

【作者】 夏燕靖

【导师】 奚传绩;

【作者基本信息】 南京艺术学院 , 美术学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文以我国高校艺术设计本科专业课程结构为探讨对象,将视野聚焦于上世纪80年代初至2006年间,主要选择四十余所较具代表性院校的课程结构进行分析论证,力图揭示我国高校艺术设计本科专业在长期发展历程中存在的百衲衣式课程结构的问题。这一问题主要表现在课与课之间是碎片连缀,课程设置多为拼凑与堆砌,看不出贯穿其中的教育理念和课程设计原则。由此,造成艺术设计本科专业课程结构远离、甚至背离培养目标,出现课程教学目的不明、课程定位模糊、课程编制混乱的现象。全文由引言、正文四个章节、结论和附录及参考文献组成。引言,着重就问题提出及研究意义、关键词界定、课题研究现状、研究方法和努力目标进行综述,阐明的研究意义是以培养艺术设计人才的综合素质要求为出发点,依据当代教育理念提出的教育研究重心的转移,主要在于对课程问题重新认识的主张,将我国高校艺术设计本科专业课程结构出现的诸多问题,直接切入到具体的课程结构案例当中加以论述,以期挖掘问题的本质。进而从探讨艺术设计本科专业百衲衣式课程结构不合理因素出发,厘清课程结构与培养目标、课程的教学目的,以及课程设置等诸方面问题的内外在联系,最终在全而发展观的教育思想指导下,从理论上阐释清楚由培养目标到实现这个目标的一系列课程的展现问题,以达到提高专业教学质量的目的,保证艺术设计本科专业教育的可持续发展。第一章,围绕艺术设计教育课程结构的历史演变进行论述,主要从追溯历史的角度,说明我国艺术设计教育从孕育之初直至当代,一条错综复杂的教育之路绵延百年而持续至今。这不仅是形成我国艺术设计教育课程形态复杂多变的历史原因,而且是造成问题积重难返的结症所在。因而,要认识问题、揭示问题,尤其是要剖析问题,就必须从追溯、梳理其源头着手,从历史演变的过程中,把握早期图案教育的课程形态、工艺美术教育的课程特点和艺术设计教育的课程变迁的基本规律,特别是从各类设计教育同质异构的课程变化中进行探究,以此作为论述问题的基本条件和事实依据。第二章,围绕百衲衣式课程结构存在问题进行剖析,主要涉及三个方面的问题:一是指出课程序列结构本末倒置的问题,即表现为基础课程与专业课程的序列紊乱,技艺课程与综合课程的比例失调。这一问题在艺术设计本科专业课程结构中是一种比较普遍的现象。比如,基础课程与专业课程的设置,由于缺乏相应的课程目标层级性的要求,在课程的编制过程中往往出现序列颠倒,表现为课程课目、课程内容难以看出先行、平行和后行的序列关系。又比如,技艺课程与综合课程的配置,由于有一种习惯性的“主副课”思维观念作祟,同样在课程的编制过程中,形成两类课程的设计比例严重失调,进而在课程设置上,又是一种序列结构上的本末倒置,表现为技艺课程不仅课目繁多又庞杂,而且课时比重过大;综合课程无论是课目还是课时却少之又少,导致课程知识结构序列的严重倾斜。二是指出课程基本结构支离破碎的问题,即表现为课程的纵向结构与横向结构相互割裂、课程的逻辑顺序与要素组合缺乏衔接。比如,不少高校艺术设计本科专业的课程设置,就出现课程教学目的模糊、课程头绪过多、课程内容太乱、功能无从把握的问题。事实上,这是对课程结构不甚理解所导致的结果。尤其是艺术设计本科专业教育与市场密切相连,所面临的新知识、新技术、新领域、新问题,较之其他长线学科专业而言,要具体得多、敏感得多,可以说变化不断,各种问题层出不穷。再加之,艺术设计教育界长期存在着对课程结构的模糊认识,一味强调专业的个性化特征,致使多数院校是根据自身教学资源设课或设计课程,这就造成艺术设计本科专业课程结构多停留在封闭的自循环系统之内,出现课程结构和课程内容严重脱离实际需要、脱离学科前沿,甚至是低水平重复,反映出来的便是课程的基本结构支离破碎。三是指出课程类型结构模糊不清的问题,即表现为必修课程与选修课程划分不明、隐性课程与显性课程性质难辨。比如,不少院校在课程设置中普遍存在的一种现象是,只注重罗列各种各样的课程课目,而忽视对课程课目的分类说明,以及对学生选择课程的目标指导。尤其是必修课程与选修课程的设置,始终处于划分不明模棱两可的状态;而隐性课程与显性课程的相互作用,不仅在实习教学过程中未能得到有效的重视,就是在各个院校制订的教学计划或课程大纲中也存在着两类课程性质难辨的问题。第三章,围绕形成课程结构不合理的主要原因进行阐述,这是对上述提出三个方面问题进行的原因剖析,指出艺术设计本科专业课程结构暴露出来的问题,主要是历史、现实和体制方面的原因所致。从历史的角度看,我国早期设计教育的最初形成来源于三个方面:一是脱胎于清末民初的新式美术教育;二是直接师承手工艺作坊的师徒制传授教育;三是以日、德等国早期设计教育为主的国外混合教育体系的移植。这样,无论从哪一方面来说,延续至今的我国高校艺术设计本科专业课程结构,都只有纵向的历史关系,即大多局限在美术教育、手工艺教育的基础之上,所进行的专业技能训练,也都是垂直关系的传授。致使艺术设计本科专业课程结构,在相当长的历史时期内,是被定位在以技艺传授为主的教学体系之上,从根本上忽视了设计与社会、设计与人文、设计与科技,乃至与其他多种学科之间的横向联系。况且,我国高校艺术设计本科专业教育,是在经历了由早期图案教育、新中国工艺美术教育和艺术设计教育的不断变化过程中发展起来的。在长达一个多世纪的历史变迁中,也使得教育本身始终处于变化不定的状态,以致影响了课程结构的有序建立。从现实角度看,主要有两方面的原因:一是上世纪80年代初至90年代末,工艺美术专业设置受到两次大的发展机遇所带来的影响不容忽视。一次是在上世纪80年代初期,伴随着改革开放的热潮,在艺术院校、师范院校和工科院校中迅速发展起一批工艺美术本专科院校,呈现出加速培养工艺美术设计人才的发展态势:再一次就是在1999年,伴随着我国高校的全面扩招,艺术设计本科专业呈现超速发展之势,不仅专业设置数较上世纪80年代初有成百倍的增长,而且院校也扩大到理科院校、农林院校、经济院校和综合性大学。然而,在这两次较大的急速发展的过程中,艺术设计本科专业新旧并存的教育教学问题,又因诸多的现实原因,非但没有得到及时地解决和调整,反而叠加并产生出新的问题,各种问题变得异常复杂和尖锐。二是上世纪90年代末,在进行艺术设计本科专业目录调整后,由于推行和转变过程的时间苍促,以及诸多的历史与现实问题相互交织,导致课程结构的调整与改革未能及时跟进,造成课程结构等一系列教学应对措施的缺位。并且,这种缺位在其后也未能得到应有的重视和改进,不良影响一直延续至今。以至于在《专业目录》颁布实施后的九年中,艺术设计本科专业的课程结构调整与改革仍处于徘徊不前的状况。从体制角度看,计划经济体制下形成的艺术设计本科专业单一对口的课程结构,集中体现的是课程设置均严格按照国家拟订的相关计划执行。因此,出现的一系列课程问题便是计划经济体制所特有的问题,即单一对口的专业课程结构和相应僵化的计划体制,不利于高校为瞬息万变的市场需求培养多种规格和类型的人才。同样,社会主义市场经济体制的初步建立,在高校教育体制转化过程中所表现出来的一大特点,便是讲求学校自主办学效益的尽快提高。但在此过程中,由于片面追求“市场化”的经济利益思想作祟,出现了急功近利的课程观。这一课程观影响所及便是最大化的功利性教学目标的出现,很快这一观念便波及到整个教育领域。然而,教育的改革与发展并没有捷径可走,教育效益的最大化,也不可能采取搞样板工程的方式追求速成的效果,任何盲动的行为都要付出代价。这样,在新体制秩序尚未健全的过程中,由于各方利益未能得到应有的平衡,必然出现教育的过度竞争,折射出教育效益功能的异常放大,出现了盲目攀比和求全发展,进而导致形成急功近利的教育观,直接影响着我国当前高校艺术设计本科专业的教育质量。反映在教学过程中比较典型的现象,便是课程功利性非常突出,弱化了教育对人的全面发展的培养要求。第四章,围绕课程结构设计的主要原则进行论证,主要列举有三项基本原则,即培养目标是课程结构设计的根本依据;课程的教学目的是课程结构调整的基本原则;通识教育是课程结构的重要基础。通过阐述课程结构设计的主要原则,是表明课程结构的设计,一方面是教育现代化和社会现代化的客观要求;另一方面它在教育改革的进程中始终居于核心的地位,并通过促进课程的现代化,使之在社会现代化的进程中起到举足轻重的作用。此外,课程作为人类文化演进的机制之一,具有十分重要的文化传递、传播和创新的功能。因而,课程结构设计不仅是关系到教育改革能否推进的问题,也是关系到文化的继承和发展能否适应现代化要求的问题。结论,归纳为五点建设性意见:一是指出合理设计高校艺术设计本科专业的课程结构,是提高教学质量的必要前提;二是指出根据不同类型院校,确立符合各自培养目标的课程结构设计原则,是艺术设计教育呈现多样性与合理性发展的关键;三是指出完善课程结构设计,应以通识教育为基础,突出专业主干课程,密切各阶段和各层次课程的衔接,兼顾各学科课程的有机融合,以实现艺术设计教育的可持续发展;四是指出艺术设计本科专业的课程建设,迫切需要融入现代教育理论和课程理论,以促进学科体系和课程结构设计更加科学化、合理化和规范化;五是围绕课程结构设计的原则进行论证,主要确立了课程结构设计的三项基本原则。

【Abstract】 The dissertation tries to find the problems in the college arts courseeducation, focusing on the structure of undergraduate courses in art design fromearly 1980s to 2006, wich are selected from more than 40 different Arts colleges,.The major problems are the inconsistency between courses, the duplication and noclear principle and rule in curriculum. As a result, the arts courses are far fromtheir original goals, which leads to unclear education objective and disorderedcourse structure. The dissertation is made of introduction, conclusion,appendixand four chapters.Introduction: focusing on problem expounding, meaning of researching,definition of keywords, current research situation, and future research direction.Based on the transfer theory of contemporary education idea, we rethink theproblems of the arts courses and try to find the essence of these problems, withthe help of some cases. Beginning from researching the unreasonable factors ofundergraduate course structure of arts design major, we aim to make it clear thatwhat are the education goal and the relationship between internal and externalproblems. Finally, we try to resolve these problems, in order to improve the qualityof education and to make the courses of arts design develop continuously.First Chapter: Discussing the development of arts design course, with wrongdirection which has lasted more than 100 years and without any change till now, wetry to make a clear description of arts design course development. This is not onlythe reason for the changes of the courses, but also for the causes of the problemswe face now. So, to resolve the problems in the course, we must know its origin andfind its process of development, especially the different aspects of the artscourses.Second Chapter: According to the issues in the course structure, there are threemajor problems:First, the disbalance between skill courses and synthesis courses, the disorderof basic courses and special course are the major problems of curriculum structurein art design. For example, because of lacking the varied goals in different periodsand the disorder of the curriculum, it is hard to find the reasonable course order.One more example, because of the habitual idea of "Major or Minor Course", theproportion of skill courses and synthesis is far from where they should be, whichcauses a serious inclination to skill courses with ignorance of synthesis courses.Second: The discontinuity in course structure. There is no relationshipbetween vertical and horizontal course structure, and no connection between logicstructure and course elements. For instance, most of the undergraduate Art Designcourses have problems of the indistinctness in course objective, and there are too many assumptions, unclear course description and function, which have been causedby the misunderstanding of course structure. In direct connection with the market,the art design courses are facing more new knowledge, new technology, more new fieldand more new problems than other longer term majors. Further more, because of theemphasis on the personality in Art Design education field, most of the arts collegesset up their own art design course structures, which causes the self-developmentcircle of the art design course, secession from real market need and advanced field,and low level duplication of course.Third: Indistinct course structure, which shows the unclear demarcation ofrequired courses and elective courses, and the inconsistence of tangible coursesand intangibles courses. For instance, a normal phenomenon in many arts collegecourse is that they only list the course names, lacking the course functiondescription and guidance for choosing courses. Especially, there is no cleardemarcation between required courses and elective courses. The importance ofinter-function of tangible and intangible courses has never had enough attention.Third Chapter: Expound of the three major reasons causing the unreasonablecourse structure: history, reality and system.From the point of history, the early art design education had three origins:the new style art design, beginning from the end of Qing dynasty, the direct learningfrom masters in small hand craft workrooms, the transfer of amalgamate arts educationstyle of Japanese and Germany arts education. So, whichever origin came from, thearts education has the limitation, focused in arts design and hand craft teaching,and only vertical teaching for skill training. For a long period, the arts designeducation only focused on the skill teaching, but ignoring the horizontalrelationship between arts and society, humanity, science, and technology. Our artsdesign education has experienced several different development stages, with noconsistent external environment, influencing the development of reasonablestructure.From the point of reality , there are two major reasons: the influence of twodifferent development opportunities. The first opportunity began from early 1980s,with the tide of society restructure, many arts schools, teaching colleges, andtechnology institutes set up professional arts colleges. The second opportunity,all the colleges and universities have opened their doors for more students to havehigher education since 1999, many different colleges and universities have set upnew arts departments and majors, causing more problems in arts teaching. The secondreason from reality, with no enough preparation time, the adjustment of arts designundergraduate major in 1999 ,caused the lack of reaction of course structure.From the point of the society system, the arts course settlement,whichdeveloped in the planning economy system, must follow the nation’ s plan. So theproblems in the courses structure are normal in the whole society. For the same reason,as the establishment of market economy system, the colleges need to consider themarket needs to improve the education efficiency. From one extreme to another, manycolleges put the market benefit as the first consideration not the education itself,which has caused people only to consider the short term goals and has influenced the education itself.Forth Chapter: Discussing the major principle of course structure design, thischapter cites three principles: Education goal is the foundation of course structuredesign. Teaching goal is the major principle of course structure adjustment. GeneralEducation is the most important basis of course structure design. Discussing theprinciples of course structure design, the dissertation shows that the course structuredesign is not only the objective requirement of education modernization and societymodernization, but also the core of education reform with great importance. Besides,as one of the tools improving human culture’ s evolution, arts course still hasimportant function on culture transformation, communication and innovation. Thecourse structure design not only influences the process of education reform, butalso determines whether the culture’ s development could fit the need ofmodernization.Conclusion: The dissertation provides five points finally: 1, To point out that a reasonable artscourse structure is the pre-requirement to improve teaching quality. 2, To propose that differentkinds of colleges have their own courses structures which base on their own need. 3. To suggestthat, to complete the course structure design, the arts course should bulge the importance of majorspecialty courses which base on the total knowledge education, connecting the courses indifferent levels, and consider the combination of different fields to realize the continuousdevelopment of arts courses. 4. To point out that Arts course needs to combine the moderneducation theory and course theory to make sure that the art course structure is scientific,reasonable and under rule 5. Discussing the rules of course structure design, the dissertationidentifies the three principles of course structure design.
