

Study on the Competition and Cooperation Relationship among Regional Economy Units

【作者】 郝玉龙

【导师】 张仲义;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 系统工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 国内外学者从不同的理论视野和研究侧面对区域经济进行研究,逐步形成了具有学科特色的区域经济理论体系。目前,我国在区域经济领域的研究主要体现在三个层面上:在宏观层,促进东、中、西三大地带经济协调发展是我国确立的区域经济发展目标;在中观层面,城市化问题一直受到中国区域经济学界的关注,研究的重点是中国城市化应走什么样的道路;在微观层面,改革开放后的县域经济发展和非农化的演变,受到区域经济学界广泛关注,被认为是在本世纪头二十年全面建设小康社会所要解决的关键问题。这些研究主要集中在对区域经济的外部特征、宏观规划等方面,缺乏对业已形成的经济区域的内部个体的研究。基于以上认识和思考,本文运用系统理论方法和区域经济理论,对区域经济元的竞合关系进行研究,主要创新性工作如下:1.提出区域经济元的概念。区域经济元概念的提出借鉴了软件工程学面向对象的思想,将组成经济区域的不同单元定义为区域经济元,把流动要素和非流动要素定义为基本属性。这样就可以通过对要素的分析来研究区域经济元的竞合关系。2.应用因子分析、聚类分析等统计分析工具对区域经济元的综合竞争力进行了研究,并以京津冀十三个市为实证对象,实证结果得到肯定与应用。3.从劳动力要素、资金要素、技术要素三个方面对区域经济元进行比较分析,为区域经济元之间的合作奠定了理论基础。4.应用共生理论,以技术要素为研究对象,对区域经济元的竞合模式进行研究,提出技术扩散、技术输出、技术引进和互惠互利性四种模式,并建立相应的模型。5.建立以政府为主导的区域经济元利益协调模型。利益问题是区域经济元竞合关系的核心问题,本文应用博弈论建立产出—分享模型、并进行稳定性分析。

【Abstract】 Scholars from home and abroad have studied regional economy using different theories, view points and research perspective and gradually formed a specialized system of regional economic theory. At present, regional economic research in our country mainly focuses on three levels of scale. At the macroscopic level, the established regional development goal is the coordinated economic development of eastern, central, and western China, which is a topic worthy of a lot of attention in recent years. In the intermediate level, the urbanization always attracts full attention from scholars of regional economy in China. The focus of those research is which route Chinese urbanization should take. In the microscopic level, the county territory economy development and the non- agriculture evolution after the reformation and opening up policy received widespread attention from scholars of regional economy. These are considered the key questions which must be solved in the first 20 years of this century in order to build a comprehensive well-off society. Past research mainly concentrated on the macroscopic level and the surface characteristics of regional economy. However, these researches lacked focused studies.In light of the current state of the field as described above, this paper studies the competition and cooperation relationship within the regional economic unit using the system theory, method and regional economic theory. The original contributions of this paper are as follows:1. The dissertation originates the concept of the regional economy unit. The origination of this concept borrowed the idea of "facing the object" in computer science. It defines the different elements that make up the economic region as a regional economy unit, and defines the moving elements and the non-moving elements as the basic factors, then based on the analysis of these elements, this dissertation studies the competition and cooperation relationship in the regional economy unit.2. The paper studies the comprehensive competitive power of regional economy unit by applying gene analysis, clustering, etc, in thirteen case studies of cities within Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and putting the result into practice.3. The comparison and analysis of the three aspects: workforce, funding and technology formed the basis of the theory of cooperation between the regional economy unit. The theory was applied in the field research.4. Based on symbiosis theory, and taking technological elements as the objects, this paper analyzes the modes of competition and cooperation and establishes the following four categories: technology pervasion, technology output, technology input and mutual benefit.5. The paper establishes the mode of profit coordination with the government as the leading mode. The question of profit is the core question in the competition and cooperation relationship in the regional economy unit. This paper also establishes the mode of output-share based on Game Theory, and gives an analysis of the result over time.

  • 【分类号】F061.5;F224
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1171
  • 攻读期成果