

The Study of Solid Phase Extraction and Solid Phase Microextraction Technique in Important Tobacco Components Analysis

【作者】 陈章玉

【导师】 苏庆德;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 分析化学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 吸烟与健康的研究关系到人类的健康及生存质量。为了更加深入的了解吸烟与健康的关系、提高卷烟安全性,世界上许多国家都加大了卷烟有害成分的研究投入。本研究结合目前国家烟草行业减害发展需要,针对代表性有害成分的国内外分析现状,面对纷繁复杂的烟气有害成分,选择有代表性的成分如Hoffman名单包含的重金属元素、挥发酚、芳胺、多环芳烃作为分析研究对象。通过设计和研制专用装置,引入新的处理技术,创建了一系列分析烟草和卷烟烟气中重要有害成分的新方法。用简便快捷的分析技术从复杂的背景中准确测定这些成分,使分析得到简化的同时获得较高的灵敏度,为研究烟气中有害成分提供了准确快捷的分析新方法,具有广阔的应用前景。研究内容主要有以下几个方面:1、衍生—固相萃取技术分析烟草样品中重金属元素研究了适宜的衍生化试剂,将亲水性的无机离子衍生化为具有疏水性的待测成分,固相萃取柱对样品中待测组分的富集倍数在50倍以上。衍生后的金属离子络合物具有显色或紫外吸收特性,不但可采用固相萃取对这些成分富集,提高分析灵敏度和分析效率,还能利用HPLC分离、紫外检测器检测,实现了HPLC对镍、锡、铅、镉、汞多元素的同时分析。合成了若丹宁类试剂—对磺酸基苯基亚甲基硫代若丹宁(SBDTR),作为富集和显色试剂用于汞的测定。由于引入了磺酸基亲水功能团,络合物水溶性有较大改善,具有显著的富集功能,显色后使汞的分析灵敏度明显提高。通过衍生化试剂的合成与研究,将固相萃取技术应用到重金属元素光度分析和色谱分析中,结合了固相萃取与仪器分析的共同优点,使分析灵敏度得到显著提高、拓展了SPE技术和常规检测器的应用范围。2、两次固相萃取快速测定烟草样品中的挥发酚研究了两次固相萃取预分离和富集技术测烟草样品中的挥发酚。酚在碱性条件下能电离,以亲水的离子形态存在,弱酸条件下,以中性分子存在。充分利用了酚在不同条件下的电离特性,采用两种不同特性固相萃取柱,进行两次分离富集,使待测物与共存物预分离,且富集倍数达50倍。摒弃了酚定量分析中需衍化的步骤,卷烟主流烟气中的六种主要挥发酚在2.0 min内可达到基线分离,实现了挥发酚的快速定量分析。3、衍生一在线固相萃取测定烟草样品中的芳胺研究了邻甲氧基酚对烟草样品中芳胺的衍生作用,通过衍生化技术改变芳胺的柱分离保留性质和光谱吸收特性,实现了芳胺的固相萃取富集和与干扰物的分离。通过在线技术的应用,解决了大体积进样色谱峰拖尾和变宽的缺点。综合衍生化和在线技术,实现了烟气中芳胺的在线固相萃取富集—高效液相色谱测定,方法的选择性和灵敏度均显著提高。4、固态石墨固相微萃取测定烟气中的多环芳烃研制了固相微萃取石墨萃取头首次用于多环芳烃的分析。石墨晶体的层间尺寸稍大于苯环的厚度,由于嵌位效应,石墨晶体对多环芳烃具有较大的吸附表面积,萃取头展现了对多芳环具有较好的选择性,实现了多环芳烃的高效、高灵敏度分析检测。石墨性质稳定,固相微萃取的石墨萃取头直接在有机溶剂中完成分析物吸附萃取,克服了目前商品萃取头不能应用于有机溶剂体系的严重缺点,解决了固相微萃取项空吸附多环芳烃萃取定量不准确的固有缺点。分析中无中间转移处理步骤,定量分析的准确性、重复性得到显著改善。石墨固相微萃取的新方法为准确简便测定烟气中的多环芳烃开辟了全新的途径。

【Abstract】 Due to the requirement of development Chinese tobacco industry and the evaluation of representative harmful compounds in tobacco leaf and cigarette smoke, the investigation of determination method for heavy metal ions, phenols, aromatic amine, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in tobacco and cigarette smoke were necessary. By establishing some new sample preparation devices and technologies, the sensitivity and selectivity of analytical method for heavy metal ions, phenols, aromatic amine and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons analysis were improved, and the analytical procedure were simplified. The simple and accurate analytical methods for harmful compounds in tobacco and cigarette smoke were developed.Four main aspects were included in the dissertation:(1) Seven porphyrin reagents using as pre-column derivation reagent for the HPLC determination of nickel, tin, lead, cadmium, and mercury were studied. The nickel, tin, lead, cadmium, and mercury ions were pre-column derivatized with T4-APP to form hydrophobic chelates. These chelates were enriched by solid phase extraction (SPE) with Waters Xterra TMRP18 cartridge and the enrichment factor of 50 was achieved. This provided a new method to the determination of nickel, tin, lead, cadmium and mercury in tobacco leaf and cigarette smoke by high-performance liquid chromatography and got good results.A chromogenic reagent p-sulfobenzylidene-thiorhodanine (SBDTR) was synthesized. The SBDTR and its metal chelate has good water solubility because the SDBTR has a hydrophilic radical (-SO3H). This overcomes the disadvantages that rhodanine reagents have poor water solubility. Based on this, the sensitivity for mercury determination was also improved.By the synthesis of derivation reagent and the application of solid phase extraction in spectrophotometric and HPLC determination, the advantages of solid phase extraction and instrumental analysis were combined. The sensitivity and selectivity of analytical method were improved. The heavy metal analytical method in tobacco leaf and cigarette smoke was achieved with HPLC UV-Vis detector.(2) To determination of phenols, the two-step solid phase extraction method was studied. In alkaline medium (pH≥12.5), the phenols existed as anion speciation and have a strong hydrophilicity. They can not be retained on the reversed phase SPE cartridge. However, in the weak acid medium (pH=2.0~3.5), the phenols existed as neutral molecules speciation and have hydrophobicity. They can be retained on the reversed phase SPE cartridge. Based on this character, the phenols can be enriched and purified by the two-step SPE method. The selectivity and sensitivity for phenols determination was greatly improved. The key phenols can be separated completely with in 2 min.(3) The aromatic amines were derivated with o-methoxyphenol to form azo dyes. By derivation, the retention and spectral characters of aromatic amines were changed. It is easy to be separated from interference components and enriched by solid phase extraction. The sensitivity and selectivity of the method were improved. By on-line solid phase extraction the derivation techniques also solve the disadvantage of peak tailing and peak broadening when large volume of sample was injected. The determination of aromatic amines in mainstream smoke by on-line solid phase extraction and high performance liquid chromatography was achieved.(4) A novel graphite SPME fiber was firstly investigated for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons determination. Because the size in layer of graphite is homologous with benzene ring thickness, the graphite SPME fiber give a large adsorption surface area to the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The results show that the graphite SPME fiber has high selectively to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. It is especial suitable to extract polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in complex matrices. The graphite SPME fiber can directly extract the analytes in organic solution, avoid the sample transfer in the sample preparation procedure. The graphite SPME fiber avoided the disadvantage that the commercial SPME fiber can not use in the organic solvent system and expanded the application fields of SPME.
