing Chinese hog raising appropriate scale.Chapter 5: The factor ananlysis on the cost benefit changes of hog feeding different scale. This chapter applys comprehensive statistical index analysis method for analyzing the reasons of cost benefits changes.of four tyoes hog raising manners This chapter firstly puts forward that the amount of piglet’s weight and farming material consumption become more with increasing hog raising scale, and the amount of artificial becomes lower with increasing hog raising scale. Secondly ,the prices of farming material have more bigger influence than the amount of material consumption on material and service costs.Thirdly, the prices of finished hog , material and service and day labor have more bigger influence than the amount of hog weight ,material consumption and artificial on net profit per head. These results can be useful for selecting Chinese hog raising appropriate scale.Chapter 6: The Return Analysis on Hog Different Raising Scale. This chapter applys Production function theory to measure scale return and production efficiency of each hog rearing model.The analysis shows that small-scale and medium-scale raising hog are in increasing returns, large-scale raising hog are in decreasing returns. Finally, this chapter explains their reasons of their different scale return.Chapter 7: The selecting model of hogs raising scale. This chapter is the dissertation’s conlusion part. Based on the former analysis, gray situation decision theory and Incremental cost analysis method, resources&environment value theory, sustainable development theory, human resources theory, this chapter selects the medium-scale modle of Chinese hog raising in current and future period. Then, from the policy support, human resources feasibility, financial feasibility, the technical feasibility and environmental sustainable development, etc testify the feasibility of the appropriate scale model.Chapter 8: The suggestion of achieving hog appropriate scale feeding .In order to effectively achieve hog appropriate scale feeding, the relevant government departments or the household raising hogs should adopt the following measures : raising hog productivity and improving the feeding environment through science and technology , forming an appropriate organization of raising hogs, guiding pig-producing areas collaborating, establishing mechanisms of risk management of raising hog and vigorously developing hog feed industry.

【关键词】 生猪饲养规模成本效益
【Key words】 HogRaising ScaleCostBenefit