

Study on the Evaluation Approach of the Service Quality of Public Sector’s Website

【作者】 李吉梅

【导师】 宋铁英; 王庆杰;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林经理学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 随着社会信息化的发展,各级各类公共部门都在大力发展网站服务。本文进行公共部门网站服务质量评价的研究,目的是探讨有效地评价公共部门网站服务质量的评价方法,为网站管理者和用户理解、判断、反馈与控制网站服务质量提供依据和手段;并在实证研究中通过对公共部门网站服务质量现状的评价,为网站管理者发现和诊断网站服务中存在的问题、改进和提升网站的服务水平,提供数据支撑和对策建议。本文采用理论和方法研究与实证研究相结合的研究方法。在理论和方法研究中从评价活动静态与动态的角度,构建了公共部门网站服务质量评价的结构模型和过程模型;在对服务质量评价方法探索性实证研究(以北京语言大学辅助教学系统网站为案例)的基础上,构建了SQ-Atten评价方法。在实证研究时以国家林业局调查规划设计院(北京)和北京市园林绿化局为案例单位,对其网站服务质量,从内部网站用户的角度,进行了自填式问卷调查,对调查结果进行了多角度的分析。本文的主要研究工作包括:①运用系统方法构建了公共部门网站服务质量的评价模型,该模型包括静态的结构模型和动态的过程模型。②根据公共部门网站服务质量评价的特点构建了包括网站易用性、可访问性、关怀性和响应性等4大类的指标体系。③在探索性实证研究的基础上,提出了由测评网站用户的感知服务水平和关注度构成的SQ-Atten评价方法,其服务质量通过关注度对感知服务水平的加权运算得出,但该加权不是两者的直接相乘,而是通过关注度放大相应感知绩效的差异,以起到顾客心理效应放大的作用。④将粗糙集的启发式属性约简算法引入对属性重要性导出的分析中,提出可以应用属性约简补充常规的基本统计分析和回归分析方法的不足。⑤根据实证研究的数据分析,指出案例单位网站服务的总体水平属于“中等”;评价指标体系中的易用性、响应性和关怀性与网站服务质量具有显著正相关性,且易用性的相关性最大,其次是响应性、关怀性;网站用户的年龄、性别、职务、受教育程度、上网时间和登陆网站的次数,对网站服务的总体水平不存在显著影响,但用户的专业背景和登陆网站使用的主要功能,对网站的易用性、响应性和关怀性方面的服务水平存在显著影响。⑥根据实证研究的结果,提出当前提升网站服务总体水平的对策建议:一是针对网站本身优先改善其易用性方面的服务水平,其次是响应性,最后是关怀性;二是尽快提高用户的计算机素养、强化用户的在线办事意识。

【Abstract】 At present, all kinds of public sectors are ceaselessly improving the service quality (SQ) of their websites. This desertation studies the evaluation approach of the SQ of public sectors’ websites. First, it aims to construct the evaluation model and approach which can help a website’s managers and users understand, judge, feedback and control its SQ. Second, it aims to produce ever more detailed answers by case study to the question of what is the website’s SQ like and how to improve the SQ.The research methods adopted are both theoretical study and case study. By theoretical study, an evaluation model is constructed which consists of static structure and dynamic process model, and SQ-Atten approach is abstracted from an exploratory case study which has indicated that ZOT SQ approach is not applicable in the Chinese public sector’s context. And in case study, two forestry departments’ websites are selected to measure the SQ by using the outcome of the theory study. One case unit is the Academy of Forest Inventory and Planning (AFIP), State Forestry Administration, P.R. China. The other is Beijing municipal Bureau of Landscape and Forestry (BULF).Results and Conclusions:(1) An evaluation model is constructed which consists of static structure and dynamic process model.(2) An index system is constructed which covers usability, accessibility, empathy and responsivenss, and is based on the service characteristics of Chinese public sector’s websites.(3) SQ-Atten approach is abstracted from an exploratory case study, which measures end-users’ perceived performance of and attention to each indicator of the index system. And the service quality (SQ) is the operation result of performance and attention, which is less than the performance when the attention is high and performance is low, and greater than the performance when both the attention and the performance are high.(4) Data reduction of Rough Set can be used in the analysis of derived importance. It is complementary for regression and basic statistical analysis.(5) The case studies indicate that the SQ of the two units is medium and has a significant positive correlation first with the performance of usability and then with the responsiveness and the empathy. The SQ of the units is not significantly affected by the end-users’ age, sex, position, educational background and login hours and times whereas the end-users’ specialty background and the main functions they use while logging in do have significant influence upon the perceived performance of usability, responsiveness and empathy.(6) Suggestions for improving the SQ of the two public sectors’ websites are twofold. One is to improve its usability first, then its responsiveness and last its empathy. The other is to upgrade the end-users’ computer literacy and strengthen their awareness of doing things on website.

  • 【分类号】TP393.092
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1009
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